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Hotels with extra's. Do you use them?


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I mostly stay in guest houses but have also stayed in smaller hotels that have extra's included like breakfasts and swimming pools but I rarely take advantage of them. One time in five days might even be on the high side. Do you use the pool and gym etc?

i'd rather eat a fishes face than a steak and kidney pie

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I like to get up early and have brekkie.

I'm not a swimmer but I like to lay out by the pool most days, to read a book.

I stayed in an apartment last xmas and really missed the pool.

Its the little things that make the holiday.

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I don't like hotels that insist on including the breakfast in the room price. I rarely get up in time for a hotel buffet breakfast and if I do they are usually crap. I used to stay at Eastiny 7 a lot but one of the reasons I stopped is because I asked for discount for no breakfast but they refused.

Next trip Aug 31-Sep13, theme: try more freelancers, get dirty! Note to self: TAKE MORE PHOTOS!!!

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Breakfast is not for me but the pool is great extra feature. Nice place to relax and have couple of hangover beers. Also some tan doesn't hurt as if I go home white as the chicken, my mates will always tell some stories how you can't get tanned in the bars :D I wouldn't pay much more for the pool and my current fav. hotel Dania has it all for 700bht/day.









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I stay enough nights last year in Marriott to became Gold member. So, I got free breakfast and lounge access. I don't think I will have enough nights to stay in Gold member this year. So, I may not stay in Marriott anymore. Their breakfast is great. Usually I try to sleep as late as possible. Go to have the buffet breakfast 10 minutes before they close. After having a great breakfast I usually skip lunch. In the afternoon, I will go to have coffee and some cake at tea time. In the evening, I will have cocktails at the lounge, they have snacks like, wings, spring rolls, soups, bread, pizza...etc. After cocktails hour, they will serve fruit, and sweets. So, after all of those food, I will go to have fun in WS, or Soi LK. I hardly eat anything outside the hotel except a midnight snack.

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In a 3 week stay at the August Suites i didnt get down for one breakfast.I did used the pool area a lot though,never used the sauna,and i`d never used the gym on holiday,too much like hard work. :rolleyes:  

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I rarely make it up in time for breakfast ... but I spend most afternoons relaxing and recuperating by the pool , I wouldn't book a place without one

If it floats, flies or fucks It's probably cheaper to rent ...

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for me.a holiday without a pool is no holiday.

pools are extremely relaxing places for me.




Always look on the bright *sights* of live!

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I don't bother with getting a room with breakfast included as I'm rarely up in time but I do enjoy chilling out by the pool in the afternoon reading or listening music

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Breakfast is not for me but the pool is great extra feature. Nice place to relax and have couple of hangover beers. Also some tan doesn't hurt as if I go home white as the chicken, my mates will always tell some stories how you can't get tanned in the bars :D I wouldn't pay much more for the pool and my current fav. hotel Dania has it all for 700bht/day.



They do swimming with the dolphins.

Me no daft, me no silly, me wear condom on my Willy.

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i never bother with breakfast... the price for breakfast looks to be sometimes up to the cost of what I would pay for my own custom breakfast to be made.
I prefer having food that I want made for me, when I am ready... as opposed to grabbing a plate, joining a queue and hoping the food I was is still there after the large gentlemen infront of me is down filling his second plate.  Or the family (yes.. even in pattaya there could be a chance of a family staying at the hotel 555) with the kids sticking their hands into the food.. no thanks..


As for the pool.. yes I always use a pool when I stay at a place, I enjoy swimming, and thailand low season weather was great for it.

I always try to pick a place that has a pool.


Normally I would not use the hotel restaurants/bars however in Pattaya I did a fair bit (breakfast every morning), and the occasional 4 or 5 drinks in the pool :)
other places around the world, not so much as hotels charge far more then they should, but I found Pattaya reasonable..

Never used room service though

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I would not bother with breakfast since i usually wake up late.

But at some places like La Cerise you can have your breakfast anytime and they bring it to your room.

One of the reasons it is one of my favourite places for staying while in Pattaya.

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Love the pool myself, relax and cool off. I stay in a guestouse or apartment, but still have access to pools around patts.


Where can I get access to a nice pool and what is the cost for it? I know the one on the top of Mike shopping, but are there other and better options around?

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I mostly stay in guest houses but have also stayed in smaller hotels that have extra's included like breakfasts and swimming pools but I rarely take advantage of them. One time in five days might even be on the high side. Do you use the pool and gym etc?

To me the pool and breakfasts are a must. I always book a room that includes breakfast because I like to get up early and go to the gym or for a long walk before the day gets too hot. Even if I don't get to sleep until dawn I get up at 9:00 to eat and get some exercise and explore some new sois. Then a couple of hours at the pool with lunch and a cocktail or two and I'm ready for a long nap. I usually sleep until about 8:00, and then it's time for some dinner and some nighttime activities. This way I avoid the crazy hot afternoons, especially in July through October.

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Breakfast? What's that? I never get up early enough to have it anyway 555555 though the pool i'll always use. :Grin3:

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I even don't use the TV!


All I need is a comfy bed, decent shower, safe, balcony for smoke and of course a sound system or speakers for my music.

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Absolutely! Was at Mercure last time. Buffet breakfast every morning then 2 hours at the pool. Lounging, reading, swimming, napping, tanning and of course drinking a few beers in the sun. By then it's about 11am...upstairs for a shower and let the games begin!


Big Mike.

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Absolutely! Was at Mercure last time. Buffet breakfast every morning then 2 hours at the pool. Lounging, reading, swimming, napping, tanning and of course drinking a few beers in the sun. By then it's about 11am...upstairs for a shower and let the games begin!


Big Mike.

Blimey you`re up early  :WinkGrin1: .

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If you pay for the extras why not use them? On a trip 2 years ago I had the pleasant surprise of having a cute housekeeping girl on my floor offer me "special cleaning"! Needless to say I took full advantage and was sad to be told on my next trip that she no longer worked there. Not sure if she got caught by management or got a better offer!?

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For me a decent pool is manditory, I really enjoy the water, breakfast can be very optional, if I happen to be up, sure I'll get some, otherwise I have no problem sleeping right through it

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