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Phantoms of Breslau: An Eberhard Mock Investigation
by Marek Krajewski.
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It is 1919 in Breslau.
The hideously battered bodies of four young sailors are discovered on an island in the River Oder.
When Criminal Assistant Mock arrives at the scene to investigate, he discovers a note addressed to him, asking him to confess his sins and to become a believer. As he endeavours to piece together the elements of this brutal crime, Mock combs the brothels and drinking dens of Breslau and is drawn into an insidious game: it seems that anyone he questions during the course of the investigation is destined to become the murderer's next victim.
Ultimately he uncovers a secret society which has the Inspector himself clearly in its sights.
Dark, sophisticated and uncompromising, the distinctive Breslau series has already received broad critical acclaim. Phantoms of Breslau confirms Criminal Assistant Mock as surely the most outrageous and original detective in crime fiction.



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Bravemouth: Living With Billy Connolly
by Pamela Stephenson.
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Mrs Billy Connolly's tale of a more than usually extraordinary year in the life of living with her husband offers an insider's view of his filming, his charity works, his 60th birthday party and TV work, and includes personal insight into what makes him tick and what makes her tick (it's her year too).
He does and what she does (the contrast between the inherent seriousness of what she does, compared to the zaniness of what he does).
The nature of fame, the challenges of age and triumph-over-adversity are all themes underlying the many anecdotes collected in this book.



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Sex Life: Happier Relationships and Better Sex Through Frank Accounts of Couples' Love Lives
by Dorothy Einon & Michael Potegal.
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The aim of this book is to stimulate and amuse readers while making them aware of techniques and attitudes that will enhance their sexual enjoyment.
It contains uncensored accounts of real sexual encounters as recalled by the participants and it presents a broad spectrum of sexual experience.
The authors comment at length on the stories, providing an eye opening insight into the sexual practices described.
Their commentary embraces both the physical and the psychological aspects of sex, and is filled with suggestions for increasing enjoyment and overcoming problems.



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The English Monster by Lloyd Shepherd.
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In the east end of Regency London, two families lie butchered. Residents of the notorious Ratcliffe Highway, the victims bear the mark of unprecedented brutality.
Panic sweeps the country as its public cries for justice.
But these murders stem from an older horror, its source a sea voyage two centuries old.
In a ship owned by Queen Elizabeth herself, a young man embarks on England's first venture into a new trade: human souls.
As a nation's sins ripen and bloom, to be harvested in a bloody frenzy on the twisted streets of Regency Wapping, an English Monster is born.



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The Reluctant Tommy: An Extraordinary Memoir of the First World War; by Ronald Skirth & Duncan Barrett.
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This is the story of a young man who went to war a devoted servant of King and country and returned utterly convinced that war was wrong and who acted upon his convictions, making a pact with God that he would not kill.
This memoir, written 50 years after the end of the war, draws on his diary entries and letters home.



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Fragrant Heart: A Tale of Love, Life and Food in Southeast Asia by Miranda Emmerson.
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We buy food we can point to.
We stalk the streets until rush hour and wait for the little hatches to open in the sides of restaurants.
From the steamy openings, cooks in overalls sell jiaozi (dumplings) and bowls of thick, sticky, white congee, an unholy cross between soup and porridge.
Baozi, steamed white buns, are light as air.
I buy them filled with water spinach and nettle, delicious dipped in sharp, black Chinese vinegar.
In 2008, Miranda and her partner set off for one last big adventure before settling down.
They chose to travel through South-East Asia.
All did not go to plan: Asian flu, falling off boats and the general chaos of a life abroad challenged them at every step, and yet, in the midst of it all, they fell in love with the culture and culinary delights of China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Malaysia.



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The Insider: The Private Diaries of a Scandalous Decade
by Piers Morgan.
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The Insider dominated the media on publication in March 2005 and instantly became a No.1 bestseller.
Not only did it fill thousands of column inches with its revelations about prominent political and showbiz figures, it was critically acclaimed across the broadsheets for its unique and fascinating insight into the worlds of celebrity, royalty, politics and the media.
Piers Morgan was made editor of the News of the World, the UK's biggest selling Sunday newspaper at the record breaking age of 28.
The decade that followed was one of the most tumultuous in modern times.
In a world of indiscreet dinners, private meetings and gossipy lunches, Piers Morgan found himself in the thick of it.
His diaries from this remarkable period reveal astonishing and hilarious encounters with an endless list of celebrities and politicians alike: Diana, William, Charles and Camilla; Tony Blair, Cherie, Gordon Brown; Paul McCartney, George Michael and Elton John; Jeremy Clarkson, Paula Yates and Gazza to name just a few.



