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Reading forum announcements


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I am reading the forums most days. I always open the recent posts page directly and almost never venture outside that page except for reading a thread. I can imagine many others do the same. 

At the top of the page there is a block with sponsored links and some announcements. Both don't change very often so I usually quickly skip past that to the first threads listed without really looking at those blocks. 

Today while scrolling down I by accident noticed something had changed. When looking closer I noticed a new announcement. Only 3 days after it was posted. 

Do others also fail to notice these new announcements?

This time it was about an important change to the board:


Nude or not nude, that is the question


By Ru4Real 


An inordinate amount of the Moderators Teams time is spent on ensuring inappropriate images are removed from the forums where necessary as per Rule 29. On investigating why people have posted nude images in a non-advanced area, the vast majority of the feedback we've had has been "I didn't realise where I was". 

Therefore, we have added a visual indicator to help you quickly identify whether you are posting in the advanced or the non-advanced area. If you are in an advanced area you will notice the page background is now a pale green - green for go.

 yes.png                            non.png

If you do not see the green background it is your responsibility to double check where you are on the site prior to posting any images/videos. This is doubly important for those using Tapatalk due to the fact we have no control over the Tapatalk theme (i.e. Tapatalk users will not see this visual indicator).

Repeat offenders will be heavily sanctioned.

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I hadn’t noticed the new announcement. I did know the announcements were there but hadn’t noticed a new one. Like you, I just go to the new posts section and don’t usually navigate via the various sections & sub-sections.

One other thing regarding the announcement, it’s only the thread title that has a green background. As the forum automatically goes to the last unread post I really wouldn’t notice if there was a green background or not.

It won’t make any difference to me anyway as I don’t post nude photos in any case.

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No it is not only the title. The entire page background, the area outside the posts, is greenish. 

I also don't post any nudes but for some others it might make a difference. 

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2 minutes ago, eXplosief said:

No it is not only the title. The entire page background, the area outside the posts, is greenish. 

I also don't post any nudes but for some others it might make a difference. 

So it is!

Honestly, barely noticeable on my iPad.


"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

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It should be just the background in the Advanced area that is coloured so we can distinguish between the two areas when checking for nude in the wrong area. Also it will help members post in the correct area hopefully Green = Go (ok)

White background is a no.

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8 minutes ago, Harry Brown said:

It should be just the background in the Advanced area that is coloured so we can distinguish between the two areas when checking for nude in the wrong area. Also it will help members post in the correct area hopefully Green = Go (ok)

White background is a no.

I appreciate what you’re trying to do. It’s just, on the iPad at least, the ‘background’ is just a very narrow edging around the outside of all the posts. It’s a light green (well, more like very light blue) instead of a grey. The main part of the screen is the posts where the background is still white in all areas. Honestly, I wouldn’t have noticed the difference if I hadn’t seen this thread.

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

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Funny thing is I did kinda notice it before I read the announcement although I wasn't aware of the meaning. I actually started to doubt myself if it was something new or just didn't notice it before. 

It is however very light and I can imagine that it will not be as noticeable on all devices. 

But the idea is a good one. Most of the times I also have no clue in which section the thread I am responding to is. 

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