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Sashenka by Simon Sebag Montefiore
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand.
Winter, 1916, In St Petersburg, Russia on the brink of revolution.
Outside the Smolny Institute for Noble Young Ladies, an English governess is waiting for her young charge to be released from school.
But so are the Tsar’s secret police.
Beautiful and headstrong, Sashenka Zeitlin is just sixteen, as her mother parties with Rasputin and her dissolute friends, Sashenka slips into the frozen night to play her part in a dangerous game of conspiracy and seduction.
Twenty years on, Sashenka has a powerful husband with whom she has two children.
Around her people are disappearing, but her own family is safe, but she is about to embark on a forbidden love affair which will have devastating consequences.
Sashenka story lies hidden for half a century, until a young historian goes deep into Stalin's private archives and uncovers a heartbreaking tale of passion and betrayal, savage cruelty and unexpected heroism and one woman forced to make an unbearable choice.



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Tears at Bedtime by Tom Wilson.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand.
At just six years old Tom Wilson fell prey to a predator of the worst sort.
David Murphy was supposed to be his carer, instead he lifted his victims from their beds in the dead of night, and Tom was powerless to stop it.
Tom endured years of horrific abuse which led to years of silence and self torture.
He grew up to be a troubled man, stumbling through care homes, schools, borstal and eventually prison.
The damage that was done to him in those early years had destroyed his life.
Then, one day, Tom read a newspaper article which unlocked the terrible memories he'd kept hidden for over forty tormented years.
And a painful battle for justice began.



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The Family Corleone by Ed Falco
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand.
New York, 1933.
The city and the nation are in the depths of the Great Depression.
The crime families of New York have prospered in this time, but with the coming end of Prohibition, a battle is looming that will determine which organizations will rise and which will face a violent end.
For Vito Corleone, nothing is more important that his family's future.
While his youngest children, Michael, Fredo, and Connie, are in school, unaware of their father's true occupation and his adopted son Tom Hagen is a college student, he worries most about Sonny, his eldest child.
Vito pushes Sonny to be a businessman, but Sonny 17 years old, impatient and reckless wants something else.
To follow in his father's footsteps and become a part of the real family business.
An exhilarating and profound novel of tradition and violence, of loyalty and betrayal, The Family Corleone will appeal to the legions of fans who can never get enough of The Godfather, as well as introduce it to a whole new generation.



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The Tailor of Panama by John le Carré
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand
Le Carré's Panama the young country of 2.5 million souls which, on December 31, 1999, will gain full control of the Panama Canal is a Casablanca without heroes, a hotbed of drugs, laundered money and corruption.
Seldom has the weight of the global politics descended so heavily on such a tiny and unprepared nation and seldom has the hidden eye of British Intelligence selected such an unlikely champion as Harry Pendel a charmer, a dreamer, an evader, a fabulist and presiding genius of the house of Pendel & Braithwaite Co. Limitada, Tailors to Royalty, formerly of London and presently of Panama City.
Yet there is a logic to the spies' choice, everybody who is anybody in Central America passes through Pendel's doors, he dresses the Panamanian President, and the General in Charge of U.S. Southern Command.
He dresses politicos and crooks and conmen, his fitting room hears more confidences than a priest's confessional and when Harry Pendel does not hear things as such well, he hears them anyway, by other means.
For what is a tailor for, if not to disguise reality with appearance?
What is truth if not the plaything of the artist?
What are spies and politicians and journalists if not themselves selectors and manipulators of the truth for their own ends?
In a thrilling, hilarious novel, le Carré has provided us with a satire about the fate of truth in modern times.
Once again, he has effortlessly expanded the borders of the spy story to bring us a magnificent entertainment straight out of the pages of tomorrow's history.



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The Skin Collector by Jeffery Deaver
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand.
A new type of serial killer is stalking the streets of New York, one far more devious and disturbing than ever before.
They call this butcher The Skin Collector: a tattooist with a chamber of torture hidden deep underground.
But instead of using ink to create each masterpiece, the artist uses a lethal Poison which will render targets dead before they can even entertain the prospect of escape.
Drafted in to investigate, NYPD detective Lincoln Rhyme and his associate Amelia Sachs have little to go on but a series of cryptic messages left etched into the skin of the deceased.
As the pair struggle to discover the meaning behind the designs, they are led down a treacherous and twisting path where nothing is as it seems.
With the clock rapidly ticking before the killer strikes again, they must untangle the twisted web of clues before more victims, or they themselves are next.



