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investor for new entertainment ide`


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Looking for a serious investor / partner for a new entertainment concept that is not in Thailand. Living in Pattaya but Phuket is also of interest. Concept has enormous potential to work in both places .The customer will be active in concept and having fun, there is food and drink and this is something we guys love. Works great for tourists and expacts and also for Thais. Have the whole idea done but has not enough capital. I think that the investment that will be needed is around 2.5-3 million baht to do it perfect can chose to be active or passive investor. I will not tell to anyone what it is until we meet and you have to sign confidential contract. Terms and how we do it will be discussed at meeting. Please send me your name and cell nr and please just some info about who you are and what you doing at the moment etc. And I will call you. Please no timewasters without any money or just want to know. No information will be given, only at personal meeting. Sorry if I make this sound so big and important, it’s not that unique but here is no one doing it, yet. You can compare this with example bungy jumping or Go-cart but much more fun. So dear Investors if you want to do something fun and very profitable even in low season contact me. I have done a lot of research and I will do all the work, but you control everything so your investment is safe.

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Sounds intriguing to say the least. I would love to be able to come in with you but I am skint, so here is where I am on this.....I'M OUT.

Good luck though.

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Peace. :GoldenSmile1:

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I`ll invest 4 million baht right now !!

pop round and get it now

Food,drink and fun your a genius !!!

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and risk free! awesome!

O you who turn the wheel and look to windward, Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.
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Yes i am interested but way to little info for too much baht. This is not the way to to good business. You need to be more up front about your busines plan and overall concept of the project , be more open and informative and you will get investors imo . im still listening and waiting .


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Let's not be too harsh, I'm sure he has thought if something the rest of haven't....yeah right!

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What's the Plan???????????????????

No place on the Planet like Pattaya..Don't let your meat loaf

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Thanks for the warm welcome haha.I would love to give more info but then some one else will do it.

So thats why I said, serios people that are intrested they will send me pm and tell me aboute them self

and I will tell them aboute me and my ideas at a meeting.Sorry I will not share openly here on this forum.

Would you if you think u have a great ide?Of course not.Its not a new ide, but its new in Pattaya and Thailand.

It works every were and it would work even better here.Pm please.

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Let me guess food, drink and fun.....


Sounds like a bar...


Where are you at the moment Pattaya or overseas

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Yes I want to invest 3 million baht with someone who's got 2 posts, and dosen't tell anything about himself but wants my details. Will this concept work on the moon? because I got some land up there.

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I live In pattaya. The concept have a bar and will serve food, like burges, sandwiches but the bar is not why u will go here.

But its a part of the whole concept.There will be weekly extra actvities for expacts and for turists.You will spend a couple

of houres here for sure eating, drinking and I will use the word playing and I dont mean with the girls haha.Can not say more


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Yes I want to invest 3 million baht with someone who's got 2 posts, and dosen't tell anything about himself but wants my details. Will this concept work on the moon? because I got some land up there.

I think you have a serios problem aboute reading.I said serios people pm me with name and cell so I can call.Or you want me to share everything here? My details, my ideas.Stop waisting your time with stupid

comments.ok thats it, I will not replay to any more stupid and totaly time waisting idiots, serios people that are intrested, send me pm and we will meet.

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This is pinned to the top of this forum but I will place it here as a warning:


The items for sale or rent forum is for the listing of items and services for sale or rent. As such it is not a discussion forum. Out of respect for the seller only posts related to the sale of the item are allowed. If a seller requests the removal of posts not following this policy the posts will be removed.


If any person who makes a listing in this section feels that a post or posts does not follow this policy please use the report function or send a PM to a moderator.

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My moto for 2017: Don't argue with an idiot. Don't argue with.....

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Give the guys a break. He's has only asked for interest from people that are looking to invest in something. He didn't ask you for your bank account details so he could take your money out.


For any of you numnuts who would potentially know anything about investing, you'd be a fucken idiot to give away your secret. So he hasn't but he is happy to meet with someone who may be interested. Even to the point of the confidentiality agreement, this is all VERY common practice.


Suggest you guys that don't understand this find another thread to show how naive you are.

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I think you have a serios problem aboute reading.I said serios people pm me with name and cell so I can call.Or you want me to share everything here? My details, my ideas.Stop waisting your time with stupid

comments.ok thats it, I will not replay to any more stupid and totaly time waisting idiots, serios people that are intrested, send me pm and we will meet.


I am sorry, but because you are a new member and aren't established, you wont get serious enquiries.

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Give the guys a break. He's has only asked for interest from people that are looking to invest in something. He didn't ask you for your bank account details so he could take your money out.


For any of you numnuts who would potentially know anything about investing, you'd be a fucken idiot to give away your secret. So he hasn't but he is happy to meet with someone who may be interested. Even to the point of the confidentiality agreement, this is all VERY common practice.


Suggest you guys that don't understand this find another thread to show how naive you are.

Thank u, finaly some one that understand what I mean and want.Thank u.

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Not a big surprise to be getting a load of replies like this. Don't take it to heart christer50. But I'm sure if you try and read your post through the eyes of anyone elso you'll see that asking for 3 million baht for an idea of Beer, Girls, Bar and something else combined will only attract laughs. Not many people on here are going to think Hey hang on a minute he's onto something here Beer, Bar Girls and something else whey didn't I come up with that.


Jokes aside wish you luck and hope you get the last laugh. If you do get an inverstor and have a bit of extra cash I've got an idea I'm working on. Don't want to give all the info away for free but it involves a wooden track lets call it an 'alley' and a ball anyway you roll the ball down this 'alley" and knock down these things say around 10 or so. Anyway thats about all I want to give away right now but I'm sure this thing is going to take the world by storm.


Anyone interested 100,000 baht and I'll tell you a little more about this roilling game

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Not a big surprise to be getting a load of replies like this.

Which makes the job of moderating it difficult given the rules in this section. I think it has continued enough so this is closed.

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My moto for 2017: Don't argue with an idiot. Don't argue with.....

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