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Chaiyapoon Inn - Warning


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Had an experience there with the Scandinavian owner where his actions were at best unprofessional and rude and at worst bordering on criminal.

On returning one evening we were presented by a bill for additional laundry (towels etc) the scale and scope of which were greatly exaggerated and in some cases fabricated. We were held to ransom and refused entry to the room (and our belongings) until we had paid up a sum greater than the nightly room rate. The staff were clearly embarrassed by what the owner had instructed and were very apologetic and polite. The owner would only speak by telephone and was wholly rude and insulting also making derogatory comments towards my gf (who for the record is a regular girl and we have been together some time).

I paid the outrageous demands as late in the evening it was the easiest way to manage the situation which was in no way the fault of the staff in front of me following the instructions of an owner who refused to show his face. They did nothing wrong and I did not wish to compromise them or cause them a problem.

I had stayed at the establishment for a reasonably period of time previously without incident but was compelled to pack up and go elsewhere after this.

A scan of some online reviews shows I am far from the first person to find his attitude and behaviour far from acceptable.

Choose your accommodation carefully gentlemen. What may seem like a reasonable price at first may turn out different. You sometimes expect scams like this in clubs and bars but hotels are maybe trying to get in on the act too.

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Unless you soiled the laundry past the point they could not be cleaned with normal cleaning then yes he is scamming. Times must be tough.

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Thanks for the heads up, if guys report scams on line then people are warned in advance of what to expect.

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Honest info..........hope it comes back to bite the owner in his ass :SoWhat1:

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Thanks for the heads up, if guys report scams on line then people are warned in advance of what to expect.

Competitors can write false reviews too. It's low season and there's dozens of guesthouses with vacancies. It would be too easy to bury a competitor.

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Competitors can write false reviews too. It's low season and there's dozens of guesthouses with vacancies. It would be too easy to bury a competitor.

In this case I requested detailed itemised receipts. I would be happy to show them to you if you have any doubts about the credibility. I have no connection whatsoever to any hospitality establishment in Pattaya.

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Hmmm the owner is German not Scandinavian.

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Thanks for the info,I've never liked Chayapoon much,this strengthens my dislike.


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The revenge is your weapon.

You can do that this way. If there is example 4 girls working ask if they wanna go to holiday with you...yes mister we want...only 5000b each for one week. Then you five have nice holiday somewhere and german guy can not open his business att all. Email some pics on the beach when he sweating with the closed gesthouse.

It would be fun for all money you "invested"!

And in the end the owner get so bad repution, nobody wanna work for him anymore.

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Astonishing....I have stayed in chaiyapoon inn atleast five times in last two years and never heard of anything like this.

The owner Mr.Werner Dernaunbachal is a gentleman and hard to digest anything like this.

OP needs to explain the situation a bit better....why was he given a extra laundry bill...

it has been a guestfriendly hotel and i have had no problems at all.

You can see many reviews on Tripadvisor in favour of the hotel.

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I did wonder myself how you would incur a huge additional laundry bill for towels etc.  What exactly needed washing/cleaning  ?

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You dont want to know im afraid... :Wassup1:

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paid up a sum greater than the nightly room rate at that place was what, 500 baht? anyway, sounds strange - and more details needed about what actually the issue was.

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