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Hitch-22: A Memoir by Christopher Hitchens
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand.
In this long awaited and candid memoir, Hitchens retraces the footsteps of his life to date, from his childhood in Portsmouth, with his adoring, tragic mother and reserved Naval officer father to his life in Washington DC, the base from which from he would launch fierce attacks on tyranny of all kinds.
Along the way, he recalls the girls, boys and booze, the friendships and the feuds, the grand struggles and lost causes and the mistakes and misgivings that have characterized his life.
Hitch-22 is, by turns, moving and funny, charming and infuriating, enraging and inspiring.
It is an indispensable companion to the life and thought of our pre eminent political writer.



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Quotes to Know in Thailand by Tony Crossley
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand..
With quotes about, various subjects, some of which are very relevant to our lives in Pattaya, such as Bar girls, Face, For Farang, Politics, Prostitution, Sex Trade and Winning and Losing.
Other subjects covered include America and Americans, Conservatism, Patriotism and even Writing, of which author Tony Crossley has done much and has given the reader a quote from himself being, “Writing can tell little about a subject but much about the author.”
One salient fact about the author being that every so often he declines to ascribe a quote to himself A.J. Crossley but hides behind the initials A.J.C. I’m sorry Tony, but your subterfuge has been revealed, your cover is broken.
In his introduction, Tony Crossley explores the cultural divide between East and West and writes,
“Thai ways often confuse us Westerners, but some of the quotes herein, originally stated with no thought at all to Thailand, suggest that the Thai / Western equation is not so different in real terms than sometimes seems.”
To back up this statement he quotes, “Every woman wants a mink in the wardrobe, a jaguar in her garage, a tiger in bed and a jackass to pay for it all.”
This was not from one of our better educated ladies of the night, but from the enfant terrible Paris Hilton.
One of his better original quotes in the Lifestyle section goes, “When we wake up in the morning we have two choices.
Go back to sleep and dream, or get up and chase the dream.”
I particularly enjoyed the quote from George Bernard Shaw in the Patriotism section.
“Patriotism is your conviction that your country is superior to all others because you were born in it.”
A truer word has rarely been spoken. Especially apt for the SE Asian readers.
In this country, also known as the Land of Smiles, where a smile takes many different forms, inexplicable and not understandable for the new ex-pat, this quote from Herman Melville explains it all so well, “A smile is the chosen vehicle of all ambiguities.”



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The Outlaws by W.E.B. Griffin.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand..
The former Presidential Agent's Office of Organizational Analysis has been disbanded.
Charley Castillo and his colleagues have retired, and there is an adversarial Commander in Chief in the Oval Office.
But just because Castillo is out of the government doesn't mean he's out of business.
And when a barrel of nightmarishly lethal material is shipped to an Army medical lab, Castillo knows that the people behind it are just getting started...



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Bad Soldier by Chris Ryan
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand.
A migrant boat battles through the rough Mediterranean.
Its passengers are desperate, starving and scared.
They are also being ruthlessly targeted by the SAS.
Islamic State militants are smuggling themselves into Europe using these boats.
Only by locating such men before they make it into the UK can the Regiment stop them committing their acts of terror on British soil.
When one of these migrants reveals plans for a sickening Christmas Day atrocity in London, SAS operative Danny Black is tasked with infiltrating the most dangerous theatre of war in the world: Islamic State heartland.
There, he and his team must lift a brutal IS commander, the only man who knows all the details of the London attack.
The commander surrounds himself with vicious militants and a harem of sex slaves whom he treats in the most sadistic ways imaginable.
And his jihadi wife is, if possible, even more abominable than him.
As Danny pits himself against the violent thugs of the Islamic State, he learns that it is not just the UK that is under threat.
His very presence on the mission has put at risk the safety of those closest to him and he discovers that there are greater forces at work here, who do not care if the innocent live or die.
Now there is nothing Danny will not do, no line he will not cross, to protect his family, whether that makes him a good soldier or a bad soldier he neither knows nor cares.
Because as he is fast learning, it is sometimes impossible to tell the difference between the two.
And as every SAS soldier is trained to understand, the worst threats often come from the most unexpected places...



