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American assaulted over a 170 Baht drinks bill at South Pattaya Beer Bar.


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American assaulted over a 170 Baht drinks bill at South Pattaya Beer Bar.


In the early hours of Friday Morning, Police Lieutenant Anuwat from Pattaya Police Station was called to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital to follow up on a case of assault which occurred on Walking Street. Mr. Dennis Leo Greenwood aged 42 from Indiana, USA sustained facial injuries in an attack which, according to the victim, occurred at a Beer Bar located in Soi 16 off Walking Street. Khun Supap aged 40, the victims Girlfriend, accompanied Mr. Greenwood to the Hospital and explained that he was in a drunken state and entered into an argument over payment for a bottle of beer worth 170 Baht. Mr. Greenwood refused to pay and he alleges that the owner of the Bar and a Thai Men then assaulted him. The case is now under investigation by Pattaya Police who, we understand, are in contact with the Bar Owner at this time.



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Ha! Over 170 baht? Just pay the stupid thing and live to drink another day.


I was at a beer bar with Bryan/LaaMok one night when a guy refused to pay his 1000 baht bill! The guy was making such a drawn out scene that even I wanted to kick his ass.

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Ha! Over 170 baht? Just pay the stupid thing and live to drink another day.


I was at a beer bar with Bryan/LaaMok one night when a guy refused to pay his 1000 baht bill! The guy was making such a drawn out scene that even I wanted to kick his ass.


It sounded like they were scamming him. I don't know of any bars down soi 16 that it would be 170 baht for a beer... but your right... just pay up and never go back.


I wrote about our Russian friend here

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You wont win, they will either beat you up or call the cops, who get a payoff so they will be on the bars side. Not paying your check bin is regarded as a serious offence here, as they money is very important!! Pay the bill and put it on all the boards which bar it was and how much they charge!! Nothing like a loss of customers to f....k up a business.

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That's $4 US. $3.2 Euro.




Have facial damage for the rest of your life, or part with your fuckin $4's.



Stupid, stupid tourists.

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i got caught out in shanghai on nanjing rd.


2 big asian mafia looking blokes came into the room and handed me a bill for 230 USD.


5 beers, 1 lady drink and some nuts that i didnt even order.


I was by myself, 7 storys high and along way from home, so i swiped my credit card and got out of there.


I could have made a seen and vanished of the face of the planet, never to be seen again.


I learnt a few leesons from that night.

Edited by nightlyf
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Apparently the 170bht was for Corona Beer - if you order expensive imported beer you have to pay for it, otherwise order Singha.

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Very old news thats been done and dusted


The article was written about 3 weeks ago, (old news???) where is this thread on the forum where it has been done and dusted? And why am I wasting my time responding to your negativity again?

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God-damm yanks-170bht. bill-a no brainer??????????????



petermik, be very careful what u say about the yanks.I dont think they like it !! :rolleyes:

Edited by irishlas
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The article was written about 3 weeks ago, (old news???) where is this thread on the forum where it has been done and dusted? And why am I wasting my time responding to your negativity again?

iam in town tomorrow how about you 2 meeting up with me for a coulpe of beers,could be interesting.

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iam in town tomorrow how about you 2 meeting up with me for a coulpe of beers,could be interesting.


LOL he wont meet up with me, I have tried. Despite him living (apparently) in the same town as me.

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I always say "I'll pay it but I will never come back" when faced with some of those idiots. Thai's think in the moment and couldn't care less if they ever see you again or not. They're used to short time customers passing through town. Might as well just pay it and leave unless it's a large amount.


What's really annoying is when the farang owners "Go Native" and develop the same attitude. That's when I dig in my heels and make an issue if it's 5 or 500 baht. Those fuckers should know better.

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Cold Corona or facial bones??? Hard choice. Servessa de Corona or Normal breathing??? A slight beer buzz or Migrain head aches for the rest of your life???


Some choices are harder than others. When going to a newplace, go with friends. Establish the business and only return if completely satisfied.



" Duct tape turns, "No...No...No..." into "Mmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm" - Anon

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What a Dumb Ass!... What's a 170bt to an American. I would've pait that shit and got the fuck out of there. I can guarantee that they wouldn't have seen my ass again after that though.

"A lot of people ask me, 'Kenny Powers, you're a giant superstar. You can get any woman. Have you ever paid for sex?' And the answer is yes, I have. Several times, in fact. And it's actually kinda cool. You can negotiate practically anything and sometimes, even just kind of do stuff in the moment that you never agreed to pay for and it goes by without much argument."


-Kenny Powers

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Gotta agree that it's a no brainer. 4 fuckin' dollars?? gotta be kidding me!! I got ripped off in Pattaya a few times-who doesn't? 5 bucks, 10 bucks, 20 bucks-big deal. I was in jail overnight in the Phillipines in 1983 for some stupid bargirl shit. Scary experience. Now I just pay the bill and never go back.

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Nothing wrong with saying hey 170 baht? but shit, after that if the owner is flat out you gotta pay, screw it and pay, leave and do not look back.

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