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2nd rd north end thoughts?


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Hey lads,


Whenever I come to Patts, I always stay soi Buakhao south of LK Metro, a bit quieter, nice bars easy walk to Soi 6, 7, 8 etc.


This time, I'm thinking of switching it up a bit and staying somewhere down near walking st but just away.


My mate and I never end up visiting WS much as we always plan, we always get roped into drinking at bars close in the arvo and then just bar hop in a small walking radius.


I'd like to hear peoples views on staying down near 2nd rd up the north side around marine plaza hotel/ VC hotel.



Is it too busy, noisy, too many dickheads etc?


We enjoy arvo/day beers, but it seems the WS area doesn't really kick off until late.



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