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On Waiting List


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Hi Guys


For my next trip in October/November i am staying at Diana-Oasis but Meow only has room available for

first 18 nights and has put me on the waiting list for final 9 nights in the hope something becomes available.


This is something i have not come arcross in 36 visits to Pattaya and i do not know what to do about it.


Do i wait until i get there and see if something becomes available for my last 9 nights with Meow, or if nothing available

look for walk in hotel or guest house whilst there, or book something now ex Agoda or Booking.com


Your thoughts will be most welcome in my hour of need thanks guys..

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Wait, if she hasn't got anything available, you have enough time while there, to find something for your last 9 nights

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Does the pool at Diana Oasis get much sun?  How many hours and what time of the day?


They have 2 pools and both get a good share of sunshine morning and afternoon.

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Take 18 nights and the rest to solve on the spot, if you love the place. It is a lot of accommodation throughout the city, if not nothing free for another stay.

THAJEC Thajský muž TRIP 37 - 30.November 2018 - 28.1.2019



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Last yearI booked 1 year in advance for the last room available , and it is a studio. Grab your room mate.

Yes there are 2 pools and they get sun.

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I have my favorite hotels too but if they fail to deliver I will book my room from somewhere else.



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36 visits to patts, and you don't know how to sort out accommodation?? Haha



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36 visits to patts, and you don't know how to sort out accommodation?? Haha



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Yes, i know how to sort my accommodation out thank you but this is only the first time in 36 trips i

have come across this problem of not enough nights at Diana-Oasis because i did not book earlier.

I love the place Meow and the staff are fantastic and 18 nights is better than none.

I could do without your very unhelpful post thank you.


And for you information i have already booked my accommodation at Diana-Oasis for 28 nights for

my May/June trip next year so that i make sure this does not happen again.

Also, for your information when i am there next month i will book ahead for October 2015 so there will

be no repeat of only 18 nights available next month.

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36 visits to patts, and you don't know how to sort out accommodation?? Haha



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This forum operated on a "nice to be nice" principle.  :hello09:

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Yes, i know how to sort my accommodation out thank you but this is only the first time in 36 trips i

have come across this problem of not enough nights at Diana-Oasis because i did not book earlier.

I love the place Meow and the staff are fantastic and 18 nights is better than none.

I could do without your very unhelpful post thank you.


And for you information i have already booked my accommodation at Diana-Oasis for 28 nights for

my May/June trip next year so that i make sure this does not happen again.

Also, for your information when i am there next month i will book ahead for October 2015 so there will

be no repeat of only 18 nights available next month.

wow! 36 trips and you stayed at the same place every time? Now you want to book over a year in advance? After 3 times I would start looking for a something new. There will always be a cheaper, nicer hotel just around the corner!
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I agree with the moving of hotels,even if you like somewhere i feel if you try somewhere else your holiday feels slighty different and you end up trying different places due to different locations,i have stayed in the same place more than once but i really like to swap up places once in a while

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wow! 36 trips and you stayed at the same place every time? Now you want to book over a year in advance? After 3 times I would start looking for a something new. There will always be a cheaper, nicer hotel just around the corner!


No i have not stayed there all the time my first visit to Diana-Oasis was my trip in October 2012

and i certainly took a shine to it with 2 pools to choose from.

It is well run by Meow and David and most problems are sorted asap and the staff are also very good

It is situated on Soi Buakaow which i did not discover until 2003 and i have stayed in this area ever since.


Soi Buakaow has everything i need don't have to go far for fun and games everywhere.

During the 1990's i used to stay at the Beach View hotel bottom on Soi 2 and here alone stayed 10 times.

If you like an hotel like i do with Diana-Oasis why change many people have there favourite hotels

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it seems word has spread. i cant even get on the waiting list for oct- jan. that said. i am sure you can get fixed up by osoleil,or check notice boards in condominium office. patrick and others do private rentals.ask around the pool at base of tower.

i am just jealous you will get 18 days in! enjoy.

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Hi Guys


For my next trip in October/November i am staying at Diana-Oasis but Meow only has room available for

first 18 nights and has put me on the waiting list for final 9 nights in the hope something becomes available.


This is something i have not come arcross in 36 visits to Pattaya and i do not know what to do about it.


Do i wait until i get there and see if something becomes available for my last 9 nights with Meow, or if nothing available

look for walk in hotel or guest house whilst there, or book something now ex Agodo or Booking.com


Your thoughts will be most welcome in my hour of need thanks guys..


