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digital slrs in pattaya


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first time in pattaya soon. i'd like some advice on how much of a mark i would be lugging around $6000 worth of kit. the bag would be smallish and a camera in hand. i would not take to gogo s, or clubs . probably only take it out 7-9 am (yes i will be able to get up am) and twilight. i am careful with it , not leaving my grasp. unlike james bond i don't carry a gun. this camera or not, can't wait to TOUCHDOWN there. thanks for any thoughts. :D:P



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first time in pattaya soon. i'd like some advice on how much of a mark i would be lugging around $6000 worth of kit. the bag would be smallish and a camera in hand. i would not take to gogo s, or clubs . probably only take it out 7-9 am (yes i will be able to get up am) and twilight. i am careful with it , not leaving my grasp. unlike james bond i don't carry a gun. this camera or not, can't wait to TOUCHDOWN there. thanks for any thoughts. :D:P





why bother just get a $200 digital and throw it in your pocket go to all the clubs, go-go's you want and sleep in like the rest of us??

If it flies, floats or f's....Rent It!!

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why bother just get a $200 digital and throw it in your pocket go to all the clubs, go-go's you want and sleep in like the rest of us??

only going to be pattaya 4 days lots of other travel. i will have it with me . just wondering about pattaya

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You'll be fine in the mornings....but you gotta be a little careful, if were public knowledge you had a camera worth that much you wouldn't get 20ft outside your hotel.

If it flies, floats or f's....Rent It!!

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If you have to take it - so be it.


IMHO you would be fine - no one would know what you have or what its worth so you should be fine. I can't see it being an issue - except you may not be able to relax with it.


Have a great trip!

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You'll be fine in the mornings....but you gotta be a little careful, if were public knowledge you had a camera worth that much you wouldn't get 20ft outside your hotel.

I think that is a bit of an over statement. Things are not that bad in Pattaya. As long as you are careful and don't put it out of your sight you will not have a problem during the day.


I have carried around a dSLR camera and had no problems. It is a much cheaper one but I doubt the Thais would have any idea of the value of various dSLR cameras. They would see a big camera and thing that it was expensive.

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I think that is a bit of an over statement. Things are not that bad in Pattaya. As long as you are careful and don't put it out of your sight you will not have a problem during the day.


I have carried around a dSLR camera and had no problems. It is a much cheaper one but I doubt the Thais would have any idea of the value of various dSLR cameras. They would see a big camera and thing that it was expensive.



+1. i agree.


walked around patts with a canon + wide angle. nobody said anything nor even really bothered me. be simple so it doesnt attract attentive. i wouldnt go there with reflectors, a soft box and a bag of lenses. all you really need is 1 lens. stay low key so you dont attract attention.


you can get away with walking around WS with a camera, just be smart about it. i wouldn't run around anywhere at night past 11pm tho. youre asking for it.


i usually skip the SLR and just bring my point and shoot. fits in your pocket and nobody knows you have it. @ 12.1mp, it takes amazing shots.

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If you're going out at those times then no problem at all - the lighting is excellent btw, hope it has a decent dynamic range! Even so, get some travel insurance just in case of accidents and so on.

Be scene and not herd.

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You may want to ensure that the room you book has a safe in the room big enough to put the camera gear in while you are out at night or entertaining in the room.

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My moto for 2017: Don't argue with an idiot. Don't argue with.....

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No worries bro. I take mine with all over. You can even run around mid day with it. No Dramas. Obviously I wouldnt take it out with me at night, while getting pissed. Then you might break or forget it somewhere.


Now go take some nice pics and post them for us to see!!!!

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Just be as careful as you would anywhere else in the world. There are toe-rags in every country who would take an opportunity if you leave it lying around.


Pattaya is no better or no worse.

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Just be as careful as you would anywhere else in the world. There are toe-rags in every country who would take an opportunity if you leave it lying around.


Pattaya is no better or no worse.

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Just be as careful as you would anywhere else in the world. There are toe-rags in every country who would take an opportunity if you leave it lying around.


