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3som bar and guest house closing

Chris Long

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I just heard my favorite bar and guest house 3som on soi metro is closing at the end of the month due to construction behind their building. Can any one recomend a similar type guest house in which to stay at. I will be traveling to Pattaya in March.





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Captains bar soi Honey would be in the same price bracket. Get a room at the front, as a room at the back would be facing the same construction site. You can negotiate a monthly rate on an already reasonable daily rate. Staff there are sound, a big plus.

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Is their closing permanent?

 I doubt the construction work is the only reason for them closing, quite a few bars and guest houses will be affected (if I've got the right project) and completion is due sometime 2016.

 More likely they've simply given up.

 Surely they would try to sell the lease though?

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Billabong is very good for a guesthouse and it is right across the street from 3Som.I have stayed at both.


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This room and many like it available in March, Daily, Weekly or Monthly, Free Wifi, Microwave, Flat screen TV, DVD player, in room safe, kettle, large fridge, windows open onto the soi, very close to Lolita's LOL

small  302.9.jpg.jpgsmall 202.1.jpgimage26.jpg302.3.jpg


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Really nice it seems that your rooms keep getting better and better not to say the first ones were bad.. My next trip I will defiantly be sending u an email

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