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It's Been A Bad Week

Mackem Stu

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There certainly seems to be some Karma involved...

San Francisco Cocksucka !!!


"Hey, you ever hear, Tom, the Chinese whore has a ancient way of milking ya of yer sorrow, your loneliness and that awful feeling of bein’ forsaken?"


"Seems to me that’d leave you with nothing."

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There certainly seems to be some Karma involved...


Shame his name is not Earl.

Double Gold Medalist. 2006 Mongering Olympics

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Maybe they should stick one up his ass and light it. How come this guy isnt locked up? I do note they say "he was involved" that could mean anything, maybe it was his fault because his taxi driver did the accident, after all if he wasnt in thailand it never would have happened!!

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How do idiots like this obtain passports? I think all countries should institute an intelligence test to be completed when you submit your passport application.


Errr.... on second thought maybe that's not a good idea. :LMFAO::Dunno:

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He did a hit and run the firework would of been better of in his face! as about the intelligents test i think otherwise?

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