Pattaya is no better or no worse.


hey thanks for the advice . i feel reassured. yes large room safe. yes i am always careful with it. yes i will post some pics on the site. with pleasure.


is there a link on pattaya addicts to still photos taken . other than just rooting around in the posts. like most popular pics. :P


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If you're going out at those times then no problem at all - the lighting is excellent btw, hope it has a decent dynamic range! Even so, get some travel insurance just in case of accidents and so on.


thanks for the reply. i checked oninsurance but it's #%%^^&&ing insane they want $600. thats another nice lens. guess i'll take my chances . not the first time. also my home insurer says it's about $700. gotta get in that biz. lol thanks

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I did not take my Nikon D200 on my last trip due to the weight more than safety concerns. What I did was but a Canon G9, which is a great compact camera, larger than a typical digital but much smaller and lighter than a full size camera.

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  • 1 month later...

i took my canon dslr along with the flash gun and an l series lens. i was a bit woried at first but it fit in the safe when i took the lens off. i was glad that i took it as went on a trip to kanchanaburi and got some great pics of the river kwai bridge and some fantastic pics at the floating market at damoen saduak. just used little point and squirt at night (and a compact camera too!!!!! lol )

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Use common sense and you will be fine, if going out on the town at night take a pocket digital the Canon G9 already mentioned is a nice bit of kit...


If you want "do Walking Street" then do it early evening with a "minder" and that could be a TGF or simply someone form the hotel to watch your back, the "ladyboys" can turn really nasty if they see pro cameras being used as indeed can some of regular ladies...

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  • 1 year later...

looks like u already landed ... but IMO leave the camera at home and enjoy yourself instead of worrying about your crap....



at least thats what im trying to tell myself before i head out!


we shall see how it goes.

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I don't bother with my D90 kit (and several lenses) when I'm in Pattaya - I travel with a $200 point and shoot. But if I did need to have the better rig for photography I was doing elsewhere, I'd just make sure that I could leave the DSLR rig in an in-room safe, or a lobby safe-deposit box. It's just like anywhere else in the world - if you're obviously drunk and carrying a valuable camera, someone will take the opportunity. So don't give them the opportunity.

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I doubt most of pattaya would know a $50 camera from a $6000 one.

So you'd just blend into the background of tourists using cameras in Walking Street.


I'd take basic precautions like using baht busses and not walking alone around the poorly lit areas or on the beach.

Also don't flash it around to much in beer bars where your on your own.

Soudns like your on top of gogo's, but be very careful. What they are doing inside is illegal and picture takes can threaten their livlihood so they can be quite beligerant about cameras. If you get of on the wrong foot a camera phone or cheap digital camera in your pocket can cause an issue, even when its obvious theres no issue.

If you accidentally wandered into a gogo with that rig they are going to assume they have hit the jackpot. Broken equipment and personal assualt may follow.


If you started telling people how much the camera is worth then its a lottery.

Crime is on the rise in patts. That gear would be worth 200,000 Thai baht. The average worker earns about 5,000B a month, 60,000B a year.

So your lugging around over three years wages...

In the thai short term way of thinking thats enough to flee pattaya and never return.

For a hotel worker it would be tempting to just raid you room and flee town. Sure the police know who she is, but she's not coming back.For a hotel worker it would be tempting to just raid you room and flee town. Sure the police know who she is, but she's not coming back.

If that became common knowledge I think you would have a problem sooner or later.

Even the police could be tempted to look the other way if some local faces knocked you on the head and grabbed it.

Edited by hazze
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Great post hazze. Thanks.


I will use my mobile to take pictures and keep my DSLR home. IMO it isn't worth the risk.

Edited by Jame Taber

“See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time.â€

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You'll be fine in the mornings....but you gotta be a little careful, if were public knowledge you had a camera worth that much you wouldn't get 20ft outside your hotel.

:GoldenSmile1: Dont say that young man it is not the wild west.OR you are going to be held up by a rascal like dick turpin in the uk and abroad so i belive.GO enjoy take your pics and plse can we all see them.Thank you

cheers chris :Number1a:

Wriggley Tin 1

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