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Cheap hotel traveling with GF and our 3 yo


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Wasn't planned but here we are in bangkok and in a few days we might be planning on comming to Patts.

Here's the dilema: we kinda have not more than  1000 b a night as a budget.


This is what we would like :


Air con

A pool (possibly with a kiddy one  too)

TV and free wifi (decent connection)

10 b songtew not too far

Breakfast included or little kitchen in room in order to make our own.

7/11 not far

(i would add not far from the beach but that would be pushing my luck i think...)


Renting a condo will do as well.


Any help much appreciated.


Cheers !


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In Pattaya I think there will be plenty to choose from, one example is Sutus court. Not sure how they handle the third person.

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Take a look :


1,000tb per night.



Thanks this look interesting.

What about 7/11 and 10b songtew in the area ?

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I think Sutus Court is very good value for money. 990b/night for zone 1 the best rooms there.


Have a look  www.sutuscourt.com


They have a pool and also a jacuzzi. No breakfast tho, but there are plenty of brekky places around. Bathbus right outside, 7/11 around the corner. 10 min walk to the beach. Good wifi.


I stayed there on my last two trips, and I guess I will stay there next time too. I have been looking around when I was in Patts, and I did not find anything better in that price range.

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Check out Sawasdee hotels lovely hotel, stayed with them many times, book online and save. 



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Agoda.com website. on left side you can simplify your search by checking boxes on the left side.

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