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How late can you leave a hotel booking


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What is the latest you can leave a hotel booking?

I know that different hotels will vary but I mean most of the middle budget GF hotels.

Any past experiences? 

TRIP 1: 14th December 2014

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You can rock up to most without booking depending on the season ... there will always be room at the inn some place.

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You can rock up to most without booking depending on the season ... there will always be room at the inn some place.


Good news! Should have mentioned this earlier, it will be high season. Which will obviously make rocking up unannounced a bit harder.  

TRIP 1: 14th December 2014

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M ainly comes down to how fussy you are really. Personally I prefer my comforts and can't be arsed hunting around so I tend to book in advance (not miles ahead ... have booked from Swampy while waiting for a taxi before). I'm also a Bkk guy rather than a Patts guy but there's a lot of guys on here that seem to just find a place when they get to Patts. I'm sure more people will give more specific pointers soon.

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If its right at the peak of the high season (25th Dec) onwards then you shouldn't leave it too late, last year I fancied a last moment trip but couldn't get any vacancy in the usual mid-range girl friendly hotels, the prices jack up pretty steeply as well.


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If it's Christmas time book now, some hotels are already full

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Yep for high season definitely make a booking prior, for low season just turn up


Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk

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If your going in ''high season'' then you should be at least looking at which hotel(s) you wanna stay in, & booking something in the next month or two. They'll probably ask for a 1st nights deposit...then you don't have too rush to find shitty accommodation.


Have fun! :Grin3:

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There are always rooms available here but that doesnt mean the one you want will be. Even in low season the best hotels etc fill first.


If you just want "a room" you can just turn up and walk around. If you want a particular room at a particular hotel for the entire duration of your stay booking in advance is advisable. Advanced bookings also avoid trudging around with bags in tow and also having to change rooms.


It is very much swings and roundabouts, the argument that you can just turn up and always get "something" are totally valid, especially in low season, but there are certain pitfalls to doing that.

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What is the latest you can leave a hotel booking?

I know that different hotels will vary but I mean most of the middle budget GF hotels.

Any past experiences?


If you're going during high season, book early (5 or 6 months). Popular hotels tend to fill up very quickly, you don't want to be scrambling to find a place to stay after a long flight with baggage in tow. I fly from NYC and after a 20+ hour flight I just want to get to Pattaya as soon as possible, check into my hotel, shower and sleep.

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