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House of Sand and Fog by Andre Dubus III
Just in today @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse - Cafe - Pattaya.
On a road crew in California, a former colonel in the Iranian Air Force sees a way to restore his family's dignity in an attractive bungalow available on county auction.
But the house owner, a recovering alcoholic and addict down on her luck, will fight for the one thing she has left.
And her lover, a married cop, will be driven to extremes to win her love.
In this masterpiece of American realism and Shakespearean consequence, Andre Dubus III's unforgettable characters careen toward inevitable conflict, their tragedy painting a shockingly true picture of the country we live in today.



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Minor Wife by Christopher G. Moore.
In today @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse - Cafe - Pattaya.
A contemporary murder set in Bangkok, a neighbor and friend, a young ex hooker turned artist, is found dead by an American millionaire’s minor wife.
Her rich expat husband hires Calvino to investigate.
While searching for the killer in exclusive clubs and not so back street bars of Bangkok, Calvino discovers that a minor wife, (mia noi) has everything to do with a woman’s status. From Cock fighting matches to elite Bangkok golf clubs, Calvino finds himself caught in the crossfire as he closes in on the murderer.
A good Thailand read from Mr Moore....



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Clean Kill (Kyle Swanson Sniper #3) by Jack Coughlin & Donald A. Davis.
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse - Cafe - Pattaya.
After the Novel Dead Shot comes the most thrilling installment of the Kyle Swanson series yet, in which an attempt at a new peace in the Middle East is shattered by an unknown attacker, and only Swanson can find out who's responsible........



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Thanks Daveo for good breakfasts and good reads.  A great spot to drop in for a leisurely cup of tea while checking out the cute girls across the road at Amon's.


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Lions Don't Need to Roar, using the Leadership Power of Personal Presence to Stand Out, Fit in and Move Ahead by D.A. Benton.
Traded in @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse - Cafe - Pattaya.



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The Torso by Helene Tursten,
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Cafe - Guesthouse - Pattaya - Thailand.
Part of a human torso washes up on a beach near Göteborg, Sweden.
It's so mutilated that gender is only established by DNA testing, a similar crime several years old, remains unsolved in Denmark.
Detective Inspector Irene Huss is sent to Copenhagen to liaise with police, then a third corpse is discovered, this time it is identified.
It's a girl Detective Huss knew, she had been asked by the girl’s family to locate their missing daughter.
A 4th victim, the son of a woman heading the Copenhagen crime squad, is also known to Huss.
She fears the killer is tracking her, killing people with whom she is connected.
There is even a chilling suggestion that he or she is one of her colleagues.



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Killer Elite: Inside America's Most Secret Special Forces:
Author Michael Smith.
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse - Cafe #Pattaya - Thailand.
America's most secret Special Forces unit is not even named.
Formed as the 'Intelligence Support Activity' it has had a succession of innocuous titles to hide its ferocious purpose.
It exists to 'undertake activities only when other intelligence or operational support elements are unavailable or inappropriate'.
Translated from Pentagon speak, this means operating undercover in the world's most far-off and dangerous places, penetrating enemy organizations including Al Qaeda, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
'The Activity' combines the spy work of the CIA with the commando/SAS role of the Green Berets.
It not only provides the intelligence on the ground, it translates it into 'direct action'.



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The Survivor by Gregg Hurwitz.
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse - Cafe - Pattaya.
The author of You're Next, unleashes his most accomplished, compelling thriller yet.
One morning in Los Angeles, Nate Overbay, a divorced former soldier suffering from PTSD and slowly dying from ALS, goes to an eleventh floor bank, climbs out of the bathroom window onto the ledge, and gets ready to end it all.
But as he's steeling himself, a crew of robbers bursts into the bank and begins to viciously shoot employees and customers. With nothing to lose, Nate confronts the robbers, taking them out one by one.
The last man standing leaves Nate with a cryptic warning.
Nate soon learns what that message meant.
He is kidnapped by Pavlo, a ruthless Russian mobster and mastermind of the failed heist.
Unable to break back into the bank to get the critical item inside, Pavlo gives Nate an ultimatum, break in and get what he needs or watch Pavlo slowly kill the one thing Nate loves most, his ex-wife Janie and his teenaged daughter Cielle, both lost when he came back from Iraq broken and confused.
Now he's got one last chance to protect the people he loves, even if it's the last thing he is able to do.



