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Serious suggestion/Comments needed --- SPAM WORD Hotel Pattaya


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Hi All,


Plan to have another visit to Pattaya in upcoming Thai New Year with my wife. Was seeking hotel for staying about 2 nights (didn't wanna stay too long as just for enjoy water war festival). Pretty much 3-4 hotel nearby WS had ever stayed. We like to try new place usually until find the one we loved most.


During finding, suddenly I found an interesting hotel "p e n t house" hotel Pattaya, http://Spam URL Banned/,%C2'> hotel is full of adult content I thought I will book it and have some naughty fun with my wife(LOL). But after some research on tripadvisor, it seems like the review goes to extremely good or bad and rarely saw any neutral reviews. The bad comments almost focused on hotel cleanness and hygiene problem. And most of the pictures on website seems like never updated.


Myself is super concerning about hygiene issue.

Just wish to try out 1 night there, not sure if this hotel is up to that standard to stay?


Thousands of thanks!

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It's a while since I stayed there but suggest you would be better off staying elsewhere.

I've read reviews on hotel booking websites complaining about cockroaches and the hotel owners reply has been "this is Thailand, you should expect them".


I can't recommend anywhere else as it's too long since I've been to Pattaya but I'm sure other BM's will help you out.

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

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It's a while since I stayed there but suggest you would be better off staying elsewhere.

I've read reviews on hotel booking websites complaining about cockroaches and the hotel owners reply has been "this is Thailand, you should expect them".


I can't recommend anywhere else as it's too long since I've been to Pattaya but I'm sure other BM's will help you out.


Thanks a lot! I have checked on another topic from here and found someone ever asked same question. I have decided to go somewhere else instead. thousands of thanks again.


And my apology that didn't check out all topics before post this one.

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