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seafood restaurant

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'Mum aroi' on the top end of Naklua , 2000 seats and still have to make reservations in the weekends .

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'Mum aroi' on the top end of Naklua , 2000 seats and still have to make reservations in the weekends .


I used to go there a lot and never made reservations, but I think it's become increasingly popular with the Thais more recently, so weekends might be too crowded.


All being well, I should be there tonight with my new 'love'.


@ OP I don't have time to search now, but BM Shivers just did a full review on this place.




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Im afraid i couldnt recommend 'Mum aroi' at all. Although my food tasted ok, the actual service was an absolute disaster. There were 10 of us (3 TGs) and i had finished my offering whilst 2 of my friends were still waiting for theirs. Their choices also required on-table heating but they failed to light the devices. And one simple chicken dish turned up cold. When he sent it back, we had to ask where it had gone after 15mins. It returned....and was still cold. I ordered a beer, and 10mins later wondered why it was taking so long. One of the TGs with us noticed it had been put on a drinks tray at the end. I ended up serving myself. Simple bowls of plain rice failed to turn up until main dishes were part eaten.


We noticed that other tables seemed to have dedicated waiters. But we did not and had to keep calling someone over asking after our orders. Even the TGs with us said that perhaps it wasnt a place for Falangs.


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Never had a problem at the one on 3rd Road, like it better than the one in Naklua.

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  • 4 weeks later...

'Mum aroi' on the top end of Naklua , 2000 seats and still have to make reservations in the weekends .

Agreed but MUST make reservation. Also had great seafood at Nang Nual on Walking Street but the street side NOT Seafront. Cherries on third road also very good on their seafood night and VERY cheap IMO.

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For location seafood 99 on beach road, but its expensive and can get better towards holloywood... but harder to get to by food

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Hey what would be the best place to get raw oysters and such on the half shell , I will head to Pattaya in two days from Bangkok and all the places here want big money for the little shit's ........I did drop into that big place on walking st the last time ,but I was thinking there must be some place better for less money ?


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Agreed but MUST make reservation. Also had great seafood at Nang Nual on Walking Street but the street side NOT Seafront. Cherries on third road also very good on their seafood night and VERY cheap IMO.


I'm shore with all these Bangkok people in town at the moment you have to make reservations every day of the week .

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King Sea Food on walking street is pretty good for what its worth. My friend owns that restaurant, and I occasionally eat there.


Your Friend might own the king resturant, But me & my friends have paid for the place !


We are there every night that we are in pattaya and usually average around 1000 baht per person


great staff & great food



Tell him i want a discount

December 17 2011 ....... The day Pattaya will be invaded by THE_GUN

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Your Friend might own the king resturant, But me & my friends have paid for the place !


We are there every night that we are in pattaya and usually average around 1000 baht per person


great staff & great food



Tell him i want a discount


Agree! I have been there with a TG (who kindly suggested it). The food was very good but super expensive compared to what I had been eating around Pattaya. I know it is bang in the middle of WS but it was still a bit high. We were the only patrons that night and a guy was singing romantic songs to us. My lasting memory was listening to him while looking across at the beer bars and seeing girls dancing on the bar and screaming at customers walking by.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am getting fed up getting served with farmed fish and prawns everywhere, Even those little places that sell seafood live down near Bali pier are fresh water, no taste.

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If you want seafood get on the islands or down to Phuket much better there...to me the thai lobsters have no taste and are a waste of money compared to ones in the states.

oysters however are awesome love them mak

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Jomtien, down the far end of the beach road pretty much where it stops, there is a great Seafood Restaurant. Need a car or book a baht bus to take you there and back again. Excellent.


Agree that the WS places are expensive, though up Soi 15 off WS Nana Cafe and the one next door has a pretty decent selection of seafood - without the seaside ambience, but with the passing parade ambience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had the occasion to stay at the Montien hotel last year. On fridays, they have a seafood buffet. It is pretty expensive and there is not much of a selection IMO. Save your money and go to s different seafood that is recommended on this forum site.

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Jomtien, down the far end of the beach road pretty much where it stops, there is a great Seafood Restaurant. Need a car or book a baht bus to take you there and back again. Excellent.


This is the one you are referring to right LRanger? I agree it's great.



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Yes Pupen Seafood, excellent. Mudcrabs, more excellent! I don't recall if the regular baht buses go down that far - we had a CRV when we went there....

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The funny thing is that before I vent to Thailand I wasn't a big fan of sea food. But my partners in crime took me out to dinner and said that I cannot visit Thailand without a sea food experience. So we vent to the Lobster pot placed in Walking Street.


We were placed at the edge of the pier with the big Pattaya sign in the background - good start. We shuffeled up our orders so we could get a complete experience. We got some very nice dishes with fish, shrimps, prawns and lobster. And I can only say that I am a converted man - WOW that food was so amazing. Add this to the that fact that the surroundings and the service was impeccable, this equals a very nice dining experience.


So all in all - I can only recommend the Lobster Pot, even for rookies.


Bonus info: we were also told that the Seafood 99 on beach road is quite an experience...

NO Money, NO Honey!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Marine sea food near Walking Street (all tg know where it is), near marine disco. Fresh seafood from the aquarium at 2/3 of the priceof the places directly on ws. Open at any time, many customers, fresh food.

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Mum aroi is great, I prefer the one on 3rd road less crowded than the one in Naklua.

Great sea food and Thai dishes

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  • 2 weeks later...

Agreed about the one on Third road, the other one is just too hectic, I am also a huge fan of Suttangrak seafood at the end of Jomtien, have a look online for the address, its seriously good!

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