Find and book a place or even 2 or 3 places on Booking.com (Agoda is pay up front only)that you can cancel right up to the day of arrival with no deposit (Sutus for one I am sure....there are loads). When something else materialises then cancel, you haven't lost anything

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it seems word has spread. i cant even get on the waiting list for oct- jan. that said. i am sure you can get fixed up by osoleil,or check notice boards in condominium office. patrick and others do private rentals.ask around the pool at base of tower.

i am just jealous you will get 18 days in! enjoy.


Yes, i am delighted to get the first 18 nights at Diana-Oasis and for the 3rd year running

will be spending my birthday here again on 25th October.

So far done nothing with regards to my final 9 nights have been looking at Agoda and Booking.com

but reluctant to book anything in the hope i can still find something onsite for remaining nights.


Sorry you also had no luck here for October to January it's a very busy place all year round,

Already have my room for May/June next year and will book my room for Oct/Nov 2015 when i

am here next month so i do not miss out.

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36 visits to patts, and you don't know how to sort out accommodation?? Haha

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Unhelpful, unnecessary. I suggest you read our RULES before posting again.




This forum operated on a "nice to be nice" principle.  :hello09:

We do and would ask bms to report any posts that fall short of it



There are only two types of people in the world, those who can extrapolate from incomplete data......

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Problem with Oasis is that if you have to move room, you'll get shafted on the rate. I'll explain.


Say you want to stay a month which is Bt30,000 (just an example). The day rate for this room is Bt1500.


But they only have this room for 20 days.


So they ask you for Bt1500 x 20 = Bt30,000 but then you have to pay another 10 x Bt1500 for the new room.


In total you have paid Bt45,000 instead of Bt30,000.


They acknowledge this but don't have a system to overcome it or to apportion accordingly.


They try to please all the owners but they do not have a credible CRM / room booking system in place.

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Problem with Oasis is that if you have to move room, you'll get shafted on the rate. I'll explain.


Say you want to stay a month which is Bt30,000 (just an example). The day rate for this room is Bt1500.


But they only have this room for 20 days.


So they ask you for Bt1500 x 20 = Bt30,000 but then you have to pay another 10 x Bt1500 for the new room.


In total you have paid Bt45,000 instead of Bt30,000.


They acknowledge this but don't have a system to overcome it or to apportion accordingly.


They try to please all the owners but they do not have a credible CRM / room booking system in place.



Have to agree with what you say but what can one do when there is only an opening for first 18 nights and i

duly accepted this and was placed on the waiting list for final 9 nights which is not good but i do like it here

very much it has everything i need.

Suppose i could have found something else outside for the full 27 nights but i am not unduly worried just

glad to get the 18 nights in the hope meow has something available later for my remaining nights.

I have more than enough money put back for the hotels ex but agree with you it's not perfect but just happy

to get there next month and see what develops with remaining nights.

I have already booked my room for 28 nights for my May/June 2015 trip at Diana-Oasis so this will not happen again

You really have to book 9 or more months ahead to be sure of securing your room here it's that busy year round.

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I booked one month with Meow in oct, and looking forward to stay there. Its my first time there.


They did not have a room for the next month of my trip so I just booked via booking.com Sutus Court 1, just to make sure I got a room for the last month. Then I plan to look around when on ground in Patts to see if I find something that suits me better then SutusCourt 1. If I do I just cancel my booking via Booking.com. I can cancel until 2 days before check in or something like that. 

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Updated 15th September 2014


Hi Guys.


I sent Meow a confirmation email regarding my reservation arrival on Tuesday 14th October.

I also ask if it was not to early to ask about my remaining days in which i am on the waiting list.

She replied to my email in an hour or so but at this moment said still nothing available as yet.


She also said for me not to worry as Pattaya will be half empty when i arrive and i will have plenty

of time to find accommodation outside should nothing be available at Diana-Oasis.

Also, was told i am top of the waiting list and not to give up on finding something onsite for my

remaining 9 nights. not an ideal situation for me but going to bear with it until i get there.


Weblo you certainly done the right thing booking that far ahead 2016 wow good on you mate.

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Updated 15th September 2014


Hi Guys.


I sent Meow a confirmation email regarding my reservation arrival on Tuesday 14th October.

I also ask if it was not to early to ask about my remaining days in which i am on the waiting list.

She replied to my email in an hour or so but at this moment said still nothing available as yet.


She also said for me not to worry as Pattaya will be half empty when i arrive and i will have plenty

of time to find accommodation outside should nothing be available at Diana-Oasis.

Also, was told i am top of the waiting list and not to give up on finding something onsite for my

remaining 9 nights. not an ideal situation for me but going to bear with it until i get there.


Weblo you certainly done the right thing booking that far ahead 2016 wow good on you mate.

yes I decided on a higher end unit, so I decided to book well in advance. I can always cancel
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