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Boss Boutique Hotel Soi Honey My bad experience losing money from my bag in the hotel room


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My very unfavourable review of the Boss Boutique hotel in Soi Honey ,I had just arrived directly from Bangkok to Pattaya and had stayed in Soi Honey before ,seeing that the Boss Boutique hotel had a bit of a promo I thought I would stay there.I usually stay in hotels where there are safes in the rooms .But my trip of a few months was ending soon and I thought it would be ok if I left my cash inside the lining of my suitcase.How wrong I was I stayed at the Boss boutique hotel for 2 nights only,I checked in on the 6 th of August .I had been travelling a bit and had approximately US$700 in mixed currencies ,I was keeping this because I often travel in Asia .I had just come from the Phillipines so still had quite a few Phil Pesos,also Singapore Dollars ,Malaysian Rinnggit,even some India rupees and of course some Thai baht.

When I opened up my suitcase, it is a small carry on samsung which has a zip in the lining where I had put my money.I stupidly thought most of my cash  would be safer there than me carrying it around in Pattaya.How wrong I was.

Anyway the next day when I opened the suitcase i noticed that the zip was undone a little and I thought that is a bit strange and I went to check my cash .At first I thought everything was ok as money was still there but when I checked my cash with the list I had and also what i knew that I had .Of what cash i should have had it had shrunk approximately US$270 of mixed currencies was missing,It could only have been some one from the hotel missing was all of my bigger notes 2500 pesos ,S$74 ,50 Malaysian Rinngit a few thousand baht notes and all the bigger denominations of my Indian money.

I did report this to the front desk and I also spent a few hours down at the Pattaya police station filling out a report.I did not expect to get my money back but reported it in case some one else loses money from this hotel .But I will never stay in this hotel again .i have also posted a review in Trip Advisor about this very negative experience and also posting here to let others know about this.

The room I was staying in was room 208 on the 2 nd floor.

There was some one at the Pattaya Police station where imade a police report who spoke very good English and he said this is a very common occurence in Pattaya especially in the smaller hotels in Soi Buatkow area.and even from locked safes

What I have learned from this is to not carry so much cash around with me ,I think that who ever took it from the hotel staff was hoping that I would not notice that it had been taken during my stay at the Boss Boutique hotel that is why they just took a few hundred dollars worth..

I also think that having a Pac safe that can be locked with a small padlock and put inside the safe is a good way to go.

After finding my money missing I moved out straight away I really did not feel comfortable staying in an hotel where something has been stolen out of my bag.I travel a lot usually carrying a bit of cash and am usually quite careful this is the first time in a long time that i have had money taken from the hotel room 

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That will be another one chalked off a lot of peoples list then,its always shit when something like this happens.You went to the police and reported it and other than that there isnt much else you can do,it could have been worse though,at least they didnt steal it all.

I expect there would have been safes at reception,isnt hindsight a wonderful thing.

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Never heard of the place,but after reading this will never stay here.


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i have a lockable hardshell carry on case, inside that a locked steel cashbox .. the carry on case is then padlocked to something secure in the room .. they would need some bolt cutters and an angle grinder to get to my cash!

O you who turn the wheel and look to windward, Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.
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Boss boutique is a shady hotel.  A friend of mine booked it for a week last year, but ended up moving out after 2 nights.

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i have a lockable hardshell carry on case, inside that a locked steel cashbox .. the carry on case is then padlocked to something secure in the room .. they would need some bolt cutters and an angle grinder to get to my cash!

Nice. Is that where you keep the gold lined condoms?

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Nice. Is that where you keep the gold lined condoms?


nope my gold is kept in a bank vault.  maybe im a bit ott on security lol .. but i even think maybe that isnt enough if the cleaning staff came equiped!  I even lock the room safe up with 1 baht in it just to waste a thiefs time!    still ive never in all my trips posted a thread about having my valuables stolen from my room! 

O you who turn the wheel and look to windward, Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.
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I now only draw cash from an ATM every other day, I see the fee's involved as being an insurance premium against any theft, as if I lose my cards the bank can sort it all out in a couple of hours, so I have no need to use any hotels safe

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Op - Sorry for your loss mate. Thanks for the  feedback, I won''t be staying there.

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nightmare had this happen to me in koh san road bangkok d and d hotel 5000 baht never leave money in the room now nothing you can do though your word against theres

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Thanks for all the replies but there is something that we can do and that is make a post and let others know about that it`s not a good hotel to stay at,and for sure people reading my posts won`t be staying there .So for me that is satisfaction in itself .I was lucky it was just a few hundred dollars and from now on will be a bit more careful.

And I don`t know about the locked steel cash box in theory sounds good but just more stuff to carry around but it seems like its working for you ,I have one at my place in bali but just for keys seems like easy to get into.

I am going to go with the PacSafe and a good padlock on it and start using atm`s a bit more .



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Sorry about the theft, OP. Happened to me in Vietnam. Everyone seemed so damn friendly until...

This Pac Safe sounds like a good idea. I have Chinese bank cards so not too sure if they'll work in the ATM's. I used to carry a lot of cash and shove it to the middle of the bed under the mattress. A place the wee little housekeepers probably won't and can't get to.


Big Mike.

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Of all places it happened to me in Germany... Düsseldorf. Let my guard down. Its Europe it'll be fine!! WRONG!! Could have been worse... Lost 150€ from about 1k in my bag.

Oh well.... You live & learn.

Same thing ... Skim a few notes off hoping you don't notice.

Disclaimer.... yea I'm an Idiot

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