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Flexible hotel check-in time.


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There seem to be a lot of hotels where it states that check-in time may be,for example 2.00pm.If you have a flight that arrives relitavely early morning(say7-8am),and you`re in pattaya just 2-3 hours later would the hotel let you check-into your room if its available?If your room isnt available yet because another guest hasn`t checked out then fair enough.

I suppose all hotels will have different policy regarding this,some might be fairly strict and some will be very flexible,i mean if your rooms ready and your there waiting whats the problem, especally if you`re staying for 2-3 weeks.

Reason im asking is this flight i might be booking arrives in bangkok at 7.15am and if i get through immigration and baggage quickly enough i could be in patts for 10.00.

Its july when i normally go,so low season,therefore i wouldnt imagine it being a problem ragarding my room being available.



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Usually hotel policies state that early check-in is allowed within a time range of say 3-4 hours if the room is available, since you are going in July this shouldn't be a problem, just drop in a mail intimating early arrival.


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They have to wait for the guest to check-out and vacate the room, and some hotels housekeeping staff only kicks in around 9-10 p.m. I've never been denied a room simply because I arrived too early.

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Usually not a problem if the room's ready. Otherwise can at least leave your suitcase while you go walkabout. But I would check that they actually put the case somewhere safe. first time left a case they put it behind the desk assured me it would be ok and it was already in my room when I returned. At another hotel case was where I'd left it in front of the desk  and no one was even remotely aware of it. I think I was very lucky on that occasion 

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Drop them a polite email, and say you will be arriving about 10am, its possible they might make some effort to get a room ready that another guest had to check out off early. Depends how on the ball they are


Nothing lost by doing it

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Thanks for the replies guys,if I do go and and book I`ll bear it in mind about sending them an e`mail, to let them know of possible arrival time.If for some reason I cant check in, I`ll just go out and get a few bits and bobs for the room to kill time which I would do anyway.

The august suites (where im thinking of staying) as got a baggage room to keep customers stuff for instances like this anyway,its a reputable hotel so I wouldn't be worried about leaving it for a bit.


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I have found most hotel will work with you when it comes to check in and check out times. You have to just let them know of any changes in your schedule via email or phone especially during high season.

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I try to E-mail the hotel directly and send a PDF of the itinerary to the hotel.   The busy season will be rather tough.   Leave your suitcases and hang out at Soi 6.  I did that a few years back and actually didn't get back until the next day.

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Usually not a problem if the room's ready. Otherwise can at least leave your suitcase while you go walkabout. But I would check that they actually put the case somewhere safe. first time left a case they put it behind the desk assured me it would be ok and it was already in my room when I returned. At another hotel case was where I'd left it in front of the desk  and no one was even remotely aware of it. I think I was very lucky on that occasion 


Last year I let my suitcase with 10.000 euro inside in front of mini vans ticket counter at victory monument and nobody cared for it...

I was luckier than you!

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My flight to go home is allways a little after midnight, so i allways book one more night.

I leave pattaya at around 8 pm so i dont want to take a chance with late chekout from the hotel because many times during high season they are short with rooms and usually late chek-out is only up to  6 pm only.

I prefair just to book in advance an extra night and dont waist time worying about it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rhanks for information .I also send email to check in early around 10.00am . they send mail regarding it which state that I should not worry.

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They have to wait for the guest to check-out and vacate the room, and some hotels housekeeping staff only kicks in around 9-10 p.m. I've never been denied a room simply because I arrived too early.



Same here.


Few times I've arrived earlier in the morning around 11 or so, they had me wait because the room had to be cleaned.  Other times room was available and no problems, no extra charge or anything.

GFE: Gull Friend Experience


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Rhanks for information .I also send email to check in early around 10.00am . they send mail regarding it which state that I should not worry.

Thai hotels (except the brands) are poor in checking and replying mails. Simpler to call them or have one of your girls call and inform them, doesn't guarantee check-in but at least you have priority.

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