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Soi Chayapoon may soon be Ghost Chayapoon if...


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Not quite the intersection but along the way a little where the bowling green and beer garden was, not far sure and be interesting to see as no one seems to know whats being built, have you heard its condo's on hearsay or do you know ? 

The massage girls talked to the workers; admittedly, that could be workman's hearsay.

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my favourite massage gal of all time still works in the soi...she tells me the music is still not crazy like other sois..

still have a soft spot for the lovely tookatah..lol

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I guess they are waiting for rainy season before they start...


  I'll correct myself on this one. They have torn down most everything that was there since the last time I had noticed.

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Interesting thread, as I've stayed at Chow Soy on all my 3 trips to Pattaya, Jan & May 2013, and Jan 2014.  My 1st night this year, the music had stopped by 2:30am, but the football was on in the Triangle Bar until nearly 5am


I thought the street was louder this year, & I think will continue to get louder as its close proximity to LK Metro means it will attract more bars & people.


Surprised nobody has mentioned the massage girls shouting until 2am, as they can be very noisy too  :)

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these are some pics from the ST room in Pom's Bar






I know, i should not drink so much :-/

If you know the ST rooms in RED POINT BAR in Soi 6

thats like 2 different universe as well.555.Cheers.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Usually stay at Canterbury Tales and the general noise level is no more than any other soi with guesthouses/massage/bars etc..and is for me  part of the experience.  i found that the over loud karaoke/bands only happen on party nights in the bars anyway. If memory serves right it  is generally from about 6pm or 7pm to 2 am when it is cranked up so i expect the bars are paying for 8 hours of party time with the music people. 


Its annoying but TIT and its the way they do things.. grin and bear it, crank up the tv, go have a drink or stay elsewhere. I can live with it but fully understand those who cant.


In Oct/Nov  last year there were 2 or 3 parties each week i was there, in Feb/Mar last year  I think there was probably 1 per week..  But I suppose as the area becomes more popular there will be more and more parties :)  for birthdays, comings and goings etc. Luck of the draw if there any parties or not during your stay in the area I guess.


What is good for one business may not be so good for another.


Small mercy but it was a lot worse when the Karaoke was rocking the walls  until 5 am or later.

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Sorry Guys - Tomorrow  26th March CHILL OUT GUESTHOUSE Soi Honey (Soi 11) next door to Honey 1 Soapy Massage is having our MONTHLY party.Trying to have one end of every month but will be having another one on 2nd as one of the girls is having her birthday and unveiling her new "boob job".Free Food and music can get a beer 60 baht (normal price) with a couple of really good singers.Music ranges from 60's to current Falang and Thai for the girls. I am an old fart myself at 65 so dont like music too loud and finish at 2pm.We keep music in bar and guesthouse to background listening music every other day. Had quite a few customers say they like to be able to have a quite drink and a chat so trying to cater to that market. Photos on www.chilloutguesthouse2-pattaya.com.

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Sorry Guys - Tomorrow  26th March CHILL OUT GUESTHOUSE Soi Honey (Soi 11) next door to Honey 1 Soapy Massage is having our MONTHLY party.Trying to have one end of every month but will be having another one on 2nd as one of the girls is having her birthday and unveiling her new "boob job".Free Food and music can get a beer 60 baht (normal price) with a couple of really good singers.Music ranges from 60's to current Falang and Thai for the girls. I am an old fart myself at 65 so dont like music too loud and finish at 2pm.We keep music in bar and guesthouse to background listening music every other day. Had quite a few customers say they like to be able to have a quite drink and a chat so trying to cater to that market. Photos on www.chilloutguesthouse2-pattaya.com.

What has this got to do with Soi Chayapoon ? 

My youtube channel .....https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxoT31MMwxjrLmj6um_BnlA


2 Weeks in Jomtien trip report, photo heavy and videos.....  http://www.pattaya-addicts.com/forum/topic/307477-big-g-returns-2-weeks-in-november-photo-heavy-and-some-videos/



First trip report,more then 500 images.







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  • 2 weeks later...

There did seem to be a lot of parties when I was there in December. Didn't mind at all though, that's what Pattaya is all about! If it's too loud then you can always stay somewhere else.


I'll never understand that crazy Issan karaoke but the girls seem to love it.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Can you imagine the thread " came to Pattaya and there were no parties


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