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Nicky's Bar & Restaurant on Soi Bukhao

Evil Penevil

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I had lamb shank with mashed potatoes and vegetables last night at Nicky's on Soi Bukhao.




 It was a generous portion of tasty braised lamb and sides. The lamb was cooked very well, flaking off the bone but still retaining a lot of flavor.  According to the menu, it had a "hint of garlic aand rosemary," but to my taste buds, it was more of a hint of a hint.  I could't taste much of either garlic or rosemary.  That didn't matter much to me as the lamb was good enough that it didn't need any fortification, but a diner who was looking for garlic or rosemary might have been disappointed.




The mashed potatoes were excellent and two (cabbage and brocoli)  of the three vegetables were cooked al dente and still  had flavor left.  Only the carrots were over-boiled by my standards.  The gravy that was served in boat had clearly been made in the kitchen, but lacked taste and seasoning.  That wasn't a problem for me as I'm not a big fan of gravy, but again, others might have been disappointed.




I really liked the fact that an assortment of condiments accompanied the meal. In addition to the usual (for British pubs) ketchup, HP Sauce and malt vinegar,  




Nicky's had English mustard, horseradish, Mint sauce and applesauce in Thai-style condiment jars.




The restaurant isn't fancy, but it has an authentic British feel to it.  It's not a plastic fake interior like you might find in a British pub in a suburb of Akron, Ohio.




The friendly service staff also make a determined effort to welcome guests and help them feel at home.




A few less favorable observations.  I placed my order at 9.20 pm, but the lamb shank wasn't in front of me until about 9.50 pm.  That's a long wait, considering I was the sole customer in the restaurant the whole time I was there.  I want my food to be piping hot when it's placed in front of me and it was barely warm.  Finally, the price was 510 baht, which isn't out of line for imported lamb in Pattaya, but is approaching the same price (equivalent of 575 baht) I paid for a similar dish at an Irish pub in mid-town Manhattan a few months ago:






Nicky's is a well-established and well-known restaurant for British food, notably it's Sunday roast and breakfast plates in various-seized portions.  Based on the quality of the lamb shank, I'll be back to try a few other items on it's menu.  




Nicky's is located maybe 50 meters from the intersection of  Soi Bukhao and Soi 15.






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The half sized roast is marginally smaller than the full size soif you are not a big eater value.

As much as I love all things Australian, I got to get me action of the asian persuasian.

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I do love a challenge!  On another board,  I was called out over my review of the lamb shank at Nicky's.  The suggestion was the lamb shank at the Golden Ferret was both cheaper and better than Nicky's, so I went that evening to try the same meal at the GF.





The lamb shank at the Golden Ferret was indeed cheaper, but better?  No way!






 Here's what I got for 295 baht:




This is what I'd been served at Nicky's.  The shanks themselves look pretty much the same in my eyes, except there  is visible exterior fat on the Golden Ferret version.




But the Golden Ferret spoiled the meal for me by dousing the plate with a generic gravy, especially after I asked for the gravy to be served on the side.




However, it's the taste of the food that's most important, not the plating.  Nicky's won hands down.  The lamb at Nicky's was better quality and had more flavor.  It had been properly trimmed so that there was only meat on the bone.  A fair amount of the shank at the Golden Ferret was inedible membrane, fat and gristle:




That's a sign that the shank hadn't been trimmed and hadn't been braised long enough to allow the connective tissue to render.




The carrots and peas were soggy and tasteless from having been boiled too long and then left sitting in water.  I know the softness of cooked vegetables is a matter of personal preference.  I prefer mine al dente, others like them very soft.  However, I don't think anyone wants flavorless vegetables.  The mashed potatoes were borderline OK; I believe the potatoes had been boiled too long before mashing and hence watery.


The condiment basket at the Golden Ferret was similar to Nicky's, but the Mint sauce was from a bottle and I believe it was made in-house at Nicky's.  post-6485-0-09639000-1410428641.jpg


On the positive side, my meal at the Golden Ferret came very quickly, in about 10 minutes, and was piping hot.  When I arrived (at 9.40 pm) it was empty, but several other diners entered while I was eating.




 New Plaza was pretty quiet on the whole.




The lamb shank at Nicky's cost 510 baht and 295 baht at the Golden Ferret.  A bottle of SML cost 80 baht at Nicky's and 65 baht at the GF.  Was Nicky's worth the extra money?  Yes. No. Maybe.  It depends on your perspective.  For me, the meal, both the lamb and sides, was better at Nicky's.  Whenever possible, I prefer to eat in an enclosed air-conditioned restaurant and am willing to pay extra for it.  Nicky's is priced at the top end of the scale for pub-style dining, but the lamb shank meal was better than at the Golden Ferret in the most important respects.


But in the budget-eatery category, the Golden Ferret appears light-years ahead of the Sailor Restaurant and Seaside.






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I hope the food network doesn't  snatch you up to be one of the judges, we sure would miss your reports, much appreciated. 

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I ate at Nickys once a long time ago. Had the giant Yorkshire pudding plate. It seemed like a good place for British food to me. 