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Sports Injuries: A Self-Help Guide by Vivian Grisogono.
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Part of an updated series this book contains an A-Z of common injuries, together with advice on injury prevention and treatment.
Examples are drawn from different sports including American football, hang gliding, parachuting, skateboarding and wrestling.
It deals with all parts of the body and many different kinds of practitioner are recommended for the treatment of injuries. The author is a chartered physiotherapist with extensive experience of working with the British Olympic teams.



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How to Buy Land and Build a House in Thailand
by Philip Bryce.
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This book contains essential information for anyone contemplating buying or leasing land and building a house in Thailand.
It is meticulously researched and draws on expert legal and construction information from Thailand, America, Europe and Australia.
Concepts, techniques and instructions are explained in simple, clear, and easy to understand language.
How to Buy Land and Build a House in Thailand helps you... protect your investment by learning about foreign ownership and lease options, land titles, contracts, taxes, permits and lawyers; save money by following useful tips about transferring money to Thailand, delivery of building supplies, deposits and special order items, temporary housing for workers; learn how to choose the best architect, builder and project manager for your needs; find out what you can afford and visualize what you want before you pay anyone anything; learn useful Thai, land and building words and phrases; avoid communication problems and enjoy your building experience; follow essential checklists of important must check items every step of the way; eliminate the guess work from building project management; build a house that is well made, structurally sound, nicely finished with no weird smells from the plumbing or unsafe electrical installations.
How to Buy Land and Build a House in Thailand follows the construction of the author's 220 sq. meter house in Ko Phangan, Thailand with over 100 photographs, 2D and 3D drawings and 700 English-Thai words and phrases.
This book is your ultimate resource for "buying" land and building a house in Thailand.



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In the Footsteps of Stamford Raffles by Nigel Barley.
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Sir Stamford Raffles was a British colonial trader who, in 1819, founded the island city-state of Singapore.
Today, Singapore is a world alpha city ranked alongside London, New York, and Tokyo.
In this intriguing book, part history, part travelogue, the author revisits the places that were important in the life of Raffles and evaluates his legacy, both good and bad, in present day Singapore.
Previously published by Penguin, this is a fully updated edition.



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Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda by Roméo Dallaire.
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On the 10th anniversary of when UN peacekeepers landed in Rwanda, Random House Canada proudly publishes the unforgettable 1st hand account of the genocide by the leader of the mission.
Digging deep into shattering memories, Dallaire has written a powerful story of betrayal, naivete, racism and international politics.
His message is simple, undeniable: Never again.
When Lt-Gen. Roméo Dallaire was called to serve as force commander of the UN intervention in Rwanda in '93, he thought he was heading off on a straightforward peacekeeping mission.
Thirteen months later he flew home from Africa, broken, disillusioned and suicidal, having witnessed the slaughter of 800,000 Rwandans in 100 days.
In Shake Hands with the Devil, he takes readers with him on a return voyage into hell, vividly recreating the events the international community turned its back on.
This book is an unsparing eyewitness account of the failure by humanity to stop the genocide, despite timely warnings. Woven thru the story of this disastrous mission is his own journey from confident Cold Warrior, to devastated UN commander, to retired general engaged in a painful struggle to find a measure of peace, hope and reconciliation.
This book is a personal account of his conversion from a man certain of his worth and secure in his assumptions to one conscious of his own weaknesses and failures and critical of the institutions he'd relied on.
It might not sit easily with standard ideas of military leadership, but understanding what happened to him and his mission to Rwanda is crucial to understanding the moral minefields peacekeepers are forced to negotiate when we ask them to step into dirty wars.



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Flowering Plants of Thailand: A Field Guide
by Patrick D. McMakin.
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This expanded edition includes a new chapter and over sixty additional plates of Thailand's most representative flora.
Color plates and descriptions of over five hundred species make plant identification an enjoyable pastime for serious students, nature lovers, tourists or others who wish to learn the names and characteristics of Thailand famed flowers. Divided into eight plant communities and easily keyed, this well organized new edition becomes a valuable addition to any library.



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The Heart of India by Mark Tully.
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Imbued with his love for India, and informed by his experience of India (where he worked for the BBC for over 20 years), Mark Tully has woven together a series of stories set in Uttar Pradesh, which tell of very different lives.



