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3-month trip (in Patts) with 2 or 3 hours a day for a Thai school


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First of all, here are the facts: I am a single guy, not currently attached to any serious job, 27 years old and I feel that I am in a stage of my life that I can afford and enjoy a 3 month stay in Pattaya.


However, I am kinda attached to my family and it would seem really weird to just go there for fun. But with the excuse of learning Thai (which is true), it would help me a lot.


So, I'm considering renting a place for around 10-15k baht/month, eating mostly street food (so, lets say 6k/month) and taking 2 or 3 hours of Thai per day. And of course going P4P 3 or 4 times every week :D


Depending on how much this Thai school costs, I may be spending even less than my regular life here at home.


The information I'm looking for is:


1- Are there Thai schools (or even private teachers) that have a 2 or 3 hour/day program at a reasonable price in Pattaya? Must provide a good certificate.


2- Is 3 months enough to learn the basics?


3- Any other advices (alternative places to stay, to eat)??


4- Are there places to stay at that price range (10-15k/month) that provide daily cleaning, towels, and wi-fi internet?


I heard it's not a good idea to bring BGs to the place you're "living" at.

Edited by Menethil

Living the dream!

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Can't answer any questions for you mate but looking forward to seeing the replies. Im in almost the exact same boat myself.


Returned home in August from touring SE Asia for 4 months and been playing with the idea of going back to thailand for 3 months to study Thai and generally continue enjoying myself for a while. Likely heading there starting in April next yea and been studying Thai (self study) since I got back, already taught myself a bit while I was over there.


Only advice I might offer is to start learing Thai yourself right now, plenty of info can be found in the language section here and there are plenty of sites on the web. Do Pimsluer, learn to read (surprisingly easy) and get into the habbit of listening to heaps of Thai radio, childrens stories, watch Lakorn on youtube,and Thai podcast and Bon and download Anki etc etc. Maybe your story is different, but im hoping to hit the ground running so to speak.


One thing I might add is that in my research I found loads of people saying 2 to 3 hours a day is way overdoing it and you will burn out or not retain it. Dunno if that's true or not but maybe something to consider, eveyone is different.


Good luck mate, can't wait to see the replies. Been tossing up between Phuket and Patts myself.



oh another good question might be 5 - Where are good places to practise your thai and try engaging in basic conversations?. That's one thing iv been struggling with, I don't think the bars are going to be that usfull as a training ground.

Edited by TehVen

<center><embed src="http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/cd/ccc-vacation/show.swf?clickURL=http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/&clickLABEL=MySpace-Countdown-Clocks&flashLABEL=CountdownClockCodes&skin=http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/cd/ccc-vacation/skins/9.jpg&text=Trip%201%20status%20%3D%20Success%20%21%0DTrip%202%20status%20%3D%20Songkran%20%21&untilColor=16777215&textColor=16777215&datesColor=16777215&year=2011&month=3&day=11&hour=19&minute=30&second=10&x=-26&y=122" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="300" height="200" name="countdown" align="middle" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /><br><small><a href="http://www.countdownclockcodes.com/">MySpace-Countdown-Clocks</a></small></center>

<center>If you want to get things done, you positively have to understand at any given point in time exactly what is the most important thing to get done right now, and if you're not doing it, you're not making progress at the fastest possible rate</center>

<center>TehVen - Film and TV VIP, Seeker of the Peace, Part-time Chandelier Cleaner, A legend in his own time, Oppressor of Champions, Soldier of Fortune, World Traveler, Bon Vivant, All around good guy, International lover, Casual Hero, Philosopher, Wars fought, Bears wrestled, Equations solved, Virgins enlightened, Revolutions quelled, Tigers castrated, Orgies organized, Bars quaffed dry, Governments run, Test rockets flown.

Life is a waste of time, time is a waste of life, get wasted all the time and you'll have the time of your life


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Dear Menethil,


Fine choice on holidaying in Pattaya.


Are you considering staying here on a low budget? There are some very affordable options depending on what location you wish to reside and primarily what you intend to do most of the time.


Most schools here have classes 2hrs 3 times per week, which is plenty as you then go review the lessons and study outside of school. Plus you may not find enough time for school every day with the outings and partying you will do.


Are you able to obtain a visa in your country to stay in Thailand for 3 months okay?


If you wish to find out more information I have friends that teach Thai in Pattaya who are able to provide you expert tuition from two of the schools here to suit your requirements.


I would recommend purchasing a Thai language book now and learn some basics before you arrive, it will enable you a good head start.

