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Making a time lapse video


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I need a little help. I am planning to make a time lapse video next week. I want to film 24 hours in Pattaya starting at around 3.00 am. My plan is to film the sky at night through to sunrise. Then various shots like cars moving jet skiing and parasailing. Walking Street at night finishing with the sky at night again. I have got the basics I hope, 5 batteries plenty of memory a tripod an intervelometer and quicktime pro for putting the photos together. Can anyone who has tried this kind of movie give me some pointers. I know I need to have everything in manual but any idea how long to keep the shutter open and how many shots to get that smooth motion you see in adverts.


Thanks for any advice.




This is my one and only attempt at doing one it was 12 minutes of photos and the settings were 1/2 second exposure every 2 seconds.


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Your attempt looks fine.


But here's a link to a stunning time lapse:



Vimeo.com also has some great tutorials on time lapse videos

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Yes I have seen some stunning movies on vimeo. The problem is they only ever tell you I used a Canon 5D for making it with whatever lens. They never really give you the technique. And no matter what equipment you use it is the method that is the most important thing.

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I have to agree with cutter, your time lapse effect looks fine.


Cutter, nice find in Vimeo.


Thanks, Jon.

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Yes I have seen some stunning movies on vimeo. The problem is they only ever tell you I used a Canon 5D for making it with whatever lens. They never really give you the technique. And no matter what equipment you use it is the method that is the most important thing.


I disagree, I have seen a few videos on how to do timelapse on vimeo. Have you even searched?


This isn't the timelaspe tutorial I have seen before but I found it with a quick search.

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No wonder I couldnt find it I was just searching for movies not tutorials.

Thanks Cutter



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Sorry I forgot to add the link;



Btw, your time lapse in Japan is a great example. Good luck.

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I never thought I would even like photography when I bought the camera on a whim 10 months ago. Now I am attempting something like this. Changed days.

And because it is digital if it doesnt work delete it and try again.



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Quick time pro. It allows you to import photos as a batch to make a movie and then you set the frames per second. It does all the work and it is cheap.

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It was this video I saw that made me want to do one in Pattaya


I just watched the full video more closely. Overall I though it was great.


A few comments:


The stills mixed in with the timlapse were great in the narrow streets. Beach road or Walking Street would capture this perfect.


Clouds are always great for timelapse. It's feels like a dance or waves. Much more pleasing than people or cars in ffwd for me.


Some of the timelapse was only for the effect of timelapse:


Such as: 1:25 This is a shot where the leaves in the background I found distracting. A slow motion video would have been better for me.


With the boats starting at 5:16 I would have much rather seen a slow pan in regular or 1/2 time to capture the Serenity. I feel the timelapse contradicts the music and feel trying to be conveyed.


Timelapse for my preference should be a combination of video in various speeds and timelapse.


But regardless of the outcome, they are all great videos capturing the artist's taste's.

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I have no plans for any panning or anything like that, just different scenes in various parts of Pattaya. I just want to try and capture something that isnt just another video of Walking Street. I have no thoughts of being an amazing movie maker or anything like that I just want to push my own boundaries. And enjoy myself.


And I must admit the scenes with the clouds and the jetstream in the same shot blew me away.


Thanks again for the tutorials



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