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Pasadena Lodge Review

Thai Visa Express

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Im currently staying there at the moment its at the bottom of soi LK Metro its a small boitique with only 20 rooms. As for prices its as follows : Standard 800 weekly 5600 monthly 22000-20sq
Superior 1000.......... 7000 .......... 27000-26sq
Deluxe 1500..........10,500..........42000-44sq

Im happy with the hotel rooms are excellent some building work is going on next door but its not an issue it should be complete June 2008. Im in the superior room which is excellent DVD-TV-SAFE.

Pasadena Lodge

Thai Visa Express
Registered UK Immigration Consultants 
OISC F200700163 UK Immigration Consultants
Impartial UK Immigration Advice - Expect An Honest Visa Assessment - NO Win No Agents Fees.

Web: www.thaivisa-express.com


Face Book : Thaivisaexpressthailand
OISC : https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/office-of-the-immigration-services-commissioner
Email : [email protected]
Tel : 0801022328
Tel :038420313
Tel UK : 020 -0281 -338 -059

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  • 4 months later...

I saw some thread earlier from 07, they say the noise is a big problem, nosie from metro and bars, staff spoke very little English and wifi is pretty much only available in lobby area. Did you encounter those problems in April? maybe they improved, I am leaving for Pattaya tomorow and I reservrved hotel with them. I wonder if I should change hotel. So can you get the wifi in your room? was the noise unbearable or ok? How are the rooms before they say there is no chain for the door, no peek hole, and some other things. So should I go or maybe I should go to another hotel? thanks!

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Thanks for the review mate, much appreciated :P . Was thinking of trying this place out myself, but I have booked the Residence Garden for my next Pattaya stay...Maybe try it in September

Take care fella and hope your having a craicing good trip

Elephants are really, really big compared to televisions....yet I saw a whole herd of 'em on my TV only yesterday..Go figure?
Oh..I nearly forgot..Ehhhh?


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I took a look at this place and it does look nice. But the downer for me was that some of the rooms do not have windows which can give you that "boxed in feeling." The small rooms are that... small. The staff was friendly enough and showed me around so that was a plus in their favor.


Also, the rooms are done up quite nicely and they look nice.




A new BG asked an experienced BG what was the difference between the Long Con and the Short Con. The experienced BG replied... The Long Con takes longer, but the rewards are far greater.


Beware the beast Man, for he is the Devil's pawn. Alone among God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed. Yea, he will murder his brother to possess his brother's land. Let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours. Shun him; drive him back into his jungle lair, for he is the harbinger of death.


Pattaya Hotel Listing: www.bookmyspot.com

Condo / Housing Forum: www.roomdaddy.com Please recommend to your friends living in a condo or village. This could be a good place to stay informed about the happenings where you live.

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thanks for info will take a look

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  • 5 weeks later...
Im currently staying there at the moment its at the bottom of soi lk metro its a small boitique with only 20 rooms. As for prices its as follows : Standard 800 weekly 5600 monthly 22000-20sq

Superior 1000.......... 7000 .......... 27000-26sq

Deluxe 1500..........10,500..........42000-44sq


Im happy with the hotel rooms are excellent some building work is going on next door but its not an issue it should be complete June 2008. Im in the superior room which is excellent DVD-TV-SAFE.




hi azzzey68....im moving into the pasadena superior room on august 12 ...did the superior room have a window??? how was the wifi????

did you spunk the place up??? :GrinNod1: would you stay there again???

so far very nice booking through them no hassles or non refundable dowmpayment scams.... ann the manager seems real nice.....

thanks for the review...

ill give everybody an update after my stay....cheers...

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hi azzzey68....im moving into the pasadena superior room on august 12 ...did the superior room have a window??? how was the wifi????

did you spunk the place up??? :GrinNod1: would you stay there again???

so far very nice booking through them no hassles or non refundable dowmpayment scams.... ann the manager seems real nice.....

thanks for the review...

ill give everybody an update after my stay....cheers...


I stayed there from 11th july for a week was booked in for two weeks, there is building work going on next door, In the end i moved hotel. 1200 bht for the superior room, number 301.

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thanks for the info, just looked at their site...nice looking place/rooms




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I stayed there from 11th july for a week was booked in for two weeks, there is building work going on next door, In the end i moved hotel. 1200 bht for the superior room, number 301.



only 900bht per night now i think...

did you move cause the hotel sucked or the construction ??i was under the impression that the work next door was mostly inside stuff and just about finished??

why did you move cause of the construction or did not like hotel ??? as long as it is clean, wifi and a window would be nice ...im just gonna pay for a few days and see how it goes...maybe do residence garden after that??? play it by ear....cheers...

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only 900bht per night now i think...

did you move cause the hotel sucked or the construction ??i was under the impression that the work next door was mostly inside stuff and just about finished??

why did you move cause of the construction or did not like hotel ??? as long as it is clean, wifi and a window would be nice ...im just gonna pay for a few days and see how it goes...maybe do residence garden after that??? play it by ear....cheers...

I moved because of the construction, its a nice clean hotel, big room with windows and sliding door on to a small outside space.

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I stayed in the hotel however im up early anyway but wifi etc excellent and il return

Thai Visa Express
Registered UK Immigration Consultants 
OISC F200700163 UK Immigration Consultants
Impartial UK Immigration Advice - Expect An Honest Visa Assessment - NO Win No Agents Fees.

