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cheap as chips room around beach road

irish 1

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I have a room in LK Metro but would not mind a cheap as chips place around beach road for day time STs rather than back to my room. No issue with valuables then. For the sake of a few quid it would reduce risk and help my tired legs,,,,, Maybe a short time room but I would rather my one organised little love nest,,, Any suggestions ?

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Done this a few times and booked Jasmine hotel WS along with my main hotel although not because of valuables etc.


Soi 13/1 2 and 3 got lot cheap guest houses try walking them until u see one you like 500 Baht and up

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One adress: PS Guesthouse






Cheap as chips and near Walking Street just of Beachroad

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Well blow me down. Just booked a room in privy suits for 10quid a night for 7 nights. I am looking forward to a few little escapades in this little pad and can leave a few bits and pieces there to regroup and hit the road again,,, happy days!!!

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