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extending a trip - will the hotel honor my rate?


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I am thinking about extending my trip. When I look on Agoda, the rate has gone up considerably at Intimate hotel. Will they honor my existing cheaper rate if I extend? This is for a reservation in a few weeks so I'm not there to ask them now.

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The hotel you are at is the one formally known as Tim's right?

I have extended my stay there previously and the rate room rate was what was available at the time not what I had previously paid when I made original booking several months prior.


Your question was "will they honour my existing rate?" implying they are not doing the right thing if they don't let you pay the cheaper room rate you are currently paying. They are charging you the agreed rate for the dates you booked. Room rates change depending on dates, occupancy etc.


Good luck


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The hotel you are at is the one formally known as Tim's right?

I have extended my stay there previously and the rate room rate was what was available at the time not what I had previously paid when I made original booking several months prior.


Your question was "will they honour my existing rate?" implying they are not doing the right thing if they don't let you pay the cheaper room rate you are currently paying. They are charging you the agreed rate for the dates you booked. Room rates change depending on dates, occupancy etc.


Good luck




Around this time of year the rates change daily. You will get whatever the going rate for that day is. Supply and demand my boy

12 Pints in Know it all

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we have most of 14 again booked in march and the price on booking was much more then what we paid on direct email so if you email them and ask them to extend you might be ok

La La Land Bar & Sky Bar Soi 6 Pattaya

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