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Russian Tourists in luck escape after Baht Bus loses power as it climbs the Pratamnuk Hill.


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Russian Tourists in luck escape after Baht Bus loses power as it climbs the Pratamnuk Hill.


We attended a potentially serious road accident which occurred on the Pratamnuk Hill in South Pattaya, just before Midnight on Thursday Night. Police Lieutenant Colonel Wunlop from Pattaya Police Station investigated the incident which luckily did not cause injury. Baht Bus number 151, driven by Khun Somkit aged 54 was full will Russian Tourists who were retuning to their hotel after a night out. The Baht Bus began to negotiate the steep hill but suddenly lost power and the Baht Bus began to fall backwards. The gear and brakes failed and the Bus collided with a concrete barrier on the side of the road which prevented the bus from falling off the side of the cliff. The Russian Tourists were shaken but not injured and were later transported back to their hotel. As we were filming we spotted another Baht Bus which got into difficulties and appeared to lose power as it attempted to drive up this steep and dangerous hill.



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I am sorry to hear this.


Maybe those Russians involved and the media will spread the word and we will have less Russian tourists clogging up Beach road and Walking Street in high season.

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