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Manhunt by James Barrington.
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse - Cafe #Pattaya - Thailand.
No one is ever above suspicion in the intelligence World, but if a senior officer goes bad it still hurts.
When that senior officer can't be identified, it's even more painful.
Conventional detective work to unmask him or her is going to take too long and probably become unreliable, so the best alternative strategy has to be formulated.



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Wild Card by James Swain.
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse - Cafe / #Pattaya #Thailand.
In 1979, & the Boardwalk Empire of Atlantic City is being ripped down and replaced by a sparkling new casino and all the terrible crime that accompanies it.
Cops on the take, mobsters stealing over a million dollars a day, a cunning serial killer preying on easy Ladies of the night, and more con men and hustlers than you can shake a stick at define the all new Atlantic City.
Only one man can properly clean up the little city by the shore, Detective Tony Valentine.
With the mob breathing down his neck and a sadistic killer stalking him, Valentine will put his own life in peril, and risk his career, to insure that justice prevails.



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Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis.
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse - Cafe - Pattaya - Thailand.
One of rock's most provocative figures in Rock, Scar Tissue is Anthony Kiedis's down right honest memoir of a life spent in the crazy lane.
1983, four self described "knuckleheads" burst out of the mosh pitted mosaic of the neo-punk rock scene in L.A. with their own unique style of cosmic hardcore mayhem funk.
For over twenty years the Red Hot Chili Peppers, against all odds, have become one of the most successful bands in the world.
Though the band has gone through many incarnations, Anthony Kiedis, the group's lyricist and dynamic lead singer, has been there for the whole Manic ride.
Whether he is recollecting the influence of the beautiful, strong women who have been his muses, or retracing a journey that sometimes included appearances as diverse as a performance before half a million people at Woodstock or an audience of one at the humble compound of the exiled Dalai Lama, Kiedis shares a fascinating story about the price of success and total excess.
Scar Tissue is a story of dedication and debauchery, of intrigue and integrity, of recklessness and redemption, a story that could have only come out of the world of rock.



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Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane.
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse - Cafe - Pattaya - Thailand.
The year is 1954.
U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels and his new partner, Chuck Aule, have come to Shutter Island, home of Ashecliffe Hospital for the Criminally Insane, to investigate the disappearance of a patient.
Multiple murderess Rachel Solando is loose somewhere on this barren island, despite having been kept in a locked cell under constant surveillance.
As a killer hurricane bears relentlessly down on them, a strange case takes on even darker, more sinister shades with hints of radical experimentation, horrifying surgeries, and lethal countermoves made in the cause of a covert shadow war.
No one is going to escape Shutter Island unscathed, because nothing at Ashecliffe Hospital is remotely what it seems.



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I Am Ozzy by Ozzy Osbourne & Chris Ayres.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Cafe - Guesthouse - Pattaya,
His story



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Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng.
In today @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Guesthouse / Cafe, Pattaya..
So begins this exquisite novel about a Chinese American family living in 1970's small town Ohio.
A profoundly moving family story.



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The Pied Piper's Poison by Christopher Wallace.
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse / Cafe / #Pattaya / #Thailand.
In the Winter of 1946, strange things are happening at Tarutz quarantine camp in southern Poland where a group of refugees have fallen victim to a horrific, unidentifiable disease.
A young doctor is summoned to identify the mysterious affliction now eating its way through a growing list of victims.
Winter 1648, and the ancient town of Hamelin is struggling to survive the most savage war Europe has ever known. Besieged by a vicious mercenary army, confounded by the endless machinations of its leaders, gripped by fever starvation and vermin, Hamelin is desperate for any respite.
Maybe a connection between the two calamities?
In a novel of sturdy intelligence, Christopher Wallace reveals the truth behind the tale of the Pied Piper of Hamelin, involving the reader in the devils and demons who patrol the great European plain ready to seize their moment whenever chaos invites them in.



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Secret Slave by Anna Rushden.
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse / Cafe / #Pattaya / #Thailand.
Kidnapped and abused for over 13 years.
This is my story of survival.



