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Decent Forum when it Works......!


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You guys need to sort the Speed of the Forum or whatever it is. Takes an age to load if at all.  Constant error messages.


I have tried FF Chrome and IE but all the same and have tried via high Speed Dongle as well  ??

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Been bad for a while - seemed to get worse after last upgrade - absolutely piss awful yesterday.


Server problems they keep saying.   :DeadHorse2:


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I thought maybe it was just my set up but obviously not. If it stays like that they'll lose a lot of members I guess.

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should be fixed now, they tried something that seems to be working now

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PM & Notifications buttons just started to work again (been ages) and currently it's loading OK.


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should be fixed now, they tried something that seems to be working now


here's hoping.  it has been annoying of late.  Still hanging in there though.  Great forum. 


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I thought maybe it was just my set up but obviously not. If it stays like that they'll lose a lot of members I guess.

Guys that have been here a long time have seen many upgrades etc and we are still here.

No one is forcing you or any members to stay but the fact that BMs seem to be on the increase rather than  decrease surely tells a tale  :GoldenSmile1:

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Went into grind mode again this morning, then picked up again.


BTW, the new way of the timeline(whatever?) not showing in quotes whilst posting is creating havoc for many who quite rightly clip long quotes (please don't stop) and apart from the quote then not appearing in a box, it's defeating Notifications.


So far, the only way of leaving the invisible header intact which I've found is to leave the first letter of the text there?


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every time i use internet ex to go on addicts it says using this site will slow down your internet. so now i use google chrome and its a lot better

any holes a goal

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Not a client problem.  Time to upgrade the hardware.


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Not a client problem.  Time to upgrade the hardware.


You mean our (BMs') PCs?


Pretty sure that's not it.  :Think1:


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OnTheEdge - I think he's talking about the server. (I hope)


I know the server is top notch, so maybe some upgrades are needed (apache or mysql, etc). But I haven't had any issues for a long time and the board works for me. There's always an option of investing in a CDN so it works smoothly on a global scale but that might get pricey depending on the bandwidth. http://www.maxcdn.com/


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as bad as ever in the UK this morning.

The most annoying thing for me lately is typing out a long reply to something, hitting the post button,  it  doesn't send and doesn't auto save (it is supposed to)  and having to type it out again 




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That worked ^  


after a delay


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After a good start this morning, it went back to grinding, picked up, grinding, picked up, grinding..............


..........then  mccoy.jpg


Back again OK for now.


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Seems like its working better with chrome


I'm running Chrome & Firefox simultaneously and sometimes one seems better, sometimes the other.

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OnTheEdge - I think he's talking about the server. (I hope)


I know the server is top notch, so maybe some upgrades are needed (apache or mysql, etc). But I haven't had any issues for a long time and the board works for me. There's always an option of investing in a CDN so it works smoothly on a global scale but that might get pricey depending on the bandwidth. http://www.maxcdn.com/


I did try a CDN before but when an IP gets banned for a member, it can ban the whole of the cdn. Thats what happened before.

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I just saw this 500 error for the first time on www.bangkok-addicts.com, a different server with a much lighter load, so it could be a software configuration problem.


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Very very slow and alot of error messages... maybe all these donations for more members/advertising should be spent on better hardware..

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I know it's irritating when an upgrade fcuks things up for a while, but it usually gets fixed given time.


Considering the whole PA thing is basically run part-time by 'amateurs' I think we do pretty well, certainly not anyone's fault if the service provider has problems.


I'll second Edge though, I really would like it if the quotes went back to the way they were before when replying to other BM's, it's a pain having to scroll around to check who's quote belongs to which BM, and not being able to shorten the quotes if you just want to reply to one point.


Stick with it, normal service will no doubt be resumed as soon as possible :GoldenSmile1: .






Perthie's PA Bash and Bikini/Glow Party 19th May 2017.  Bikini clad girls in body paint, great food including pig roast, free shots, games and prizes for the lads and lasses.

 6pm onwards at Sexy In The City (Soi 6) under the hosting expertise of the magnificent Xylanic.

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I .....................................

I'll second Edge though, I really would like it if the quotes went back to the way they were before when replying to other BM's, it's a pain having to scroll around to check who's quote belongs to which BM, and not being able to shorten the quotes if you just want to reply to one point.




As I think I said, the work-around I've found so far is to leave the first letter of the original text intact as above.


Otherwise the header is lost and the Notification thus defeated.


The other annoyance is that so far I can't work out how to nest quotes as before, which I used to explain my reason for my reply.

Nesting is enables on the other Invision boards, but for some reason PA don't like it.

Nesting can make replies over bulky, but often without it the post doesn't make sense and causes confusion.



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These new ways of quoting are a pain.


That said, is the server still in India?...



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