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Nong Apartments


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I stayed there 4 years ago if this helps.


It's down a quiet soi. and if you like peace and quiet,

then it's a good place.  not too fancy though and it is

a several minute walk from #2 Road.


I liked the place but only stayed for one month as it's in

the middle of the Arab section.   I never felt threatened or

afraid but there were no restaurants for me to eat in locally

(even the menus were mostly in Arabic) and found myself

taking baht buses a lot to get something to eat or do some



At the time I stayed there the owners were really nice people

and I did enjoy my stay there but if you are the type to be 'out

and about' a lot, don't  think it's the place for you but it is close

to Walking Street.



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This is a place to check out, the Arabs are a friendly lot. 

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I have stayed at the Nong Apt many times.  Placed is owned by a retired U.S. Navy and his wife.  Security is good and service is very good.  Last time we were there rented a motor bike which made the trip a lot better.  You can park your bike inside the compound.

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