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SUDASSA ONKOM Fruit of Karma.
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse / Cafe / Pattaya / #Thailand.
Fruit of Karma is an English translation of the original thai book 'sat lok yoom pen pay taam kamm', although in novel form, the book is based on factual real life experiences, about the Author's many attendances at the temple and from hearing her teacher Luang Por relate his experiences.
She kept detailed records in diary form of every experience he thought worthy of note to help teach others about the laws of karma and their profound effects.




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James Stewart a Biography by Donald Dewey.
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop -- Book exchange --Guesthouse -- Cafe / #Pattaya / #Thailand.
After a short lived stint on Broadway, Jimmy Stewart went to Hollywood and soon made great classics as "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," and "The Philadelphia Story."
He symbolized the patriotism of that time, and even joined the army in World War II, winning a Distinguished Flying Cross. Up to that point, his characters had espoused the same values that Stewart himself, a devout Presbyterian, lived by.
Read the rest of this fascinating life at Canterbury Tales bookshop in the Bio section.



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Nietzsche: Philosopher, Antichrist, Psychologist,
by Walter Kaufmann.
Traded in @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse - Cafe - Pattaya.
This fascinating classic has been benchmark against which all modern books about Nietzsche are measured.
When Walter Kaufmann wrote it in the immediate aftermath of World War II, most scholars outside Germany viewed Nietzsche as part madman, part proto-Nazi, and almost totally unphilosophical.
Kaufmann rehabilitated Nietzsche nearly single handedly, presenting his works as one of the great achievements of Western philosophy.
Read more in this interesting book at Canterbury Tales bookshop in the self help -- Philosophy section



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Grotesque by Natsuo Kirino.
@ #Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Cafe - #Pattaya #Thailand
Tokyo prostitutes Yuriko and Kazue have been brutally murdered, their deaths leaving a wake of unanswered questions about who they were?
Who their murderer is? and how their lives came to this end?
As their stories unroll in an ingeniously layered narrative, coolly mediated by Yuriko’s older sister, we are taken back to their time in a prestigious girls’ high school, where a very strict social hierarchy decided both their fates.
Also follow's them through the years as they struggle against rigid societal conventions.
Shedding light on the most hidden precincts of Japanese society today, Grotesque is both a psychological investigation into the female psyche and a work of noir fiction that confirms Natsuo Kirino’s electrifying gifts.
A real Japanese Classic at Canterbury Tales Bookshop, Pattaya.



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The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America by Erik Larson
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse - Cafe / #Pattaya / #Thailand.
“The true tale of the 1893 World’s Fair intertwined with the cunning serial killer who used the fair to lure his victims to their death.” Fascinating True Crime at Canterbury Tales Bookshop.



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Trapped by David McKeowen.
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse / Cafe / #Pattaya / #Thailand.
Martin Hughes is a high-flying successful lawyer, but now more than anything he yearns to win back the woman who left him.
Viktor is also a lawyer, but he works as a cleaner.
His happy life and career were destroyed in the former Yugoslavia, and now he is an illegal immigrant in London.
His only consolation is provided by his sweet little daughter, Susanna, and his girlfriend, Mila.
But Mila has disappeared, and meeting Martin by accident, the desperate Viktor begs him to help.
Against his better judgment, Martin goes with Viktor to the police, and finds that this tentative step outside the boundaries of his comfortable existence has plunged him into an unknown world of trafficking, prostitution, violence and fraud.
And it's too late to turn back.



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BUDDHISM ANSWERS LIFE: The Awakened Way of Life
by Kongsak Tanphaichitr.
In today @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop -- Book exchange -- Guesthouse -- Cafe, Pattaya --Thailand.



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George Michael, The Biography by Rob Jovanovic.
@ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse -- Cafe / #Pattaya / #Thailand



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Stoned by Andrew Loog Oldham.
Traded in recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop - Book exchange - Guesthouse / Cafe / Pattaya / Thailand.
A 19 year old Andrew Loog Oldham was discovered when he became the manager and producer of an unknown band called The Rolling Stones.
His truly radical vision transformed them from a penniless South London blues combo to the greatest rock ’n’ roll band the World has known.
Ultra-hip, flashy, brash and adorned in Sixties style, he was a hustler of genius, addicted to scandal, notoriety and innovation.
Read Andrew's story and many more like it at Canterbury Tales Bookshop #Pattaya



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