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Thai School Daze

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#7 What's that you're eating?

Sofa King


"Have you eaten breakfast?"

That's a reasonable question, especially if the questioner has some breakfast food to offer.

"What did you eat?"

That's getting a little nosey, but okay.

"How was it?"

What is this, the breakfast inquisition?

At least 3 Thai people ask me these 3 questions everyday. Then I'm asked 3 more times about lunch. Luckily I am usually at home alone after I have my dinner or I'd be asked 3 more times.

Why are Thais so obsessed about food?

I think back to when I lived in the US. I don't think I ever asked my co-workers what they'd eaten for breakfast. Honestly, I don't give a shit what other people eat.

"Gincow riang?"

When you live in Thailand those words are like the chant of some Satanic cult.

"Gincow riang?"

"Uh, yeah, I already ate."

"Gin alai?"

"What did I eat? Uh, let's see, I had two fried eggs."

Then, no matter what food you've told them, they get this over-excited spastic teenager look on their face and shout, "Aloy MAIIIII?"

"Yeah, it was good. It was delicious."

Then they lean over to their friend and speak very quickly in Thai, like they've just seen a baby panda do a backflip.

"Oh, falang blah blah blah fly egg, blah blah blah Dee-Liss-Eee-Ussss!". Then they laugh. They always laugh about whatever you eat.

I understand, it's a sort of greeting, and they are just being friendly, but seriously, it's kind of creepy.

I usually eat lunch in the school canteen. As soon as I have gotten my plate of food my students are right there. "Tea-CHUH! Aloi MAIII?"

I smile and say, "Aloi, aloi",and the students squeel in amazement, but what I want to say is, "I haven't even tasted it yet! How do I know if it is delicious! Give me a chance to eat, for Christ's sake!"

No one since my mother has been so concerned about what I put in my stomache.

I'm standing in line at 7-11, waiting to pay for some hot dogs. The lady next to me asks, "Falang gin alai?". Now I've never seen this woman before. Why does she need to know what I'm eating? But okay, I'll play along.

"Gin hot dog."

She is an Issan woman, so she gives me the Laos version.

"Ohhh, falang gin hot-tadog! Sap bor?"

Living in the sticks for awhile I have picked up a little Lao, so I surprise her with, "Sap lai dur.". I think she has an orgasm.

"Oooooeeeee! Falang put Lao! Sap lai dur! Sap, sap, sap!"

The entire 7-11 is in an uproar because I'm eating hot dogs.

Then they always offer you what they are eating. A very nice gesture, but our tastes in cusine are a bit different.

"Gee, thanks for offering me that slice of durian, but I think I'll go stick my nose in an old shoe instead."

Hey, different cultures have different food, and I like most Thai food, but seeweed flavored potato chips? Fish sauce, sugar, hot sauce AND vineger in their soup? And lest we forget, shrimp pizza with ketsup. "Thanks, but no thanks."

Don't worry about me and my food.


Recommended Comments

This is funny! Gave me an idea of how friendly the Thai people are. Thanks!
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