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Agoda advert under post #1


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Just found out that Agoda put an ad to my post without my knowledge. I do not want any ads in my postings so therefore Agoda is no longer an option when booking a hotel in LOS (just look belowe)

Everyone has the right to my opinion

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Just found out that Agoda put an ad to my post without my knowledge. I do not want any ads in my postings so therefore Agoda is no longer an option when booking a hotel in LOS (just look belowe)

It's been added to your signature by the looks of things, which means you should be able to delete it.


If you can't get rid of it, PM a MOD and ask them to do it for you.





Perthie's PA Bash and Bikini/Glow Party 19th May 2017.  Bikini clad girls in body paint, great food including pig roast, free shots, games and prizes for the lads and lasses.

 6pm onwards at Sexy In The City (Soi 6) under the hosting expertise of the magnificent Xylanic.

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It's at the bottom of the first post on every page ... it's been added to highlight the change in Agoda policy that has led to a drop in commission for the board. I doubt a mod will remove it. 

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It's been added to your signature by the looks of things, which means you should be able to delete it.


If you can't get rid of it, PM a MOD and ask them to do it for you.





Thx Perthie - i will do my very best :GoldenSmile1:

Everyone has the right to my opinion

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It's been added to your signature by the looks of things, which means you should be able to delete it.


If you can't get rid of it, PM a MOD and ask them to do it for you.






Ii is NOT part of anyone's signature.

Signatures are above the Quote buttons and the line above quote does not span the full width of posters area (only below the post and not the avatar, etc) the line above an advert spans clear across making it a completely different cell or DIV whichever may be the method used for the HTML code.

In other words it is between two posts ... so relax.


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Ha ha... I would expect this post from a newbie not an advanced BM; especially a Pattaya Warrior!


1. Reading is fundamental. Imagine what one can learn by simply reading.

2. Using Agoda thru PA helps generate revenue for the site and MODs.



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Regards, Atlas.


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I always use Agoda with good results.  Better option than most other for the far east

cheers, Tommy of Richmond

why sleep if you are going to get up anyway?

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:Crazy1: :Crazy1: :Crazy1: :Crazy1: :Crazy1: :Crazy1:

"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

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It's at the bottom of the first post on every page ... it's been added to highlight the change in Agoda policy that has led to a drop in commission for the board. I doubt a mod will remove it. 



Ii is NOT part of anyone's signature.

Signatures are above the Quote buttons and the line above quote does not span the full width of posters area (only below the post and not the avatar, etc) the line above an advert spans clear across making it a completely different cell or DIV whichever may be the method used for the HTML code.

In other words it is between two posts ... so relax.

Thank you gentlemen, I hadn't spotted either of those points.  


I must also have missed the Topic where the BM's were warned this was going to happen.  


I'll lay odds the OP isn't the only BM wondering what the hell happened.





Perthie's PA Bash and Bikini/Glow Party 19th May 2017.  Bikini clad girls in body paint, great food including pig roast, free shots, games and prizes for the lads and lasses.

 6pm onwards at Sexy In The City (Soi 6) under the hosting expertise of the magnificent Xylanic.

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Used Agoda many times, its cheaper than going into the hotel itself to book a room.

Me no daft, me no silly, me wear condom on my Willy.

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As has been pointed out the ad is between post #1 and post #2 on every page.


If you read the text underneath the advert the reasons why admin have had to put it there are explained.


And I also missed that thread Perthie :)



There are only two types of people in the world, those who can extrapolate from incomplete data......

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Nothing wrong with Agoda. I am setting up a system now where you can book my condo rooms through www.wgfriendly.com and their Agoda system. I guess he will get the Agoda credit instead of the board. Or maybe not, I am still trying to figure out how clicking on the Agoda banner will give the board a credit for you booking a room 365 days later. An awesome system though. 

Image aopudl2c516.gif
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The OP shows the dangers of consuming too much Thai whisky! :-)

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

So remember to “Enjoy every sandwich”

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The OP shows the dangers of consuming too much Thai whisky! :-)


Judging by location ... probably too much Aquavit




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