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Dough Illustrated, by Richard Bertinet.
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This award winning book is an invaluable guide on how to make simple contemporary bread.
Richard Bertinet brings back the fun to breadmaking with his practical and easy approach so you will never want to buy a supermarket loaf again.
He uses a method of 'working' the dough rather than 'kneading' it, allowing air and therefore lightness to prevail so you don't create that well known home made brick bread.
The five chapters start with a basic bread, White, Olive Oil, Brown, Rye and Sweet and from this 'parent' dough you can make a vast variety of breads really easily.
There are breads for every occasion, bake a pile of scones for tea, make pizza dough with the kids or friends, impress your guests with puff balls for supper, knock up a tantalising focaccia for an informal lunch or treat yourself to a honey and lavender loaf for breakfast, the choices are endless as once you've mastered a 'parent' dough you can experiment with your own favourite flavours.
Making any of these imaginative breads is bound to lighten your mood and brighten your meal.



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Buddhism for Beginners by Thubten Chodron.
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This user’s guide to Buddhist basics takes the most commonly asked questions, beginning with “What is the essence of the Buddha’s teachings?” and provides simple answers in plain English.
Thubten Chodron’s responses to the questions that always seem to arise among people approaching Buddhism make this an exceptionally complete and accessible introduction, as well as a manual for living a more peaceful, mindful, and satisfying Life.
Buddhism for Beginners is an ideal first book on the subject for anyone, but it’s also a wonderful resource for seasoned students, since the question and answer format makes it easy to find just the topic you’re looking for, such as:
• What is the goal of the Buddhist path?
• What is karma?
• If all phenomena are empty, does that mean nothing exists?
• How can we deal with fear?
• How do I establish a regular meditation practice?
• What are the qualities I should look for in a teacher?
• What is Buddha-nature?
• Why can't we remember our past lives?



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Better Sex Through Chemistry: A Guide to the New Prosexual Drugs & Nutrients by Dan Joy & John Morgenthaler.
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A comprehensive guide to improving your sex life with drugs and nutrients.



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Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
by Malcolm Gladwell.
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In his landmark bestseller The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell redefined how we understand the world around us. Now, in Blink, he revolutionizes the way we understand the world within.
Blink is a book about how we think without thinking, about choices that seem to be made in an instant, in the blink of an eye that actually aren't as simple as they seem.
Why are some people brilliant decision makers, while others are consistently inept?
Why do some people follow their instincts and win, while others end up stumbling into error?
How do our brains really work in the office, in the classroom, in the kitchen, and in the bedroom?
And why are the best decisions often those that are impossible to explain to others?
In Blink we meet the psychologist who has learned to predict whether a marriage will last, based on a few minutes of observing a couple; the tennis coach who knows when a player will double fault before the racket even makes contact with the ball; the antiquities experts who recognize a fake at a glance.
Here, too, are great failures of "blink": the election of Warren Harding; "New Coke"; and the shooting of Amadou Diallo by police.
Blink reveals that great decision makers aren't those who process the most information or spend the most time deliberating, but those who have perfected the art of "thin-slicing" filtering the very few factors that matter from an overwhelming number of variables.
Introduction: The statue that didn´t look right
1. The Theory of Thin Slices: How a little bit of knowledge goes a long way
2. The Locked Door: The secret life of snap decisions
3. The Warren Harding Error: Why we fall for tall, dark, and handome men
4. Paul Van Riper´s Big Victory: Creating structure for spontaneity
5. Kenna´s Dilemma: The right -and wrong- way to ask people what they want
6. Seven Seconds in the Bronx: The delicate art of mind reading
Conclusion: Listening with your eyes -the lessons of Blink



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Off the Rails in Phnom Penh: Into the Dark Heart of Guns, Girls, and Ganja by Amit Gilboa.
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Phnom Penh is a city of beauty and degradation, tranquillity and violence, and tradition and transformation; a city of temples and brothels, music and gunfire, and festivals and coups.
But for many, it is simply an anarchic celebration of insanity and indulgence.
Whether it is the $2 wooden shack brothels, the marijuana-pizza restaurants, the AK-47 fireworks displays, or the intricate brutality of Cambodian politics, Phnom Penh never ceases to amaze and amuse.
For an individual coming from a modern Western society, it is a place where the immoral becomes acceptable and the insane becomes normal.
Amid this chaos lives an extraordinary group of foreign residents.
Some are adventurers whose passion for life is given free rein in this unrestrained madhouse.
Others are misfits who, unable to make it anywhere else, wallow in the decadent and inviting environment.
This unparalleled first-hand account provides a fascinating, shocking, disturbing and often hilarious picture of contemporary Phnom Penh and the bizarre collection of expats who make it their home.
As they search for love in the brothels or adventure on the firing range, Phnom Penh Journey follows them into the dark heart of guns, girls and ganja.



