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18 Coins a joke.


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Ok just getting this off my chest.

Recently had an opportunity to fly across from Phils for a week in Patts just before Xmas.

Knew fro experience that it would b hard to get a hotel at short notice, but tried all my favourites in the Buwkao and LK metro area, but came up empty.

But 18 coins hotel emailed me back confirming a standard room for my dates...so pressure was off.

Then day I am flying into Bangkok , It's midday and I get an email from a reservations manager telling me "that they are busy so gave my room to a walk in!!!!!!"

I called them from airport and said but u had confirmed room for ME, I have ur confirmation email!! ....how can u then just give room to someone else?? The reply was....we are busy.....what tha?? hhahahhahahhahahha

Anyway I got a room in LK metro and had a great trip anyway, but seriously what a poor way to do business.

I used to eat at their resteraunt at least 3 times a week and breakfast every morning.every time I'm in Patts, 5 times a year.......BUT my personal protest is to never set foot in the place again.


I stayed at the 18 coins about 7/8 years ago

The rooms are very small many more better options especially in the last 2/3 years


Ok feel better now..:)

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