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Shop Girl by Mary Portas.
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Young Mary Newton, born into a large Irish family in a small Watford semi, was always getting into trouble.
When she wasn’t choking back fits of giggles at Holy Communion or eating Chappie dog food for a bet, she was accidentally setting fire to the local school.
Mary was a trouble magnet.
And, unlike her brothers, somehow she always got caught…
Britain in the 1970's was a world where R White's lemonade was drunk in secret, curry came in a cardboard box marked Vesta and Beanz meant Heinz.
In Mary’s family, money was scarce. Clothes were hand me downs, holidays a church day out to Hastings and meals were variations on the potato.
But these were also good times which revolved around the force of nature that was Theresa, Mary’s mum.
When tragedy unexpectedly blows this world apart, a new chapter in Mary’s life opens up.
She takes to the camp and glamour of Harrods window dressing like a duck to water, and Mary, Queen of Shops is born…



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Alone in Antarctica: The First Woman To Ski Solo Across The Southern Ice by Felicity Aston.
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In the whirling noise of our advancing technological age, we are seemingly never alone, never out of touch with the barrage of electronic data and information.
Felicity Aston, physicist and meteorologist, took two months off from all human contact as she became the first woman and only the third person in history to ski across the entire continent of Antarctica alone.
She did it, too, with the simple apparatus of cross country, without the aids used by her predecessors, two Norwegian men, each of whom employed either parasails or kites.
Aston’s journey across the ice at the bottom of the world asked of her the extremes in terms of mental and physical bravery, as she faced the risks of unseen cracks buried in the snow so large they might engulf her and hypothermia due to brutalizing weather.
She had to deal, too, with her emotional vulnerability in face of the constant bombardment of hallucinations brought on by the vast sea of whiteness, the lack of stimulation to her senses as she faced what is tantamount to a form of solitary confinement.
In the whirling noise of our advancing technological age, we are seemingly never alone, never out of touch with the barrage of electronic data and information.
Felicity confronts both the physical challenges of her adventure, as well as her own human vulnerabilities.



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Quartered Safe Out Here by George MacDonald Fraser.
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‘There is no doubt that, Quartered Safe Out Here, is one of the great personal memoirs of the Second World War’ John Keegan
Life and death in Nine Section, a small group of hard bitten and (to modern eyes) possibly eccentric Cumbrian borderers with whom the author, then nineteen, served in the last great land campaign of World War II, when the 17th Black Cat Division captured a vital strongpoint deep in Japanese territory, held it against counter attack and spearheaded the final assault in which the Japanese armies were, to quote General Slim, “torn apart”.



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To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
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The unforgettable novel of a childhood in a sleepy Southern town and the crisis of conscience that rocked it, To Kill A Mockingbird became both an instant bestseller and a critical success when it was first published in 1960.
It went on to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1961 and was later made into an Academy Award winning film, also a classic.
Compassionate, dramatic, and deeply moving, To Kill A Mockingbird takes readers to the roots of human behavior, to innocence and experience, kindness and cruelty, love and hatred, humor and pathos.
Now with over 18 million copies in print and translated into forty languages, this regional story by a young Alabama woman claims universal appeal.
Harper Lee always considered her book to be a simple love story.
Today it is regarded as a masterpiece of American literature.



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Jerusalem: The Biography by Simon Sebag Montefiore.
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Jerusalem is the universal city, the capital of two peoples, the shrine of three faiths; it is the prize of empires, the site of Judgement Day and the battlefield of today's clash of civilizations.
From King David to Barack Obama, from the birth of Judaism, Christianity and Islam to the Israel-Palestine conflict, this is the epic history of 3,000 years of faith, slaughter, fanaticism and coexistence.
How did this small, remote town become the Holy City, the 'centre of the world' and now the key to peace in the Middle East?
In a gripping narrative, Simon Sebag Montefiore reveals this ever changing city in its many incarnations, bringing every epoch and character blazingly to life.
Jerusalem's biography is told through the wars, love affairs and revelations of the men and women kings, empresses, prophets, poets, saints, conquerors and whores, who created, destroyed, chronicled and believed in Jerusalem.
Drawing on new archives, current scholarship, his own family papers and a lifetime's study, Montefiore illuminates the essence of sanctity and mysticism, identity and empire in a unique chronicle of the city that many believe will be the setting for the Apocalypse.
This is how Jerusalem became Jerusalem, and the only city that exists twice - in heaven and on earth.



