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condo needed from april 18 to 4th may


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me and a friend need a 2 bedroom condo that has a central location.


Whats a website were I can book short term condo rentals.


any recommndation.

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i would not share a condo with a mate,better to me by your self,much better.

VT 6 is a great location.

My youtube channel .....https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxoT31MMwxjrLmj6um_BnlA


2 Weeks in Jomtien trip report, photo heavy and videos.....  http://www.pattaya-addicts.com/forum/topic/307477-big-g-returns-2-weeks-in-november-photo-heavy-and-some-videos/



First trip report,more then 500 images.







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