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First of all, here are the facts: I am a single guy, not currently attached to any serious job, 27 years old and I feel that I am in a stage of my life that I can afford and enjoy a 3 month stay in Pattaya.


However, I am kinda attached to my family and it would seem really weird to just go there for fun. But with the excuse of learning Thai (which is true), it would help me a lot.


So, I'm considering renting a place for around 10-15k baht/month, eating mostly street food (so, lets say 6k/month) and taking 2 or 3 hours of Thai per day. And of course going P4P 3 or 4 times every week :D


Depending on how much this Thai school costs, I may be spending even less than my regular life here at home.


The information I'm looking for is:


1- Are there Thai schools (or even private teachers) that have a 2 or 3 hour/day program at a reasonable price in Pattaya? Must provide a good certificate.


2- Is 3 months enough to learn the basics?


3- Any other advices (alternative places to stay, to eat)??


4- Are there places to stay at that price range (10-15k/month) that provide daily cleaning, towels, and wi-fi internet?


I heard it's not a good idea to bring BGs to the place you're "living" at.


AUA is probably a good bet you could take two of their 5 week courses at 5K baht each. They're 2 hours a day 5 days a week. I've heard good things about them. That should give you some of the basics. Don't know if they do reading, but once you have the sounds of Thai down, that can be learned on your own and then used to build grammar and vocabulary. Some may argue it should be the other way around - learn reading to get the sounds down, but with only 3 months, I would get the sounds and some basic phrases and then immediately move on to reading. Although maybe AUA does reading in one of the early classes.


Good luck!





ps you can do better than a certificate by going to Khao San road and buying yourself an Oxford University degree in Thai for a few 100 baht :)

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One thing I might add is that in my research I found loads of people saying 2 to 3 hours a day is way overdoing it and you will burn out or not retain it. Dunno if that's true or not but maybe something to consider, eveyone is different.


Good luck mate, can't wait to see the replies. Been tossing up between Phuket and Patts myself.



oh another good question might be 5 - Where are good places to practise your thai and try engaging in basic conversations?. That's one thing iv been struggling with, I don't think the bars are going to be that usfull as a training ground.


3 hours will be fine, I'll probably start tennis/golf classes as well.


I can't have much free time or else I will probably spend way too much on bars and gogos.




Are you considering staying here on a low budget? There are some very affordable options depending on what location you wish to reside and primarily what you intend to do most of the time.


Are you able to obtain a visa in your country to stay in Thailand for 3 months okay?


If you wish to find out more information I have friends that teach Thai in Pattaya who are able to provide you expert tuition from two of the schools here to suit your requirements.


I would recommend purchasing a Thai language book now and learn some basics before you arrive, it will enable you a good head start.


Kinda of a low budget on the room and food, but probably P4P 3 or 4 times a week. Yes I'd like any good contacts you have, thank you.


For some reason beyond my understanding, Brazil is one of the 3 countries in the whole world whose people get a 90-day visa (instead of the regular 30-day) on arrival.


About the book, I must wait until I get back to Thailand, no Thai books in Brazil.



AUA is probably a good bet you could take two of their 5 week courses at 5K baht each. They're 2 hours a day 5 days a week. I've heard good things about them. That should give you some of the basics. Don't know if they do reading, but once you have the sounds of Thai down, that can be learned on your own and then used to build grammar and vocabulary. Some may argue it should be the other way around - learn reading to get the sounds down, but with only 3 months, I would get the sounds and some basic phrases and then immediately move on to reading. Although maybe AUA does reading in one of the early classes.


ps you can do better than a certificate by going to Khao San road and buying yourself an Oxford University degree in Thai for a few 100 baht :)


Good one! I'll give a try on that school, very good price. About the certificate, I'd really prefer to get a legitimate one, just showing that I had taken XX hours of Thai.

Living the dream!

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i know a cool school...


on the corner of soi 6/1 in the little shopping center across from gregs place.


7000 baht for 20 hours with a private teacher and including all books and whatever they give you. you dont have to only study in the class you can go out and learn on the streets and ask questions. thats my personal favorite way of learning.. sitting in a class is a drag. plus then you can make your own schedule..


i like learning vocabulary because the grammar isnt that difficult... "an nee riak waa arai?? what is this called. or "poot thai young ngai?" how do you say this in thai? " nan blair waa arai? what does that mean??? those are my best learning question..

Edited by joltme1313
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Learn the Thai alphabet first on your own. Don't listen to anyone that tells you that Karaoke Thai works coz it doesn't. I personally laugh out loud every time I see someone use it as it is mostly indecipherable.


