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Soi Chayapoon may soon be Ghost Chayapoon if...


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…some of the business owners don't wise up!




If you want to have a party fine, it isn't necessary to have the music so loud that it can be heard 2 blocks away and carry on until 2:30 am.


If you feel the need to have an outside band come in with enough sound equipment to fill a football stadium (why you need so much) at least be curtious enough to tell them to keep it down. No need to be heard 2 blocks away.


If people can't sleep at night on this road they will stop staying here. Many other areas have found this out the hard way and that's when their business goes away.





This is the peaceful road at day




This is where all the NOISE was last night, just wondering if everyone got a good sleep 




And here s another




And this one from a few nights ago!



Being a business owner myself I would give advice to nieghboring businesses in this area to have a chat with these guys. This does NOT help your business. 


Don't think people aren't talking about it, this is money lost for you.

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stayed on the soi a few times,  the music doesn't really bother me at all but i can understand it might get to others.  


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Good point. Our group left barbie bar as it was TOO LOUD!!!!!

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Good point. Our group left barbie bar as it was TOO LOUD!!!!!


I was going to stop in at Barbie Bar last night, but as soon as I saw and heard the karaoke setup did a quick U turn.


Since some of these bars cater to the older crowd, I would hazard a guess they lose more business than they gain when they have their party nights with volume 11 music.

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Stayed at this soi a couple of times, never had noise problems at night, i'm never in before 2:30 am.


But i left because of the construction noises during the mornings!


I've slept opposite from Pom bar, it's a ladyboy bar and they have a Charles Bronson poster hanging on the wall5555555


thailand feb 2011 058.jpg

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They had 2 going last night and both were not only loud but crap. I walked through and kept going.i ended up going to Soi honey and another karoake thing was going so I kept going. Ended up catching a baht bus to Drinking street where the same sort of stuff was being played. So I ended up on the 6. there are plenty of karaoke joints for the Thais and they can go to those. I like a party too but I also like to chat. Play music for the paying customer.

As much as I love all things Australian, I got to get me action of the asian persuasian.

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Good point. Our group left barbie bar as it was TOO LOUD!!!!!


You went though, I'll ride straight past any bar that's doing that shit. Armageddon's the best bar for low level music where mates can actually sit and talk.

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I agree with both sides of this discussion ... 3 sides if you count Davie Dog ...


But, Pattaya is a big place ... And we humans have legs to walk with.


Like the OP stated he will just find another place to stay ...

I am moving from my condo to a small house for many of the same reasons.

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I'am another who avoids bars with the loud kareoke music. Some may like it, just gives me a headache. 


Must be a nightmare if its in a bar next to your hotel/guesthouse. only option stay out late because no way you'll be able to sleep


You never know were they will spring up. Do get the occasional good singer, like Pleng

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Yeah usually its a very quiet Soi. Can't hear music at all. But last night they set up the band out front of the pub next to me.


I don't mind a pub with music, at normal volume. But it was way too loud.


Last trip in October they did it I think 2 nights during my stay. I'm usually that drunk I can still sleep tho.

DATY champion of Pattaya,

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What a lovely area. Might even be a good place to raise a family.



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It's a Thailand wide problem and by no means limited to this soi or Pattaya.  You were lucky it finished at 2.30am!  Thais seem to have a completely different understanding of 'noise'.

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So they provide you free live entertainment and you can't appreciate it? :-)


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That's made by a BM! Up2u2



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Thais make a lot of noise and dont seem to realise it may bother other people.


In Pattaya you should expect noise just about anywhere until 2-3 in the morning, its part of the package you just have to accept it.


Its not just bars, try living near a village temple with bells and loudspeakers blaring out at 4o clock every morning!


Not to mention the bloody chickens!

Next trip Aug 31-Sep13, theme: try more freelancers, get dirty! Note to self: TAKE MORE PHOTOS!!!

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Thais make a lot of noise and dont seem to realise it may bother other people.


In Pattaya you should expect noise just about anywhere until 2-3 in the morning, its part of the package you just have to accept it.


Its not just bars, try living near a village temple with bells and loudspeakers blaring out at 4o clock every morning!


Not to mention the bloody chickens!


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Not to mention the bloody chickens!

lol.. i purposely stay in a apartment with no close bars as i'm a light sleeper... but last year there was one annoying cockerel in the neighbourhood... I hunted for him but could'nt find the sneaky bastard!! 

I work hard to support those on benefits! :Banghead2:

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i disagree with the world noise police.


thai bars will decide their best business model, as will hoteliers/guesthouse owners when choosing location.


soi choyapoon and LK Metro my regular patch for carousing, but  AS an over 50 who likes my sleep, I wouldn't dream of staying on either soi.


thousands of choices for all out there.....

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I never stay in those areas as I need zero noise hotel. My room is for fuck and sleep. To party i go ws and lk

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lol.. i purposely stay in a apartment with no close bars as i'm a light sleeper... but last year there was one annoying cockerel in the neighbourhood... I hunted for him but could'nt find the sneaky bastard!!

Can you put a contract on a cockerel? You know pay a dodgy motorbike taxi, 1000 would do it

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I was on soi honey for 3 months and it was loud until 6.30 every morning, worse was the Thai bar girls laughing at crap farang jokes I'm sure. I just use ear plugs and eventually your subconscious ignores the noise

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I find it strange that guys go to Pattaya a party town and then start complaining about the music. Even someone complaining about Thai bargirls laughing....!!

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