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Crazy brawl on Phi Phi Island


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I was told about this by 2 sweedish charachters i meet in kanchanaburi who witnessed this fight.Keep and eye of for:1: The falaaanngggg taunted the thai's from the right hand side of the screen2: The guy getting hit with a massive stick at 55 seconds.The rule here is - Dont fuck with the thai's.

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lol that sounded sore.i was in pattaya and saw a fite in a bar between 2 thais and 1 farang the thais had no chance he beat them in 1 punch each thai men cannot fight they fight in gangs they are to small and have no power.

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i always hear about the flang v thai fights, but i've never seen any, and i've going to LOS for 8 years now

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i have seen two or three in maybe 15 years

a degenerate whore monger since 1992


Eat a hardy breakfast lads, tomorrow we dine in Hell

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That one looked like lots of fun..............NOT!!!!


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ive seen them close to fighting on the beach, when the jet skis get damaged

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who the !@#$ jumps into a ring in Thailand to join a fight with Muay Thai guys?

Eat. Down. South.

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who the !@#$ jumps into a ring in Thailand to join a fight with Muay Thai guys?

Not me mate, I don`t want to come between them. lol

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lol that sounded sore.i was in pattaya and saw a fite in a bar between 2 thais and 1 farang the thais had no chance he beat them in 1 punch each thai men cannot fight they fight in gangs they are to small and have no power.



Never heard such bollocks in my life..Thaiboxers are considered some of the most conditioned fighters in the world...when was the last time u seen a farang kick through a baseball bat with his bare shins?? My ajarn (muaythai teacher) is only 5ft 6 and about 70 kilos and would kick the shit out of vast majority of foreigners and actually has in real fights in Bangla stadium. He was challenged by a massively steroided bodybuilder/amateur boxer from England in 2006 whilst I was at the camp, and my trainer knocked the 115 kilo solid muscle english guy out with the first elbow he connected with, about 15 seconds into round 1..thats called technique and power...then again this guy is Patong champion and has fought in Lumpinee stadium...Think before you type absolute rubbish. Check out www.tigermuaythai.com. The trainer's name is Dune (Nazee). I will post the fight clip when I find it.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction - "it was just the internet.." is not an excuse.

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thai rak thai .thai love thai ,but farrang hate farrang so this msut be why we alwyas have no problem when one of our own gets unfairly beaten up by a thai ,not always the case but i have seen it a few times and it is not uncommon .

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I was told about this by 2 sweedish charachters i meet in kanchanaburi who witnessed this fight.


Keep and eye of for:


1: The falaaanngggg taunted the thai's from the right hand side of the screen


2: The guy getting hit with a massive stick at 55 seconds.


The rule here is - Dont fuck with the thai's.


<p><object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object></p>



farangs especially amaze me. they save their money to go to a different country, have that asshead mentality that if you drink, its time to fight- having no idea that 1.) they cant fight 2.) shouldnt fight 3.) shouldnt even be in this country but remain to be shitheads and act like fuckin wankers in another country. i hate farangs like that.


taunt thais? and got the beating? good. i hope that stick lashing leaves a permanent scar on his back and hurt enough to knock some sense into his stupid, illiterate ass. fuckin morons.



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A pro fighter will always beat some amateur muscle head, most of the pricks have never even been amateur fighters as they are bigger they think they will win.



Let me tell you a pro at 65kilo will kick the ass of a 105k clown, fist the clown wont get near him. He wont have a defence or even an attack he will be throwing stupid haymakers.


The drunk falangs that fight in Los or even in UK are a disgrace, I am an old cunt an I would bury most of the pricks but a pro fighter dont make me laugh.


You cant hit whats not there..................

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  • 1 month later...

Drunk farangs looking for trouble, give us all a bad name.


I wish the silly twats would sober up, put their shirts back on (even if it does say Good guy go to heaven....etc)


and piss off back home.

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Don't know if it's me or my computer but I couldn't see what happened in that video. Saw the Thai guys and caught a glimpse of a farang with a hat on at the side of the ring and that was it.

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  • 1 month later...

Typical of the Thais, so unprofessional. I have been to a fair few fights and never seen them get out of control.


I have done MMA, Ju-Jitsu and Karate. The one thing I learnt in them is self control, when its time to stop its time to stop, or where does it end?


From what i see one guy decides to stick another punch in after the bell, he either didnt hear or is totally unprofessional.


Farangs do have a size advantage, but the Muay Thai guys train very hard, i dont know exactly what they get up to, but its way more than i used to do (4 hours a week)

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That was nuts!

What... service... may I do you? Hmmm? You know I demand payment.--- I brought payment. Look! BAM!! An undead monkey! Top that!





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  • 3 weeks later...

I think that the Thai men are apt to fight farangs quickly because we go over and a lot of farangs act like they are better and their women want nothing to do with Thai Men. In our defense it isn't our fault that Thai guys are either gay, or total losers. I personally was in a scuff not of my fault. I was sitting on my motor bike on the side of the road in front of my hotel when a pick up truck came screaching by knocking off my mirror. Thank God the truck didn't run me over..It scared the shit out of me ...As I screamed holy shit look out the truck came to a screaching stop and 2 Thais got out with the one proceeding to punch me in the face twice...Wow WTF....He was about 6'2" and his friend about 5"11" ....pretty tall for Thais......anyway...I ducked the last few thrown by him and then the hotel people came running out to break it up..Thank God.....Not because I dont think I would have taken them because the Thai hit like a bitch......but in the back of my mind I was scared that if I would retaliate the police would arrest me and I would be locked up for weeks or months and the Thai would be let go.......My point is I guess that you can find tough and tougher anywhere...but some of these Thais use those situations to their advantage to feel better about themselves because Thai men hate foreign men...Totally not and even playing field if it was ...I would have kicked the shit out of both of them......I have decided to enjoy myself, take their women and avoid the BS...I am out to have a good time for myself not them....

Edited by sbcheflino
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Well western kids are the same no matter what country they go to.


To me its nothing weird about it. But when i think about it, i have seen a few fights between western and Thai's, the biggest difference is that the western guy seems to think more about the consequences then the thai guys who would keep kicking after the guy is on the ground. I saw one guy get knocked out when he tried to get in between a thai guy hitting a thai girl, one punch, knock out and then both the thai girl and thai guy was kicking the other guy when he was on the ground.

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Silly guys.... I am a lover not a fighter. LOL....

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