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How to Establish a Successful Business in Thailand
by Philip Wylie.
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This is the perfect book for anyone thinking of starting or buying a business in Thailand.
This book will save readers lots of headaches, time and money.
This guide is full of information on how to run a business in Thailand including practical tips by successful foreign business people from different trades, such as guest house, bar trade, e-commerce, export and restaurant.
This is an essential guide for all foreigners thinking of doing business, or improving their business in Thailand.



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Phra Farang: An English Monk in Thailand
by Phra Peter Pannapadipo.
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At forty five, successful businessman Peter Robinson gave up his comfortable life in London to ordain as a Buddhist monk in Bangkok.
But the new path he had chosen was not always as easy or as straightforward as he hoped it would be.
In this truly extraordinary memoir, Phra Peter Pannapadipo describes his ten year metamorphosis into a practicing Buddhist monk, while being initiated into the intricacies of an unfamiliar Southeast Asian culture.
Phra Peter tells his story with compassion, humour and unflinching honesty.
It's the story of a 'Phra Farang' a foreign monk living and practicing his faith in an exotic and intriguing land.



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Thailand Confidential by Jerry Hopkins.
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"Wanna stand in the face of a charging elephant, get hit by a motorcycle, eat giant water bugs, blowtorch your mouth on some of the hottest chili peppers on earth, then go watch a sex change operation?
Of course you don't, but, happily, Jerry Hopkins has done all that and more, lots more, in this darkly humorous, deeply affectionate, clear eyed but never patronizing portrait of Thailand, his adopted home.



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Great Discourse on Not Self (Anattalakkhana Sutta)
by Mahasi Sayadaw.
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I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell by Tucker Max.
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“My name is Tucker Max, and I am an asshole."
With these words Tucker Max launched a classic humor bestseller that has sold more than two million copies in the US and hundreds of thousands more throughout the world.
I HOPE THEY SERVE BEER IN HELL was on bestseller list for five years including the #1 position.
The new edition, released in September 2015, includes a new 6-page Afterword that will delight Tucker's fans.
In it he describes his life in the 10 years since the book was first published, including his marriage and becoming a dad. His anecdotes are, as always, funny and revealing, told in the unique voice that millions of readers have come to love.



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The Hydro Boys: Pioneers of Renewable Energy
by Emma Wood.
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This work is an account of the pioneering days of hydro-electricity in Scotland.
It shows how each hydro project brought its own set of technical challenges, underlying the remarkable engineering achievements involved in bringing hydro electric power to the wild glens of the Scottish Highlands.
It concludes by looking at the future of hydro electric power worldwide.
Is hydroelectric power the sustainable technology of choice in a new century already riven with ecological angst.



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Boomsday by Christopher Buckley.
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BOOMSDAY'S heroine is Cassandra Devine, a charismatic 29-year-old blogger who incites massive political turmoil when, outraged over mounting Social Security debt, she politely suggests that Baby Boomers be given government incentives to kill themselves by age 75.
Her modest proposal catches fire with millions of her outraged peers ("Generation Whatever") and an ambitious Senator seeking to gain the youth vote in his presidential campaign.
With the help of Washington's greatest spin doctor, the blogger and the politician try to ride the issue of euthanasia for Boomers (they call it "Transitioning") all the way to the White House, over the forceful objections of the Religious Right and, of course, Baby Boomers, who are deeply offended by demonstrations on the golf courses of their retirement resorts.



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Manual of The Warrior of Light by Paulo Coelho.
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A collection of inspirational thoughts and stories from bestselling author of The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho.
A collection of insightful philosophical thoughts and stories, in which Paulo Coehlo offers inspiring answers to profound questions to delight spiritual seekers everywhere.
It has proved to be a perfect gift book in the few countries in which it has been published so far.
This will be the first English translation.
This book is a jewel for all of us who look for meaning in our daily lives as we struggle along the spiritual path. Within each of us is a Warrior of Light.
Each of us capable of listening to the silence of the heart, of accepting failure without letting it get us down and of holding onto hope even in the face of weariness and depression. Values like love for all things, discipline, friendship and learning to listen to our own hearts are the arms with which this warrior confronts the battles we face in the name of personal growth and in the defence of the light.
On every page there is an inspirational thought, which can be read as part of Paulo Coelho's whole philosophy or used form the basis of a daily meditation.
The Manual of the Warrior of Light is a handbook that shows human beings how to live as spiritual beings in the material world.



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One Night's Shelter: From Home to Homelessness
by Yogavacara Rahula.
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The Autobiography of the American Buddhist Monk Yogavacara Rahula.



