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Nixonsbest and Worst Breakfasts


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nixon new german place on the new jomtien second road next to pattaya beach condos best ive had so far off the list ,great food good aircon ,papers wifi ,and a bakery yum yum get ur arse down there :GoldenSmile1:

Hook me up with a map!


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My favourite breakfast is Jok, or porridge. It is best on Central Pattaya road where you can also get one of best Khao Niaow Mamuang i.e. Mango with Sticky rice.


Now that I think of it...there is a great shop of Jok in Surin too...It only sells Jok.

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That whole section of Pattayaland from Palmers to the Sugar Shack has been earmarked for a new hotel, and they were told that there would be no extensions to leases.


I am under the impression that Bob Ward had sourced new premises on Soi BuaKhao for Palmers and would be moving before High Season.

i am under the impression that Palmers is moving but will still be in soi 13/4

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i am under the impression that Palmers is moving but will still be in soi 13/4




He really should have moved years ago, when his customers started drinking/eating on BuaKhao.


Nowhere near as busy as it once was.

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I went to Rosie O' Gradys today for the Superman Breakfast - eggs fried and undercooked with the white mucus on them - bacon nothing special - sausage had a 'funny' taste and was I believe deep fried not grilled - I left most of it - potatoes were good  - beans heated and re heated - all in all how this gets second best is beyond me


I should clarify how I selected the top 3 breakfast (IMHO) and if you read the OP "TOP SPOT TIED 3 WAYS POSTED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER" so how you interpreted that as being second best is beyond me!.  With such a vast range of prices and quality, I was stuck the best way to compare!  I thought the fairest way was to work out the average cost of a bacon and eggs breakfast, which at the time was around the 156B, I added a factor of plus and minus 5% and came up with a price range between 150B  and 160B, Which I thought was a fair and reasonable price for the average punter to pay for a breakfast, I then when on to select the best (IMHO) in that price range!


I apologize for the late reply, I only arrived back in town last week and wanted to try their breakfast first hand again before posting!


I still think their chunky bread and quality butter is still one of the best,  the eggs where little over cooked on the outside and a little under cooked on the inside but still to my liking!  Potatoes where crunchy and plenty of them and the bacon for the price was good and thick!


Beans;  I took one for the team today and tried the beans, I can normally suffer the sauce but this had a rank taste and was very dark so stopped there and scrapped the sauce of the sausage.


Sausage;  Fooking disgusting!  If i was to hazard a guess I would say they have been par boiled, butterflied and shallow fried in some oil that has seen better days  A smaller sausage this time around or just shriveled up?


I am here for another 2 weeks so towards the end of my trip I will give it another go and if it has not improved I will take it off the front page! I hope that clears up how it was chosen!


If anyone has any ideas on how to select the best breakfast, I am all ears!










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Tried to go to Rosie's today at 730am. Not open until 8:30am. Ended up at the Empress buffet. No bacon and egg station on manned until I finished eating. Big spread, but not that impressed with the western selection. At least not impressed for a English or American breakfast. Also noted that all buffet containers were still cold at 8am. Nothing like a mouthfull of cold beans when not exe

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Establishing the Best breakfast is not an accurate science, because obviously breakfasts at the same place vary from day to day, even when the same ingredients are cooked by the same person.


You also have the individuals own preferences as well.  Nixon bizarrely has an intense dislike of baked beans  :), however most of us know that baked beans are an essential breakfast ingredient :)


Always enjoy reading your latest reviews

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I think a lot of places cook the Sausages and Bacon in the deep fryer?

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Hey nixon,


No need to try rosies again mate....i ate there day before yesteray and had exactly the same experience as you down to a tee....even my pics are the same.





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My top 5 bacon n' eggs brekkies in no specific order...



Golf Club


Irish Wolfhound

Bake n' Brew



"There are two types of women, those that charge for blow jobs and those that don't. The ones that don't end up costing you far more." ~Charlie Sheen~



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My top 5 bacon n' eggs brekkies in no specific order...



Golf Club


Irish Wolfhound

Bake n' Brew



Your on the money! I am yet to try Irish Wolfhound!

I reckon when word of The Swans 99B Breskkie gets around, I rovers will loose some business.


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Your on the money! I am yet to try Irish Wolfhound!

I reckon when word of The Swans 99B Breskkie gets around, I rovers will loose some business.


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I have tried all of that 5 Ritz (Swan), Golf Club, Kilkenny except Bake n Brew and Irish Wolfhound. I really liked Kilkenny. Also when I was staying in Secrets hotel their breakfast there was pretty good too, although that was a few years ago.


Where is Irish Wolfhound located?


Thanks in advance,



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What time does the swan open normally?



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Your on the money! I am yet to try Irish Wolfhound!

I reckon when word of The Swans 99B Breskkie gets around, I rovers will loose some business.


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It`s only till mid-day

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  • 4 weeks later...

thanks for breakfast reviews from AC...I hope u give us some information about latest mongering news from AC...maybe a TR?...heard alot of bad news (closing clark to flights from Bkk,bar raids and closing of blowrow)

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thanks for breakfast reviews from AC...I hope u give us some information about latest mongering news from AC...maybe a TR?...heard alot of bad news (closing clark to flights from Bkk,bar raids and closing of blowrow)



What happens in AC stays in AC!




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Looks like two eggs,sunnyside to me.

The one on the right was Sunnyside down and they helped each other cook.


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That is Nixonsbest's best breakfast. Close thread.

Far from it son! pe2a2y8y.jpg




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Very tasty!  I understand now why you have to eat so heartily early in the day.


(Sorry.  I have somewhat of a weakness for doubtful puns.)

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         Can someone tell me where the Swan is located ?    Thanks    beachroadlover

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