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Lux Mansion


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hi, anyone know Lux Mansion? I need updated contact info and rates.




465/65 M.9, Soi 10, Central Pattaya Rd, Nong Prue, Bang Lamung, Chon Buri, 20260


TEL: 038-415-488-9, 038-415-930-1 / FAX: 038-415-932


May b someone know it or live near by, so can check it out by the way, and i cant dial thoes number, are they working at all?


I am interested in thier 3900thb/month deal :)





Lux Mansion

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  • 3 months later...


www.Pattaya-Thai.com - Pattaya, Thailand News and Social Network.


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  • 3 years later...

Not one swinging dick here knows squat about Lux Mansion? Decent or shitty place? <br /><br />Sent from my GT-I8262 using Tapatalk<br /><br />

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Not one swinging dick here knows squat about Lux Mansion? Decent or shitty place? <br /><br />Sent from my GT-I8262 using Tapatalk<br /><br />


Well I do know a lot of info about it, but the OP's post is almost 4 years old. So maybe he found somewhere else to stay.


[sent from my laptop, as I am sure everyone wants to know what you are using to send posts]

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Thanks for all the help<br /><br />Sent from my GT-I8262 using Tapatalk<br /><br />

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