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Cold Hit: A Novel (Vincent Calvino #6)
by Christopher G. Moore.
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Why have five tourist died.
Drug overdose victims or a serial killer?
Calvino's nose tells him a serial killer, stalking tourists in Bangkok.
The Thai cops, including Colonel Pratt, don't buy his theory. Death threats are made against an LA businessman Calvino has agreed to guard.
Is he the next tourist to die in the City of Angels?
In Christopher G. Moore's private-eye novel, Vincent Calvino, an American PI, teams with LAPD Officer Jessada Santisak on a bodyguard assignment as hidden forces pull them through swank shopping malls, rundown hotels, the slums of Klong Toey and the bars inside the Comfort Zone.
The Internet world of the Cause whose members flock to the Causeway bars in search of pleasure smashes into the Old World Order, and as the bodies start to be shipped home, the secret of the serial killer is revealed.



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The Abs Diet: The Six-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life

by David Zinczenko, Ted Spiker

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Whether you want to change your body to improve your health, your looks, your athletic performance, or your sex appeal, The Abs Diet - by David Zinczenko with Ted Spiker - offers you a simple promise: If you follow this plan, you will transform your body so that you can accomplish each and every one of those goals.

The Abs Diet lets you enjoy the foods you crave. It's not low-carb, low-fat, or low-anything else. It's just a smart, sensible, healthy plan that will give you the body you want in weeks. The Abs Diet will show you how to eat to keep your body's natural fat burners stoked at all times so you burn fat and build muscle all day, every day, even when you sleep. And you'll never feel hungry, restricted, or deprived. 


Edited by Daveo


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Dark Star Safari: Overland from Cairo to Cape Town
by Paul Theroux .
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Dark Star Safari is Paul Theroux's now classic account of a journey from Cairo to Cape Town.
Travelling across bush and desert, down rivers and across lakes, and through country after country, Theroux visits some of the most beautiful landscapes on earth, and some of the most dangerous.
It is a journey of discovery and of rediscovery, of the unknown and the unexpected, but also of people and places he knew as a young and optimistic teacher forty years before.
Safari in Swahili simply means "journey", and this is the ultimate safari.
It is Theroux in his element a trip where chance encounter is everything, where departure and arrival times are an irrelevance, and where contentment can be found balancing on the top of a truck in the middle of nowhere.



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Diary of a Thai Escort by Anonymous.
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Am I a bad girl?
Today I slept with a man for money for the first time.
He was an American called David and he was thirty five years old, exactly ten years older than me.
Am I a bad girl?
I don’t think so.
I just want to do what is best for my parents and my son...



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A Very English Scandal: Sex, Lies and a Murder Plot at the Heart of the Establishment, by John Preston.
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Behind oak panelled doors in the House of Commons, men with cut glass accents and gold signet rings are conspiring to murder.
It's the late 1960's and homosexuality has only just been legalised, and Jeremy Thorpe, the leader of the Liberal party, has a secret he's desperate to hide.
As long as Norman Scott, his beautiful, unstable lover is around, Thorpe's brilliant career is at risk.
With the help of his fellow politicians, Thorpe schemes, deceives, embezzles, until he can see only one way to silence Scott for good.
The trial of Jeremy Thorpe changed our society forever: it was the moment the British public discovered the truth about its political class.
Illuminating the darkest Secrets of the Establishment, the Thorpe affair revealed such breath taking deceit and corruption in an entire section of British society that, at the time, hardly anyone dared believe it could be true.
A Very English Scandal is an eye opening tale of how the powerful protect their own, and an extraordinary insight into the forces that shaped modern Britain.



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The Ottomans: Dissolving Images by Andrew Wheatcroft.
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The author teases out those qualities which were uniquely Ottoman, not Turkish, not Middle Eastern or even a shadowy echo of the West, they were born warriors from the steppes of Central Asia who became a singular urban culture.
Their legacy still lives on in the Middle East and parts of Europe and the author recovers their long forgotten and half-understood culture and analyzes their success.



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Ottoman Centuries by Lord Kinross.
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The Ottoman Empire began in 1300 under the almost legendary Osman I, reached its apogee in the sixteenth century under Suleiman the Magnificent, whose forces threatened the gates of Vienna, and gradually diminished thereafter until Mehmed VI was sent into exile by Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk).
In this definitive history of the Ottoman Empire, Lord Kinross, painstaking historian and superb writer, never loses sight of the larger issues, economic, political, and social.
At the same time he delineates his characters with obvious zest, displaying them in all their extravagance, audacity and, sometimes, ruthlessness.



