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Need Condo close to Beach and 2nd Rd 15 may -june 1

Mr Soi Hok

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Staying in Pattaya 15 may - 1 june


looking for advice on a condo around 48sqm close to beach rd and 2nd rd so i can access through a baht bus to and back to condo 


already stayed at Vt 6 condos enjoyed it alot but dont want  to pay the $1100 aud was quoted through Agoda.com


have heard some good places at 1000 bht a night would just like some advice from some fellow Addicts 



Many thanks 

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Do not think you will get a condo near Beach Rd for 1000 Baht a night.

My youtube channel .....https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxoT31MMwxjrLmj6um_BnlA


2 Weeks in Jomtien trip report, photo heavy and videos.....  http://www.pattaya-addicts.com/forum/topic/307477-big-g-returns-2-weeks-in-november-photo-heavy-and-some-videos/



First trip report,more then 500 images.







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your biggest problem is the 15 day stay for a condo....1000 per night is a stretch. I stay at city gardens....great location, great rooms...secure underground parking.....but not sure if 15 days would be found.

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Your best bet is to pay for a condo for an entire month, but stay 2 weeks its still cheaper then staying in a hotel? I am sure you can rent a condo in the area for around 20,000 - 25,000 range per month, never look to book a condo on Agoda site that is a hotel booking site. Your going during Low Season plus the fact that Thailand is in a Crisis would also help you negotiate a good price, even hotels in Pattaya would offer you great deals if you arrive in person or book through the hotels website. Try Sawasdee hotels website




Good luck

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