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White Crocodile by K.T. Medina
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand.
One of Booklist's Best Crime Novels of the Year
Tess Hardy thought she had put Luke, her violent ex husband, firmly in her past.
Then he calls from Cambodia, where he is working as a mine clearer, and there's something in his voice she hasn't heard before: Fear.
Two weeks later, he's dead.
Against her better judgment, Tess is drawn to Cambodia and to the killing fields.
Keeping her relationship to Luke a closely guarded secret, Tess joins his team of mine clearers, who are shaken to the core by Luke's sudden death.
Even in their grief, the group remains a tightly knit and tightly wound community in which almost everyone has something to hide.
At the same time, the circle of death begins to expand.
Teenage mothers are disappearing from villages around the minefields, while others are being found mutilated and murdered, their babies abandoned.
Everywhere there are whispers about the White Crocodile, a mythical beast that brings death to all who meet it.
Caught in a web of Secrets and lies, Tess must unravel the truth, and quickly, the crocodile is watching, and Tess may be its next victim.
Combining the technical expertise of military suspense with a richly drawn sense of place, White Crocodile forges new ground in the thriller genre.
Medina's internationally acclaimed debut announces the arrival of a prodigiously talented novelist whom readers will be discussing for years to come.



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Twisted by Lynda La Plante
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand.
The exciting new standalone thriller from the No. 1 bestselling mistress of suspense
'Please don't let anything bad have happened to her, please don't let anything have happened to my baby'
Marcus and Lena Fulford are the envy of their friends.
Wealthy, attractive and successful, the couple, with their strikingly beautiful teenage daughter Amy, seem settled and content.
But appearances mask a strained relationship almost at breaking point.
Marcus's latest business venture has failed, draining Lena, the major breadwinner, dry.
Putting Amy into weekly boarding school and striving to get her own career back on its feet, Lena remains alone in the luxurious family house as her marriage heads towards as amicable a divorce as she and Marcus can muster, and joint custody of their only child.
So when Amy arranges a sleepover with a school friend one weekend, neither parent sees the need to be in touch with her. Saturday, Sunday, Monday morning pass before Lena, seething from her first, unexpectedly confrontational, meeting with Marcus's divorce lawyer, phones Amy.
Straight to Amy's voicemail, She must be in lessons. Lena sends a text, She waits, no reply, no contact whatsoever.
It is only when Amy is reported missing from school and her friend's mother reveals that, instead of staying with them, Amy was visiting her father, a fact vehemently denied by Marcus, that Lena contacts the police. Her daughter has not been seen since Saturday afternoon.
As the police intensify their enquiries, their reassurances that Amy will be found safe and well begin to sound increasingly hollow.
DI Victor Reid, in charge of the case, fears the worst, abduction or murder.
A family under constant police and press scrutiny, a father who has seemingly lied about his alibi for the weekend, a mother whose perfect world is crumbling beneath her feet, a detective under pressure from his impatient superiors to deliver a result, the length of time that Amy has been missing gathering speed… all conspire to make Lynda La Plante's latest thriller her most tense and terrifying yet.
Where is Amy?
Is she alive or dead?
Lies and betrayal mount as the hunt for a missing girl becomes a search for a body



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Murder in Vegas: New Crime Tales of Gambling and Desperation
by Michael Connelly
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand.
Las Vegas.
Lost Wages.
Sin City.
An artificial oasis of pleasure, spectacle, and entertainment, the gambling capital of America has reinvented itself so many times that it's doubtful that anyone knows for sure what's real and what isn't in the miles of neon and scorching heat.
Las Vegas is considered the ultimate players destination no matter what your game.
Almost anything is available for a price, mind you, and sometimes losers walk away from the tables with even less than just an empty wallet or purse sometimes they don't walk away at all.
Now the International Association of Crime Writers and bestselling author Michael Connelly have gathered twenty-two crime and mystery stories about the ultimate playground, Las Vegas, and what can happen behind the glitz and glamour. Come to the true city that never sleeps, where fortunes are made and lost every day, and where snake eyes aren't found just on a pair of dice.
Featuring stories by: James Swain, S.J. Rozan, Wendy Hornsby, Michael Collins, T.P Keating, J. Madison Davis, Sue Pike, Joan Richter, Libby Hellmann, Tom Savage, Edward Wellen, K.j.a. Wishnia, Linda Kerslake, John Wessel, Lise McClendon, Ronnie Klaskin, Ruth Cavin, A.B. Robbins , Gay Toltl Kinman, Micki Marz, Rick Mofina, Jeremiah Healy.



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Thai Girl by Andrew Hicks.
Traded in recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Guesthouse / Cafe, Pattaya.
When travellers Ben and Emma split up in Thailand, Ben falls for a local masseuse and experiences the darker side of tourism, where farmers' daughters sell their bodies in Bangkok bars.
Thai Girl is a thought provoking adventure novel that explores the problems of prostitution and cross cultural relationships.