Web: www.thaivisa-express.com


Face Book : Thaivisaexpressthailand
OISC : https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/office-of-the-immigration-services-commissioner
Email : [email protected]
Tel : 0801022328
Tel :038420313
Tel UK : 020 -0281 -338 -059

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ill be there on the 11 august so far very nice to deal with very prompt internet replies and even set up airport pick up for me through one of the managers mates...1500bht....

the emails back and fourth are very funny as they are in thinglish so i can see how the language barrier may be an issue at this hotel....

but i think its funny lol...TIT....


check out this email they sent me after i sent them my flight details.....funny shit...lol.....





confirmed you flight


Friday, August 01, 2008 1:15:36 PM



Dear..Mr.Jim .


Thank you for answer, sure we must to best service for our clients , if our customer on request and we can do that not over, right now we confirmed you booking roon ,and you booking taxi service pick you up at the airport , not worry we told to driver about your details Air Asia flight no FD 3504 Sin-Bkk local times 17:00.


Oaky / right now anythings is confirmed we not to need more info, and we must to effort for to our client enjoy for this trips.


Looking forward to seen you soon.


Best Regard ANN


Pasadena Lodge

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  • 3 weeks later...



anyone know about the joiner fee situation ?



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their isnt one,


i asked what if i bring back ten ladies, they laughed and said ok no charge for even ten ladies.

I said what about my freind he might bring back ten ladyboys , they luaghed again and said no problem.


I did a review on this hotel in another thread and was very impressed with the place


if you look on the website it does actually state that there is a charge for a 3rd person.

The 3rd person additional Charge 300 BHT.


i have booked a deluxe room for september for one night, and we'll see how it goes as i might stay there longer.

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can somebody also confirm if the construction work has now finished?

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Me And 2 mates are staying at this hotel atm And like it alot.. Its by far the best value i have found

for that kind of money

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  • 2 months later...

stayed for 3 nights and I decided to move, had deluxe room 1500 per night, room LOOKS very nice but not very comfortable, bed is queen size and not very comfortable compared to other hotels, electricity plug is broken near the bed I let the night guy know when I moved in and he just laughed it off, probably can't fix it and maids just leave the lamb plug around the lamp. When you go out all the electricty are suppose to shut off when you take the key thing out, but the tv, bathroom light stays on. not a big deal for me but it's just some small thing, other hotels doesn't do that. The washing area is pretty small as you can see from scumbag's picture http://www.pattaya-addicts.com/forum/uploa...-1215280567.jpg I can't put much of my stuff there it's too small...and when I put it there the maid will put it inside the cabin. stayed for 3 nights and they never replaced with new soap, the replaced with new towels after 2 days, refilled the fridge after 2 days, the show area is pretty bad like you can see here http://www.pattaya-addicts.com/forum/uploa...-1215280607.jpg there is no door to close it so the water will splash all over outside if you don't be careful....this was a big one for me it's really a bad design..there should have a door there


no coffee packet, sugar packet etc at the first day when I arrive, no peek hole in the door, no survillance cameras in my floor and probably other floors either.


safety box in the room is convenient, wifi is pretty fast but sometimes I can't connect for a long time and have to reboot...not sure if it's my pc or it's their wifi but I didn't have this problem in the last wifi hotel. furnitures are all pretty new and nice, arts/painiting around the room are pretty beautiful, but the painting above the bed http://www.pattaya-addicts.com/forum/uploa...-1215280501.jpg there is the lighting to shines directly on the painting it will bother you when you lie down there on the bed. AC fan thing doesn't rotate arond, phone doesn't work for 3 days, the night guy told me he has to check the lines around the hotel to see what's the problem, but when I asked Ann she said the telephone pole got knocked down so the entire block or so all doesn't have phone working...I don't know I don't use the phone much. But I had to walk down to ask for shampoo and hair dryer and wifi password since the phone doesn't work. and ya they don't provide shampoo and hair dryer..I think for 1500 a night deluxe room they should have them and replace soap and towels everyday. in ther hotel RULES booklet it says no guest after 11pm, but when I bring a girl back at 12 they were ok, only checked for ID.


at 2:30pm I asked what would they charge for the penalty if I move out, since the check out time is 1pm and they say 750 (half day).....I asked nicely it's 2:30pm maybe I can pay 300 baht instead of 750 since it's not that much later? they say no and I understand that it's the rule I should have planned ahead.


The staff are nice overall I would say it's not worth it for 1500 a night, room is big but not very comfortable, a lot of little things wrong here and there. The standard here isn't as high as other hotels I would say and a llittle pricy

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I stayed there last year for about a month at 800hbt a night, the room on the top floor was very nice, however i got moved to a room lower down with the window facing that development and the lack of sunlight is no good.


Rooms are very nice id recommend it for staying for a week or 2 but the frog owner doesnt seem to do discounts for long stayers.


There is no joiners fee and the guy who works nights is sound.

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  • 1 year later...



Anyone got a update on the hotel, planning to go to Thailand on May.


There are so many good places to stay around Metro, I spent a few weeks there in jan and it was perfect and very quiet...

Before I stayed at http://www.metro-apartments-pattaya.com/index.php also highly reccomend













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I stayed there for four days in March and found it to be quite OK for a short stay.


The rooms are nice but a bit small for me. The staff is helpful.


I would stay there again for a couple days.

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It's a good place, stayed there a few times, but the bathrooms kind of bug me... at first it looks kind of stylish, but with the sliding door arrangement it doesn't do such a good job of separating the loo from the main (small) room, so if you got the beer farts from the night before then for sure your girl's gonna know about it 555555!! also there's no door to the shower so water can soak the floor if you're not careful, but the most annoying thing is there is NO space around the basin to set your soap, shaving cream etc (see pics above). fuckin hell, a few extra inches of space on either side of the sink would make such a big difference.

Anyway despite my bitching, overall it's good value for money and I'll probably be back. Also desk staff are nice and just cute and friendly enough to give you that extra little horn-dog boost as you head out into the Pattaya night....


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