I go to the Ferret for Thai food! It's serviceable and well priced for that convenient area of town. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree, Nicky's is great for the food and the rooms are good for the price too. They do a delivery service aswell which is handy, & I've used them a few times and never been let down. I'd recommend Nicky's to anybody.

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  • 1 month later...

We had an excellent Sunday lunch at Nicky's Bar on Soi Bukhao. The four male diners had roast dinners (one chicken, one lamb, two trios of meats), while the two ladies had Thai dishes. Everyone was pleased with his or her meal. The three of us who had eaten at Punch & Judy the week before thought Nicky's version of the Sunday roast was better.

The meat at Nicky's wasn't overcooked and the veggies hadn't been boiled too long. The Yorkshire was fine - crisp outside and soft inside. It had risen properly and was tender, not at all rubbery. The potatoes had been roasted long enough for the outside to caramelize a bit, but the inside remained fluffy.

Bottom line: one of the best, if not the best, Sunday roast I've had in Pattaya.


One friend's chicken (half the chicken)hadn't been overcooked. In the recent past, both he and I had gotten very dry chicken at another restaurant. Cost: 265 baht.



Two other friends had the trio of meats (lamb, pork and beef). At Nicky's, you can choose between small and large portions and they chose the large. Basically, the large portions comes with more meat and potatoes. The well of their Yorkshires had been filled with bread dressing, which didn't come with the meals lanzalad and I ordered. Cost: 360 baht for small, large 390 baht.



I ordered the small portion of lamb, but it was certainly large enough for me. Cost: 340 baht for small, large 370 baht.






Thai pork and vegetable soup with noodles. The lady added the hot sauce herself. Cost: 100 baht.



Fried squid with chili and basil. Cost: 160 baht






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Definitely stopping by this place during my trip it all looks do tasty. Im sure this will taste awesome the morning after a wild night

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  • 1 month later...

Where on Buakhow is Nicky's?




I had lamb shank with mashed potatoes and vegetables last night at Nicky's on Soi Bukhao.
 It was a generous portion of tasty braised lamb and sides. The lamb was cooked very well, flaking off the bone but still retaining a lot of flavor.  According to the menu, it had a "hint of garlic aand rosemary," but to my taste buds, it was more of a hint of a hint.  I could't taste much of either garlic or rosemary.  That didn't matter much to me as the lamb was good enough that it didn't need any fortification, but a diner who was looking for garlic or rosemary might have been disappointed.
The mashed potatoes were excellent and two (cabbage and brocoli)  of the three vegetables were cooked al dente and still  had flavor left.  Only the carrots were over-boiled by my standards.  The gravy that was served in boat had clearly been made in the kitchen, but lacked taste and seasoning.  That wasn't a problem for me as I'm not a big fan of gravy, but again, others might have been disappointed.
I really liked the fact that an assortment of condiments accompanied the meal. In addition to the usual (for British pubs) ketchup, HP Sauce and malt vinegar,  
Nicky's had English mustard, horseradish, mint sauce and applesauce in Thai-style condiment jars.
The restaurant isn't fancy, but it has an authentic British feel to it.  It's not a plastic fake interior like you might find in a British pub in a suburb of Akron, Ohio.
The friendly service staff also make a determined effort to welcome guests and help them feel at home.
A few less favorable observations.  I placed my order at 9.20 pm, but the lamb shank wasn't in front of me until about 9.50 pm.  That's a long wait, considering I was the sole customer in the restaurant the whole time I was there.  I want my food to be piping hot when it's placed in front of me and it was barely warm.  Finally, the price was 510 baht, which isn't out of line for imported lamb in Pattaya, but is approaching the same price (equivalent of 575 baht) I paid for a similar dish at an Irish pub in mid-town Manhattan a few months ago:
Nicky's is a well-established and well-known restaurant for British food, notably it's Sunday roast and breakfast plates in various-seized portions.  Based on the quality of the lamb shank, I'll be back to try a few other items on it's menu.  
Nicky's is located maybe 50 meters from the intersection of  Soi Bukhao and Soi 15.


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I ate at Nickys once a long time ago. Had the giant Yorkshire pudding plate. It seemed like a good place for British food to me. 

I go to the Ferret for Thai food! It's serviceable and well priced for that convenient area of town. 


Where is it  located from the corner of Soi Diana and SB?

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Are you sure?

I am pretty sure, feel free to correct me with your own map and directions! You being a expat with decades of experience and all!



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Expat? yes. Decades? no.


But you are correct, I was reading the map back to front, my bad.


I also asked politely!

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Nicky`s is next to the golden sea hotel,and opposite the sweetheart bar.About 400 metres from soi lengkee and soi diana junction.on the left going towards pattaya tai.

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Evil, Thanks. You sure do great and detailed reviews. I never try many  of them but I eat thai food mostly and have some ladies cooking in the condo. But nobody can deny the detail and analysis of your reports..


p.s. Thanks for taking the time. I still have the greek place on my to- do list.


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