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Playing Dead by Jessie Keane.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand...
Annie Carter is back…
She was a madam in a brothel and a gangster’s moll, but now her protection is gone and her enemies are closing in.
1971, London gang boss Annie Carter Barolli is living the New York high life with the feared mafia godfather Constantine Barolli. Then family tragedy strikes, leaving only Annie, Constantine’s sister Gina and his three children alive, and now they’re in terrible danger.
And what’s worse, it signals a major shift in mafia power.
Annie returns to London with her daughter Layla, pursued by a hit man.
Someone wants her dead and the only way she can stay alive is to find out who’s paying for the contract and to strike first.
Then, the reappearance of an old East End face sparks a shocking suspicion, the possibility that Max Carter, Annie’s first and greatest love, didn’t die two years ago, as she had been led to believe.
Has he truly just been playing dead?



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The Timothy Files by Lawrence Sanders.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand...
In this shattering story of urban crime, Sanders introduces Timothy Cone, a private eye who digs too deep into the murderous exploits of big business and uncovers a twisted web of incest, drug addiction, and gut wrenching violence.....



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Sex Criminals Volume 1: One Weird Trick.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand...
Suzie's just a regular gal with an irregular gift: when she has sex, she stops time.
One day she meets Jon and it turns out he has the same ability. And sooner or later they get around to using their gifts to do what we'd ALL do: rob a couple banks.
A bawdy and brazen sex comedy for comics begins here.



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Captain Corelli's Mandolin by Louis de Bernieres.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand...
It is 1941 and Captain Antonio Corelli, a young Italian officer, is posted to the Greek island of Cephallonia as part of the occupying forces.
At first he is ostracised by the locals, but as a conscientious but far from fanatical soldier, whose main aim is to have a peaceful war, he proves in time to be civilised, humorous and a consummate musician.
When the local doctor's daughter's letters to her fiancé and members of the underground, go unanswered, the working of the eternal triangle seems inevitable.
But can this fragile love survive as a war of bestial savagery gets closer and the lines are drawn between invader and defender?



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Groomed: An Uncle Who Went Too Far, a Mother Who Didn't Care, a Little Girl Who Waited for Justice by Laurie Matthew
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand...
An uncle who went too far.
A mother who didn't care.
A little girl who waited years for justice.
In 1950's and '60's Dundee, the only ray of light in little Laurie's life came from the man who would return home with pockets full of sweets and bags of toys.
Uncle Andrew would shower Laurie with attention and love, capture the hearts of everyone around him and carefully groom her for years of abuse by not only himself, but also by a network of paedophiles.
Laurie tells a harrowing story of isolation, as her abusers went to extraordinary lengths to carry out their sick acts, wearing masks to confuse and torment her and keeping her away from other children.
But these evil men had no idea that the girl they systematically violated would turn into one of the country's leading child protection experts, and that their legacy would give her the impetus to change the lives of so many innocent victims.



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Behind The White Ball by Jimmy White. (signed)
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand...
After Hurricane Higgins crashed out of snooker's top league, Jimmy White has been the People's Champion' even though he never quite made the top World spot, pipped at the post in 1995 by Stephen Hendry, after missing one single black.
Aged 16, White was the youngest player to win the English Amateur Championship.
At 18, he won the World Amateur title. By 1984, he's a professional success, married but not at all settled.
He's the kind of man who goes out for a packet of cigarettes and comes home two weeks later.
Gambling, women, marathon binges with showbiz friends like Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones, have threatened the stability of his marriage.
But somehow White has survived, to tell in candid detail, a most unusual, often outrageous story of a very sporting life.

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The Faithless by Martina Cole
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand...
Bestselling author Martina Cole (The Family, Hard Girls) delivers a hard hitting novel that’s a guaranteed bestseller.
To the outside world, Cynthia Tailor is a woman to envy: she has a devoted husband, a lovely home and two gorgeous children. But Cynthia has always craved the best things in life, and is determined to see that she gets them.
Cynthia will let nothing stand in her way, even if it means devastation and tragedy for those nearest to her.
British writer Martina Cole is known for her gritty, gangland thrillers.
Two of her novels, Two Women and The Graft, have been adapted for the stage.
A non-fiction TV series, Martina Cole’s Lady Killers, became a huge success in 2008.