I did what you are planning to do last year. I signed up for a one year language school and stayed in a 12k accommodation. Tried to bang it out only 4-5 times per week (but hardly ever managed to stay that monogamous). Also went to the gym everyday to keep me occupied. Did it for 8 months. Spent a fortune but it was worth it and my Thai is excellent now.

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First of all, here are the facts: I am a single guy, not currently attached to any serious job, 27 years old and I feel that I am in a stage of my life that I can afford and enjoy a 3 month stay in Pattaya.


However, I am kinda attached to my family and it would seem really weird to just go there for fun. But with the excuse of learning Thai (which is true), it would help me a lot.


So, I'm considering renting a place for around 10-15k baht/month, eating mostly street food (so, lets say 6k/month) and taking 2 or 3 hours of Thai per day. And of course going P4P 3 or 4 times every week :D


Depending on how much this Thai school costs, I may be spending even less than my regular life here at home.


The information I'm looking for is:


1- Are there Thai schools (or even private teachers) that have a 2 or 3 hour/day program at a reasonable price in Pattaya? Must provide a good certificate.


2- Is 3 months enough to learn the basics?


3- Any other advices (alternative places to stay, to eat)??


4- Are there places to stay at that price range (10-15k/month) that provide daily cleaning, towels, and wi-fi internet?


I heard it's not a good idea to bring BGs to the place you're "living" at.

Hi in order

1, I currently use an excellant school,,,, its very new with not many students but the teachers have all worked for the big named language schools,, so your paying for group lessons but pretty much get a one on one lesson,, current cost 22,900 baht for 200 hours lessons

2.Depends on the time you put in outside the classroom,,,,but if you put in the effort you will learn "the basics " sure

3.loads of places to stay and eat,,

4. We could offer a room at 15k per month with daily maid service,, i speak thai and could help you also with the language and other bits of advise


whatever you decide you will have great fun learning i am sure,,

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I did what you are planning to do last year. I signed up for a one year language school and stayed in a 12k accommodation. Tried to bang it out only 4-5 times per week (but hardly ever managed to stay that monogamous). Also went to the gym everyday to keep me occupied. Did it for 8 months. Spent a fortune but it was worth it and my Thai is excellent now.


Tks for the info. It's good to know that you've done this before, so I have 3 special questions for you:

1- Did you get bored after a few months? (and I mean, bored of Pattaya)

2- Are the classes boring? How many classes did you miss because you weren't in the mood?

3- Did you fall for a BG (like breaking the 3-day rule and regreting it)??


Hi in order

1, I currently use an excellant school,,,, its very new with not many students but the teachers have all worked for the big named language schools,, so your paying for group lessons but pretty much get a one on one lesson,, current cost 22,900 baht for 200 hours lessons

2.Depends on the time you put in outside the classroom,,,,but if you put in the effort you will learn "the basics " sure

3.loads of places to stay and eat,,

4. We could offer a room at 15k per month with daily maid service,, i speak thai and could help you also with the language and other bits of advise


whatever you decide you will have great fun learning i am sure,,


Good info, tks! This 200 hour package seems to fit my intentions very nicely, where is thus school?


Please tell more more about the room too.

Living the dream!

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Tks for the info. It's good to know that you've done this before, so I have 3 special questions for you:

1- Did you get bored after a few months? (and I mean, bored of Pattaya)

2- Are the classes boring? How many classes did you miss because you weren't in the mood?

3- Did you fall for a BG (like breaking the 3-day rule and regreting it)??




Good info, tks! This 200 hour package seems to fit my intentions very nicely, where is thus school?


Please tell more more about the room too.


1. No you never get bored of Pattaya. But one thing is for sure, you have more energy and everything is just so exciting when you're there for a 2 week holiday. Once you're there for months you still have the same kind of fun but you tend to become a little cheaper and nothing is new anymore. It's still awesome but not as awesome as a two week holiday. Sure beats ordinary life back in Europe though which is why I am still in the country.


2. Classes are dull yes. You learn very little from them unless you know some Thai allready. My advice to you is to not sign up to any school and just do private lessons. With 3 months of private lessons you'll be pretty damn good if you go 3 hours everyday. Don't waste your time on these language schools man. I've researched all of them, have friends that have attended classes at every single one, and have enrolled in one myself.


I read you want a certificate to show your family but these schools don't give you that anyway.


3. I've lived in Thailand for 5 years now (coming on holidays for 9) . When I moved to Pattaya I had been there at least 100 times back and forth from Bangkok over the years. So no I did not fall for a BG in the traditional sense.


