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Hi there just got an email from d apartments wanting me to confirm with credit card details ,has anyone here every booked through there email site before ? just concerned  a little if it was was safe to give deatails,,, and help guys ? thanks

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I've stayed there three times and never had to give any details before.

All my bookings before were booked through a quick email or on Facebook and even when I got there they never even ask for a passport or any deposit that's why I used to use them as they were so easy and friendly.

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my mate stayed there for 1 Month (Oct-Nov last) & sent them 3000bht deposit on CC with no problems. However he made a big mistake in booking the old  building which at 18000bht ++ was well overpriced! Apparently the new building is a lot better quality all round BUT again very overpriced for that area!

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I wouldn't give my card details over mail, if they use a booking engine on their website then it's comparatively safer.

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Bad idea ! :Think1:

A good girl gives you happiness and a bad girl gives you experience both are essential in life so enjoy every girlfriend!

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I have done it twice this year and never had a problem. The staff at d apartments are honest. they must have had a lot of no shows as they never used to ask for a deposit but now they do ask for 2 nights stay by credit card. alternatively if you know someone in town they can go and pay it for you. 

I work hard to support those on benefits! :Banghead2:

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I've booked D Apts twice and given CC details as requested. They take 2 nights stay (2600B for me) as a deposit., supposedly refundable but check the small print.


If you're worried about sending details in email just phone them them through.


Like neo1011 above, I trust them but its annoying they don't have a secure booking site.

Next trip Aug 31-Sep13, theme: try more freelancers, get dirty! Note to self: TAKE MORE PHOTOS!!!

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I stayed there and I payed 1000 Baht deposit (for 1 month stay). But I payed deposit in cash, because I'm living here. I wouldn't give them that kind of info.


Rooms are good, beautiful swimming pool. But they'll maybe try to rip you off. I wanted cheaper room (for about 21000 Baht), but they told me that they have these rooms fully booked and wanted to I book more expensive (26000 Baht). Don't believe everything they tell you. But rooms are fine for this price.

23 24 25 26 27 28 years old farang & living in Pattaya north Thailand. :Finger4:

And I ride Kawasaki KSR only!

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