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Chelsea's Eden Hazard kicks ballboy in the chest


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I watched the replay over and over on you tube and you can see Hazard look for the ball before he kicks it. My opinion is that the ball boy is acting and needs a good slap.


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Kid a plonker IMO...sees the ball but all he needs to do is move out of the way and let the Chelsea player pick it up. Instead he falls on it clearly with the intent of time wasting. The player did kick out though and definately a red card.


However Swansea should replace the ball boy to teach him a lesson.


The commentary team were quick to condemn Hazzard but there is definate intent by the kid to waste time followed by a considerable amount of play acting IMO


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Can't be justified.


Hazard being a twat and ballboy being a cnut playing it for all it was worth.


I presume he wasn't a Chelsea supporter?


Why no link Sinbad?




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before the match,the ball boy was tweeting that he is the king of time wasting.

His twitter account is charlie morgan.

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hard to tell,if he actually hit him,but a silly move by hazard.chelsea as a big time will always be awarded extra time.not as much as united though. where the rules are we play till united win

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before the match,the ball boy was tweeting that he is the king of time wasting.

His twitter account is charlie morgan.


One YouTube comment said some of the Chelsea players were staying at the Morgan hotel......his Dad's place.


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Put him in a rugby scrum then watch him complain. Just looking for his 15 minutes of fame.

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I hear Brentford's ballboy is taking no chances for this weekends FA Cup tie with Chelsea & Hazard!!!



p.s. 12:00 27/01


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The latest news is that Eden Hazard has gone to see his Doctor this morning for medical advice. The Doctor prescribed kickateen patches....


It would have been far better if it had been Torres...he'd have missed altogether...:GoldenSmile1:


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Turns out this ball `boy`is 17 yrs old,his dad is a millionaire many times over,a director at swansea i think.Not bothered about chelsea at all but i`ve come down on hazzards side,the ball `boy`wasnt kicked,hazzard merely toe poked the ball from under him,if your team was pressing for a goal with time running out and this happened you`d be shouting for the little twat to be kicked and not the ball.

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It's a simple case of 'the shit hits the fan' ...!




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Drinker Tailor Sober Thai     The Place Beyond The Fines. 
Catch my second report ;        My final report :

The Monger Games            Final Random Acts 





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The Ball boy was acting a bollix.. Deserved a kick in the ass.

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The ball boys job is to give back the ball to the players as quickly as possible. This little prick was obviously wasting time by lying on top of it. Not defending Hazards actions by the way but from the way the ball shot out from under him, I doubt if he made much contact with the lad.


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The biggest over reaction of all time? I mean it's funny because it's Chelsea but truth is it could of been anyone. Kid was 17 so hardly a kid. He was also blatantly cheating by trying to hold up the play which is the exact opposite of his role. Hazard toe pokes the ball from under him when he was lying on it.


I know the FA have charged Hazard as it is a "serious" incident. Give me break the same FA that saw Huth stamp on Suarez in front of millions of viewers and did nothing elbows by a number of players from high profile clubs and do nothing. However a cheating ballboy has to be protected? The ballboy wasn't hurt and the whole thing smacks of what a complete nanny state britain has become.

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Ball boy was opposing coach's son.  Delaying game.  Player was kicking at ball, not kid.  Pro football is a stupid game, played by thugs.  What do you expect!

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The league should put rules in place for ballboys and anyone else aloud close to the pitch. This ballboy should never be aloud next to the pitch again.

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In enclosed stadiums why do these overpaid twats need ball boys anyway. The linesman, cameramen and stewards can help. Let the Morgan twat be known as the one who caused all ball boys to be sacked. See how his twitter account goes then. And I hate Chelsea with a passion.

As much as I love all things Australian, I got to get me action of the asian persuasian.

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Crazy world... So many people looking a sport which delivers less and less spectacle...

I look at the video and I just have to say 'So what...'

It's not Cantona's kick ...

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In enclosed stadiums why do these overpaid twats need ball boys anyway. The linesman, cameramen and stewards can help. Let the Morgan twat be known as the one who caused all ball boys to be sacked. See how his twitter account goes then. And I hate Chelsea with a passion.

A kids day out maybe the reason, also a lot of the newer grounds do have a bit of track round the pitches and even with ball boys it can take a while to get the ball back.


Hazard was obviously frustrated and what he done is what anyone in his position would do, but not his issue as he should of notified the ref to add the time on.  For any in the know about English football I wonder how many Stoke City ball boys have been pulled up for time wasting.......

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  • 3 months later...

Just had a look at this.


I really feel for the player. In my opinion the ball boy was clearly time-wasting and in general being a complete prat. But... the player did this in an away game so there would've been thousands of home fans baying for his blood... and he did it in Britain which is becoming more PC, and more of a nanny state as each day passes. So many factors against the bloke! If the ball boy had held up a rugby game in NZ or cricket game in Aus, the crowd would probably give him at the very least a kick in the ribs and be applauded for doing so. 


NZ is heading this way too. (Everyone being over-sensitive and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill) but thankfully we're not as bad as the UK.


Just this morning I heard about Clarkson saying that "babies belong in the hold". What happened afterwards?

a) people had a laugh and got on with their lives

b) he was commended for speaking his mind (screaming babies on a plane are annoying - it's a fact)


c) every person who was offended in the slightest made him out to be the worst villain since Hitler


Incidents like the one featuring this footballer are just another reason why I like escaping Farangland for a while and heading to a place where everything's a bit more relaxed 


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