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Need Help! THE Zign Hotel.....


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You should stay at the suite at the Vault hotel...it comes with a stripper pole and a bar! Its walking distance to Walking Street....you get to walk through the arab area on the way too. As you walk by at night you can sing "Arab Money", wouldn't that be cool?



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I would suggest checking "The Marriot" "The Dusit" "The Sheraton" chains for starters.There are also numerous 1st class self contained Villas with private grounds and private and personal pools readily available. It is also very possible to hire your own car c/w driver/chef/security and any other staff you may feel comfortable with.

All this comes at a fraction of the ZIGN price and no hassles with the girls they will have a ball,especially in these hard times.It also has the advantage of no critical looks around the hotel and you can completely please yourself at all times.

If I had the money this indeed would be the way I would go,as opposed to a hotel!

50 days till wheels up! (not at the ZIGN though)

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You should stay at the suite at the Vault hotel...it comes with a stripper pole and a bar! Its walking distance to walking street....you get to walk through the arab area on the way too. As you walk by at night you can sing "Arab Money", wouldn't that be cool?




HAHAHA no way B5 Im not getting that kinda money yet..lol I have only had the PESO,POUND,FRANK and USD and soon THE BAHT I hope to see that money though soon though =)

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I would suggest checking "The Marriot" "The Dusit" "The Sheraton" chains for starters.There are also numerous 1st class self contained Villas with private grounds and private and personal pools readily available. It is also very possible to hire your own car c/w driver/chef/security and any other staff you may feel comfortable with.

All this comes at a fraction of the ZIGN price and no hassles with the girls they will have a ball,especially in these hard times.It also has the advantage of no critical looks around the hotel and you can completely please yourself at all times.

If I had the money this indeed would be the way I would go,as opposed to a Hotel!

50 days till wheels up! (not at the ZIGN though)


The DUSIT is nice I was checking that place to also and then villa sounds appealing but the only reason why I chose a hotel on the first trip was the theft situation I here about alot of girls stealing and staying in a villa would lower the level on security if you know what mean so after I see how things operate in the new area then I will definitley switch it up =)

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It is always great to have a good time where ever you are, but one difficult thing in Thailand, at times, is getting quality for money. Paying 35k baht per night for a room in something of a 3rd world country seems a little over the top to me. I checked their website and the map link does not appear to work. I know this is a small issue, but if I was thinking to pay 35k/night I would definitely expect the little things to be taken care of.


As you are going for 3 weeks(?) I would suggest, as others, trying the Marriot, the Dusit (and a new Dusit called dusitD2 baraquda), the Hard Rock or the Sheraton and popping over to the Zign for a look. It cannot hurt to have a look first before committing funds as I am sure you review your business dealings before spending the cash, right?


Not sure if you are a nightlife person, but the Zign is a little out of the way from most activities.



Do not pay all up front! If you have a problem it will be hell to get the money back.


Agreed on skipping the Villa, especially on your first time in country.




Have fun!


A new BG asked an experienced BG what was the difference between the Long Con and the Short Con. The experienced BG replied... The Long Con takes longer, but the rewards are far greater.


Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.


Pattaya Hotel Listing: www.bookmyspot.com

Condo / Housing Forum: www.roomdaddy.com Please recommend to your friends living in a condo or village. This could be a good place to stay informed about the happenings where you live.

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35,000 then worrying about a 1000 joiner fee ?

Is that the faint aroma of bullshit i can smell floating in the breeze.

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35,000 then worrying about a 1000 joiner fee ?

Is that the faint aroma of bullshit i can smell floating in the breeze.


SPORRAN2 the Joiner fee issue isnt that serious Im sure I will work something out with the hotel about that BS FEE!! SO CALM DOWN!

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Good luck with your trip YoungLoLo, i will not comment on how much or little you pay for your accommodation, that’s up to you, when I first started coming here I just stayed in 5* hotels as well, now I like the freedom of a lux apartment.

As to your security concerns i have yet to run across a Thai Girl who has attempted to Rob me, ( apart from steeling my hart ) but if you decide to stay in 5* hotel or Apartment, use the safe, if it has not got one don’t stay there.


As to whether i can afford to stay in hotel at 35k a night, yes i can ( i have been working in Mid east for last 17 year) but I choose not to, as i said the apartment i use has everything i want ( i enjoy cooking) 24 hr security and controlled entry.


You have fun, what ever you decide I know I do.

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Good luck with your trip YoungLoLo, i will not comment on how much or little you pay for your accommodation, that’s up to you, when I first started coming here I just stayed in 5* hotels as well, now I like the freedom of a lux apartment.