What happens is that after a while you will get 2-3 steady girls that come and bang you out on a regular basis. However if you are adamant that you just want them as gigs they are fine with that. and as long as you can control your feelings all is good.


But know that sooner or later either you or she will fall in love and then you may end up going steady with this one woman (however that isn't possible in Pattaya). It didn't happen in my case as I enjoy fucking around too much but I still care a great deal for all the women, and a few of them I may even have some love for as well. But as on girl from Babydolls told me 'how many rooms are there in your heart, 100?"


Let me know when you come over here and I'll explain all this to ya in person.


About this 3 day-rule. I haven't heard this expression since I made it up myself back in Phuket in 2003. Does anyone know where it stems from? It's funny to see people use it in here. I'm sure it's been around since the dawn of time but I genuinely made a 3 day rule whilst backpacking through Thailand in 2003.

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Thank you very much for the info, alessandro.


Btw, if anyone knows about the Student Visa, I believe (not sure, just guessing) I need document from a school in Thailand for this visa to be approved. Are there any schools in Pattaya that can provide this document?

Living the dream!

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Thank you very much for the info, alessandro.


Btw, if anyone knows about the Student Visa, I believe (not sure, just guessing) I need document from a school in Thailand for this visa to be approved. Are there any schools in Pattaya that can provide this document?


walen, pro language, pattaya language and computers, the school the irish rovers recommended and a few others all offer the visa. Of the big ones, only AUA (which is probably the best school in patts) doesn't.


But, I think they all do a minimum of a year. If you're only here for less than 6 momths, you can do a tourist visa, which i believe is still free (other than the 30 day extensions after 2 months and the border run at 3 months, but the visa itself is free).

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walen, pro language, pattaya language and computers, the school the irish rovers recommended and a few others all offer the visa. Of the big ones, only AUA (which is probably the best school in patts) doesn't.


But, I think they all do a minimum of a year. If you're only here for less than 6 momths, you can do a tourist visa, which i believe is still free (other than the 30 day extensions after 2 months and the border run at 3 months, but the visa itself is free).


Thanks for the recommendations, as I've read they provide the visa document when you sign up for 180 hours of classes. But there's a fee of around 24000B for the visa in the website, and the Thai consulate in here also charges around 5000B for this visa.


It's a lot of money and a bunch of papers. Since Thailand allows brazilians to stay up to 90 days (instead of only 30) without visa, I'm considering a border run. Have you done this before? Does it always work? Cambodia seems the closest place.

Living the dream!

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Thanks for the recommendations, as I've read they provide the visa document when you sign up for 180 hours of classes. But there's a fee of around 24000B for the visa in the website, and the Thai consulate in here also charges around 5000B for this visa.


It's a lot of money and a bunch of papers. Since Thailand allows brazilians to stay up to 90 days (instead of only 30) without visa, I'm considering a border run. Have you done this before? Does it always work? Cambodia seems the closest place.


I would ask in a section on visas here or better yet on thaivisa.com in case there's something peculiar to brazilians. people from most countries can get 2 tourist visas at 60 days each which can each also be extended for 30 days giving you 6 months - and i believe it's still free and if not probably around 1,000 baht per visa. A land-based border run will give you 15 days (for people who get 30 at the airport - not sure about 90-day ers) i believe, but you can get a tourist visa in cambodia i believe as i believe there was a thread here on addicts about it recently.


The yr long ED visa will also cost you another 1,900 baht every 3 months when you report to immigration to have it extended, i believe.

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I would ask in a section on visas here or better yet on thaivisa.com in case there's something peculiar to brazilians. people from most countries can get 2 tourist visas at 60 days each which can each also be extended for 30 days giving you 6 months - and i believe it's still free and if not probably around 1,000 baht per visa. A land-based border run will give you 15 days (for people who get 30 at the airport - not sure about 90-day ers) i believe, but you can get a tourist visa in cambodia i believe as i believe there was a thread here on addicts about it recently.


The yr long ED visa will also cost you another 1,900 baht every 3 months when you report to immigration to have it extended, i believe.


I read this on thaivisa forum, about a guy who had a brazilian GF in Thailand:


We did the visa run trip today and my Brazilian gf got her 90 days stamp easily. It was cake. So for future reference: Brazilians can enter Thailand without a visa and stay for 90 days, after that, they can do a visa run over the border (we did cambodia) and get 90 days again. Simple, yet nerve wracking as there weren't many Brazilians to ask about it.