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Uncle Bill: The Authorised Biography of Field Marshal Viscount Slim by Russell Miller.
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Field Marshal Slim is less well known than other Second World War generals, but is now widely regarded as the best. To the men under his command he was 'Uncle Bill', probably the most respected and loved military leader since the Duke of Marlborough.
Born into an impoverished family in Bristol in 1891 and brought up in the Black Country, he was commissioned as a temporary Second Lieutenant on the outbreak of the First World War.
Twice seriously wounded, in Gallipoli and Mesopotamia, he was awarded the Military Cross in 1918.
After the war he was unable to remain an officer in the class ridden British Army without private means and transferred to the Indian Army, where he developed an enduring affection for the Gurkhas and began writing short stories to supplement his income.
Slim's career stalled between the wars, but during this time he developed the leadership techniques that would make him a national hero within a decade and which are still taught today at Sandhurst.
Promotion came rapidly with the Second World War, and in March 1942 he was sent to Burma to take command of the British-Indian First Burma Corps, then in full flight from the advancing Japanese.
Through the force of his leadership, Slim turned disorderly panic into a controlled military withdrawal across the border into India.
Two years later, having raised and retrained the largest army ever assembled by Britain, Slim drove the enemy out of Burma and shattered the myth of Japanese invincibility which had hamstrung the Allied operations in the East for so long. Slim returned to Britain laden with awards and honours.
He became a popular Governor-General of Australia in 1953, was raised to the peerage, and died in London in 1970.
This important biography will be written with the full cooperation of the Slim family, and Russell Miller has had access to all their papers.



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Bread: Baking by hand or bread machine by Eric Treuille & Ursula Ferrigno. 

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Turn your home into a bakery and follow 100 delicious recipes.

Bake by hand or use a bread machine and enjoy delicious granary bread, fragrant focaccia, moist pumpkin loaf, Italian Panettone and more.

From mixing and shaping to proving and glazing, each stage of the process is clearly explained.

Problem solving tips and advice on selecting the best ingredients support the techniques.

Accessible to even the beginner it'll turn you effortlessly into a master baker in your own home.



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Farang by Iain Corness.


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An insightful look into the life of UK expats in Thailand, portrayed with humour and affection, this title recounts examples of the idiosyncrasies and frustrations faced and felt by many British visitors when they first come to Thailand.



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Successful Living in Thailand & Thai Culture and Society (The Thai & I) by Roger Welty.

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Capture the essence of how to adjust, understand and get the most out of living in Thailand. This guide to the practicalities of living and working in Thailand will help transform readers from being 'outsiders' to being an 'insider' by providing a unique resource on how to make a success of your day to day life in Thailand not only for first time expats and visitors but also for long term foreign residents of the country.


Feel at in Thailand,at Ease with the Thais,and at Peace with Yourself in Unfamiliar Surroundings. This insight into the historical and social development of Thailand will help transform readers from 'outsiders' to 'insiders' to 'insiders'. In his own inimitable style, Roger Welty explains the relevance of these cultural dynamics in contemporary Thai society, providing a unique perspective not only for first-time expats and visitors, but also for long-term foreign residents of the country. Content - From Ancient Saddle Sores to Today's Traffic Jam's - Who Steers the Ship of State? - Which Came First, Kai or Khai? - Joss-Sticks and Salvation - The Thai and I - What A Bout...?





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Good Housekeeping Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Entertaining by Janet Smith & Robin Ayrdon.
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A HISTORY OF ENGLAND Hardcover – 1970
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Boat People by James Eckhardt.
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Boat People is a panoramic novel of greed and compassion, violence and family love, desperation and hope.
It is September 1981, the high tide of boat people flight from Vietnam. Front the Mekong Delta port of Rach Gia, one boat-crammed with fishermen, farmers, political refugees and urban hustlers, runs a 300 mile gauntlet of Pirates and storms for the safe haven of the Songkhla Refugee Camp.
Here the survivors meet the West in the form of religious idealists and burnt-out aid workers.
Some boat people are drawn to black market gangs; others to public service or official corruption.
Factions plot against each other and grapple for advantage Covering the refugee beat for the American Consulate, Dan Swartz is torn between being a cynical observer and a reluctant participant in the drama of the camp.
Nguyen Xuan Tong is torn too, between loyalty to his gang and his love for Le Thuy Linh.
Her protector, the beautiful Huynh Thuc Quan, plays her would be lover Fred Butterworth against gang leader Huyan Anh.
As tensions in the camp flash into violence, both Dan Swartz and Nguyen Xuan Tong are forced to make a painful moral choice: in a snake's nest of deception and counterplot, where do they stand?



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