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Cityboy: Beer and Loathing in the Square Mile
by Geraint Anderson.
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In this no holds barred, warts and all account of life in London's financial heartland, Anderson breaks the Square Mile's code of silence, revealing explosive Secrets, tricks of the trade and the corrupt, murky underbelly at the heart of life in the City.



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I Know You Got Soul by Jeremy Clarkson.
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In I Know You Got Soul, Jeremy Clarkson writes about the machines that he believes have 'soul'.
It will come as no surprise to anyone that Jeremy Clarkson loves machines.
But it's not just any old bucket of bolts, cogs and bearings that rings his bell.
In fact, he's scoured the length and breadth of the land, plunged into the oceans and taken to the skies in search of machines with that elusive certain something.
And along the way he's discovered: • The safest place to be in the event of nuclear war • Who would win if Superman, James Bond and The Terminator had a fight • The stupidest person he's ever met • What an old Cornish institution called Arthur has to do with 0898 chat lines • And how jean-Claude Van Damme might get eaten by a lion In I Know You Got Soul: Machines with a Certain Something, Jeremy Clarkson tells stories of the geniuses, innovators and crackpots who put the ghost in the machine.
From Brunel's SS Great Britain to the awesome Blackbird spy-plane and from the woeful, but inspiring, Graf Zeppelin to Han Solo's Millennium Falcon, they can't help but love them in return.



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The Guv'nor by Lenny McLean.
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Lenny McLean was one of the deadliest bare knuckle fighters Britain has ever seen.
He had dear, powerful friends, but he also had terrible enemies.
So much so that he has two bullet wounds in his back, each from a different attack.
He has also been stabbed repeatedly, always from behind. Lenny, however, is also a warm, grizzly bear of a man, whose main weakness is an overwhelming Desire to put the welfare of his mates ahead of his own well being. In this autobiography he tells of how the mafia flew him to New York to take on their greatest bare knuckle boxer in a multi million pound illicit challenge bout.
The Mafia's man lasted less than three minutes.
When the IRA fronted up a London gang in a money laundering scam, Lenny was brought in to intimidate the terrorists.
The IRA, not surprisingly, backed off.
Lenny's most serious trial came when he was accused of murder.
Fighting to prove his innocence against a minimum sentence of 25 years, Lenny never gave up, and went on to be found not guilty.
After deciding to retire from the violent life, Len turned his hand to acting, debuting in the series "The Knock".
He also had parts in "The Fifth Element" and "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels".



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The Gates of Rome (Emperor #1) by Conn Iggulden.
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Rarely, if ever, does a new writer dazzle us with such a vivid imagination and storytelling, flawlessly capturing the essence of a land, a people, a legend.
Conn Iggulden is just such a writer, bringing to vivid life one of the most fascinating eras in human history.
In a true masterpiece of historical fiction, Iggulden takes us on a breathtaking journey through ancient Rome, sweeping us into a realm of tyrants and slaves, of dark intrigues and seething passions.
What emerges is both a grand romantic tale of coming-of-age in the Roman Empire and a vibrant portrait of the early years of a man who would become the most powerful ruler on earth: Julius Caesar.
On the lush Italian peninsula, a new empire is taking shape.
At its heart is the city of Rome, a place of glory and decadence, beauty and bloodshed.
Against this vivid backdrop, two boys are growing to manhood, dreaming of battles, fame, and glory in service of the mightiest empire the world has ever known.
One is the son of a senator, a boy of privilege and ambition to whom much has been given and from whom much is expected.
The other is a bastard child, a boy of strength and cunning, whose love for his adoptive family and his adoptive brother will be the most powerful force in his life.
As young Gaius and Marcus are trained in the art of combat-under the tutelage of one of Rome's most fearsome gladiators Rome itself is being rocked by the art of treachery and ambition, caught in a tug-of-war as two rival generals, Marius and Sulla, push the empire toward civil war.
For Marcus, a bloody campaign in Greece will become a young soldier's proving ground.
For Gaius, the equally deadly infighting of the Roman Senate will be the battlefield where he hones his courage and skill. And for both, the love of an extraordinary slave girl will be an honor each will covet but only one will win.
The two friends are forced to walk different paths, and by the time they meet again everything will have changed.
Both will have known love, loss, and violence. And the land where they were once innocent will be thrust into the grip of bitter conflict a conflict that will set Roman against Roman...and put their friendship to the ultimate test.
Brilliantly interweaving history and adventure, Conn Iggulden conjures a stunning array of contrasts-from the bloody stench of a battlefield to the opulence of the greatest city in history, from the tenderness of a lover to the treachery of an assassin. Superbly rendered, grippingly told, Emperor, The Gates of Rome is a work of vaulting imagination from a powerful new voice in historical fiction.



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