As to your security concerns i have yet to run across a Thai Girl who has attempted to Rob me, ( apart from steeling my hart ) but if you decide to stay in 5* hotel or Apartment, use the safe, if it has not got one don’t stay there.


As to whether i can afford to stay in hotel at 35k a night, yes i can ( i have been working in Mid east for last 17 year) but I choose not to, as i said the apartment i use has everything i want ( i enjoy cooking) 24 hr security and controlled entry.


You have fun, what ever you decide I know I do.


Thanks sparkydave for comment what you did sounds exactly what I plan to do after I get to know the place alittle better I will then be more comfortable staying in a condo that Im gonna be renting. I hope to meet alot of you from the forum when I get there in the LOS =)

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Oh ok thats my mistake I should mention Im going have 10kUSD not including emergency money after all expenses so I think 353,000bht should be enough for me to party on while im in LOS =) I'm not trying to play the baller roll TRUST ME I live in vegas guys where a high roller suite can cost a WHOPPIN 45K a NIGHT at the plams the hugh hefner suite and even at the MGM GRAND the sky loft is 2K a night WHICH IS REAL NICE BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT but besides the point I have never been that far in my life and WOULD NOT ever stay in a HOSTEL or BB or any other small time hotel!! when I get there and get to know more about pattaya then I will consider MAYBE down grading alittle bit but until that happens I will stick to what Im used to =)


I would reduce the hotel spend and increase the daily budget. If you stay in the suite for 3 weeks it's gonna cost you $21K whilst in the same period of time your spending less than half for your fun.


If your in Pattaya, I assume it's for the women, I'd recommend Bangkok instead. Everything there is more plentiful and generally higher quality from the girls, establishments, tourist attractions, hotels etc. Bringing $30k for a 3 weeks holiday to Pattaya is wasted in my opinion as there are better locations both within and outside Thailand where that could be spent.

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I agree with Minty...big time....Pattaya offers the best value for the buck if you want good food, nice hotels, interesting night life and an endless supply of women....but if I had your budget (I would honestly stay in Pattaya longer) and three weeks to spend it, I would spend one week in Bangkok and two weeks in Phuket...the quality of everything is higher elsewhere, but it costs more....Pattaya is the place where your money goes a long ways...Without the women who are mostly from poorer areas of Thailand, almost every one on this board would go some where else ....with big bucks, Bangkok would have the best options and Phuket would have the nicer beach and women at only 20 to 30 percent more than Pattaya....Not an issue for you...but most (like me) have no cash to flash, or do not see the need in the display.....I rent a motorbike, stay at hotels under 1000 bhat and spend most of what I bring (about 6 to 7k US) on the ladies and the night life...in Pattaya it's a hell of a ride for 6 weeks...I don't mind if you want to do a high roller fantasy....I just can't imagine why I would....

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just one question...

how you will feel giving 1000-1500 to a girl when you stay at this hotel for 35k??? :Party1:

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just one question...

how you will feel giving 1000-1500 to a girl when you stay at this hotel for 35k??? :Bravo1:


Thanks for replying Djzan now to answer your question I wouldnt feel bad at all bad enough these girls come from poor areas with homes that shouldnt be lived in because of the condition of the structures. Why make them feel even worse taking them back to some cheap charlie hotel to shag toss them a few dollars and tell them to keep it movin. SORRY but Im not like that nor will I downgrade my type of accomodation to fit that description. Im gentleman and if a lady feels uncomfortable coming back to my hotel because of what I payed a night then she is definitley not a girl I wanna be involved with sexualy cause that way of thinking already opposes a problem BUT IM SURE MOST OF THE LADIES THERE WILL NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH MY ACCOMODATION. Ask yourself this I dont know what your financial status is nor do I wanna know but for sake of my question IF YOU WERE ABLE AND WILLING TO FLY PRIVATE TO THAILAND WOULD YOU JUST FLY COACH INSTEAD SO THAT YOU CAN FIT IN WITH EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS FORUM WHEN WRITING YOUR FIRST TRIP REPORT ABOUT YOUR VACATION? I dont play follow the leader nor do I downgrade myself so that I can make other people feel happy we live in a materialistic world buddy and its sad that people make judgement based on how we live and what we drive instead of getting to know someone on a more personal basis with all that said thanks again for stopping bye my post.

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  • 5 years later...

Hi was enquiring what the joiners fee was in 2014 for the zign hotel I'm hoping still 1000 baht

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Here we go again. :GoldenSmile1: :GoldenSmile1: :GoldenSmile1: :GoldenSmile1: :GoldenSmile1: :GoldenSmile1: :GoldenSmile1: :GoldenSmile1: :GoldenSmile1: :GoldenSmile1: :GoldenSmile1:

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