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seaview hotel rooms for 1500 baht.


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Looking for seaview hotel rooms near beach road.


+ safetybox in room

+ modern furniture.

+ balkony with seaview.


hotels with seaview rooms at 1500 baht/day.


Thsnks for replys.

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Do NOT try Red Balcony, soi 13/4, ridiculously uncomfortable beds, no elevator, joiner fee, internet unreliable, poor condition.

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You could try Baboona beachfront. Not sure how much they charge nowadays as it's a few years since I stayed there.

Nice hotel tho

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You can try Sawasdee Sea View (Soi 10)

Not much of a sea-view that far up Soi 10 - a glimpse maybe, if you're lucky. Also be aware this hotel caters for a lot of Russians on package tours.

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Yeah I have stayed at Sawasdee Seaview a few times, it is pretty nice hotel, great location quick and easy access to the beach and no problem bringing girls back. Any hotel that charges Joiner fee is not a place to stay unless its a 5 star hotel

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  • 3 weeks later...

Baboona Beachfront Living hotel Soi 4

Have to pick 3rd floor or higher to get over those electrical wires for nice view.

Loved my stay their years back.

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