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We Know by Gregg Hurwitz.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand...
Over the past two decades, Nick Horrigan has built a quiet, safe life until, one night, a SWAT team bursts into his apartment, grabs him and drags him to a waiting helicopter.
A terrorist has seized control of a nuclear reactor, threatening to blow it up.
And the only person he’ll talk to is Nick.
When they come face to face, he promises to tell Nick the real truth behind the events that shattered his life twenty years ago.
At seventeen years old, Nick Horrigan made a deadly mistake one that cost his stepfather his life, endangered his mother, and sent him into hiding for years.
Now, what Nick discovers in that nuclear plant leaves him with only two choices, to start running again, or to fight and finally uncover the Secrets that have held him hostage all these years.
As Nick peels back layer after layer of lies and deception, buffeted between the buried horrors of the past and the deadly intrigues of the present, he finds his own life and the lives of nearly everyone he loves, at risk.
And the only thing guiding him through this deadly labyrinth are his stepfather’s dying words: Trust no one.



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Hardship Posting: True Tales of Expat Misadventures in Asia,
by Stuart Lloyd.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand...
For centuries, expatriates from all corners of the world have come to Asia, seeking wealth, opportunity and adventure.
From this cultural relocation has sprung much misadventure some of it intentional, some of it accidental, in any case the stuff of legend.
'Hardship Posting, true tales of expat misadventure' Volume 1 for the first time documents 400 amusing and amazing anecdotes from those that lived to tell their tale, and a few who almost didn't.
It covers the whole of Asia, with 42 contributors telling their side of the story, digging up what Rachel Farnay, editor of The Expat Magazine in Singapore, describes as 'a mighty collection of tales,' Including:
* swapping a Rolling Stone magazine for a Vietnam visa.
* the group that posed as Air Supply to get through an Indonesian roadblock.
* the bloke that posed as the British High Commissioner in Bangkok bars.
* the English lady shot by Macau gangsters.
* the helicopter pilot they wanted to use as a case-study for VD research.
These were compiled and edited by Stuart Lloyd, adman, writer and musician, who spent over 12 years in Asia, keeping his ear to the ground for a good story on the streets, in bars, airports, taxis, the office, the country clubs, and the media, high profile expat 'misadventures' involving the likes of Nick Leeson in Singapore and Michael Wansley in Thailand made news worldwide.
'I found it was only really once I had left Asia that the full extent of that halcyonic weird and wonderful existence hit me,' says Lloyd.
'Expatriatism can be a very extreme lifestyle, and this book has really captured ordinary expats in some very extraordinary situations.
But at the end of the day, or at least a few years later, it's all good for a laugh, he says.
And the laughs come thick and fast with central narrator Colonel Ken's beer soaked observations from the barstool weaving all the chapters together.
As a seasoned raconteur, Col Ken adds a colourful and bawdy spin to every topic, the perfect caricature of the expat that's 'gone troppo' under the Asian sun.
'Hardship Posting' is many people's' story of the triumphs and tribulations of living thousands of miles from home and living life to the fullest in Asia.



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The Driver by Mandasue Heller.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand...
When you play with fire, everyone gets burned.
Joe Weeks is new to the Grange Estate.
Tolerant, doesn't mind a bit of weed, doesn't try to pull other men's women.
Live and let live is his motto.
Eddie Quinn is the hardest man on the estate.
Everyone knows that it's a bad idea to cross him, or his pit bull. But everyone also knows he's honest, as drug dealers go.
Joe's pleased when Eddie offers him a job.
But then he meets Katya, A prostitute. a slave and desperate to escape from Eddie.



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The Complete Book of Hints and Tips for Homes and Gardens.
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The Last Boat To Samui: by William Peskett.
Traded In recently @ Canterbury Tales Bookshop / Book exchange / Cafe / Guesthouse / Pattaya, Thailand.
Numchai is the most experienced ferry captain on the short route from the Thai mainland to the tourist island of Ko Samui.
But while nothing has gone wrong before, tonight the ferry is drifting in mid channel with no power.
At head office, Eek is manning the phones.
Learning of the ferry’s predicament, he anticipates a crisis whose resolution is above his pay grade.
He calls the ferry company’s managing director at home, what ensues is a sensitive negotiation between the depressed sea-captain and an increasingly irate managing director, with Eek as the hapless go between.
As relations between Numchai and his boss go from bad to worse, the captain threatens to scuttle his ship.
Eek is not one to listen to rumours, but during the long stand off he realises that the stories he has heard about Numchai’s wife’s infidelity are true.
If the passengers are to be saved from drowning Eek must summon all his powers of diplomacy to resolve the source of Numchai’s distress and bring the ferry safely to dock.



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