It seems to be exactly what I want. But the post if from feb/2009. Has anything changed regarding this, or is it still possible to get this extention the same way she did?

Living the dream!

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I've been working on some details of my long trip in Pattaya, and I've decided to choose my school and room during the first 3 weeks of my first trip (weeks that I will be there with my friend, who will return to Brazil after these 3 weeks). This way I can enjoy the trip with him, and personally meet my school/teachers/room so I can make a better decision.


I've also decided to stay for 6 months instead of 3, just making a visa run to Cambodia and I should be fine.


As for my daily schedule during my "living" in Pattaya, I'm planning something like:


- wake up late (11am should be fine)

- strong breakfast for 100B

- Thai classes 3 to 5 times a week in the afternoons

- massage 3x a week

- Lunch - street food

- Table tennis (or another sport that uses paddle/racket) 3x a week

- Dinner - street food

- Mongering 3 or 4 times a week


For the free time I must do something that doesn't make me spend. I'm thinking about writing good info and posting pictures here, and playing Starcraft2 if the connection is good enough.

Living the dream!

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I can tell you that the 90 days visa extension by a visa run is very easy and you will get it without any trouble. I did meet a Brazilian who had now for about a year been travelling in Thailand and doing the visa runs when needed. You can either make the visa run trip alone or get a visa company to arrange the travel but you'll see a lot of visa companies offering this service in Pattaya.


You Brazilians are lucky getting a deal like that. The rest of us has to make a visa extension at the immigration office and then make a visa run and then apply for new visa at an Thai embassy.




Even though Pattaya is a fantastic place- have you thought of making some short trips to other parts of Thailand?


Don't fall in love in the first week you arrive :wub::Hug1::Oops1::LMAO1:

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6 months in Pattaya- I would try to socialise with the Thais. Maybe find a (table)tennis, badminton or even a running team/club and get a membership and have fun there it could even help improve your Thai.

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Don't fall in love in the first week you arrive :wub::Hug1::Oops1::LMAO1:


Np, it's my second trip. Didn't happen on my first one, and I should probably stay safe. :D


6 months in Pattaya- I would try to socialise with the Thais. Maybe find a (table)tennis, badminton or even a running team/club and get a membership and have fun there it could even help improve your Thai.


Yeah maybe I could try visiting a few other places in Thailand, I've been to Bangkok for 10 days and I loved it. I'll probably do that whilst accompanied by a special TG (that would be breaking the 3-day rule though, gotta make sure she will forgive my butterflying later).


I've read somewhere that there's a specialized club for table tennis, will look for that. If they play like the chinese I'm kinda screwed, I hope they're not that good in Thailand. :D

Living the dream!

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Np, it's my second trip. Didn't happen on my first one, and I should probably stay safe. :D




Yeah maybe I could try visiting a few other places in Thailand, I've been to Bangkok for 10 days and I loved it. I'll probably do that whilst accompanied by a special TG (that would be breaking the 3-day rule though, gotta make sure she will forgive my butterflying later).


I've read somewhere that there's a specialized club for table tennis, will look for that. If they play like the chinese I'm kinda screwed, I hope they're not that good in Thailand. :D


Bangkok is only a few hours away from Pattaya. You could have a couple weekend trips to Bangkok.


A couple of days in Chiang Mai ( maybe at the end of your stay in Thailand) some good sight seeing places and there is a good Night Bazar which is good for buying presents to family and friends back home.


A trip to Phuket (-Patong or Nai Harn) or another island would be nice with a proper beach and some fun activities.


Enjoy :D

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Alessandro, interesting point on the classes. I've been planning to make the move the Pattas next spring. I'm not sure best way to sort a visa but was considering one of the Thai lesson types as that's including visa as you know. Why'd you think they are rubbish? or is it just you think there are better ways of doing things. Your experience is welcome!

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Alessandro, interesting point on the classes. I've been planning to make the move the Pattas next spring. I'm not sure best way to sort a visa but was considering one of the Thai lesson types as that's including visa as you know. Why'd you think they are rubbish?


Well 'rubbish' is how you chose to interpret my description of the schools. I never used that word ;-)


I don't even remember what I wrote but I usually advice people that they learn a fraction of what they could be potentially be learning by signing up for one of these schools.


I would say in the first 6 weeks of private lessons I learnt more than during 6 months at Walen.


Nothing beats one on one interaction and constant dialogue/questions flying back and forth.


Very rarely will you go out of a Walen class and think to yourself "damn I learnt a hell of a lot today".


With a private tutor you will think that every damn day. Language schools are only good for visas.


Hope this helps ;-)

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