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Former Wife of Deputy District Chief shot and killed.


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Former Wife of Deputy District Chief shot and killed. Her Former Husband is prime suspect.


Police Lieutenant Colonel Tanadaert from Banglamung Police Station was called to the Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital by medical staff who admitted a female victim of a shooting who had passed away. The dead woman was named as Khun Janyar aged 42, the former Wife of Khun Chayan, the Deputy Chief of Pantong District here in Chonburi Province. Previously he was the Deputy Chief of Banglamung District. Khun Janyar had sustained multiple gun shot wounds while she was sitting in her car with Khun Poongsit aged 49, her current lover. The pair were parked near a beach behind the Gitapawan Temple in Banglamung. According to Khun Poongsit, the shooter was her ex-Husband, Khun Chayan, the former Deputy Chief of Banglamung District. During the shooting, Khun Poongsit, who was also in possession of a firearm, shot back but did not injure the shooter. It is thought that a complaint by the victim to Police relating to the work of Khun Chayan, which led to a move from Banglamung to Pantong, is the likely motive behind the attack, however this is only speculation at this point as Police attempt to located Khun Janyar.





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