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Pattaya Addicts, Mongering and Pattaya - Is it a religion?

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I have hurt my back and resting at home,  just as I like to write occasionally, I have done a light hearted discussion comparing Pattaya, mongering and PA to a religion.


I am not religious in anyway shape, or form and won't cast my views on what I think about it,  but it had me thinking, what other cities, mongering and particular forums, have so many guy's attention, enthusiasm and faithfulness. 


World sex guide and their rival websites don't have a true hard core following, or a particular loyalty to one city, however the one factor they have in common is mongering.


Pattaya seems to be a place that swallows people up, it has given males the control back to them that they have so needed for years, yes it can be sexual or just the fact that they feel wanted, or needed again, they can play the knight in shining armour, they can conquer there deep loneliness, get over a divorce, or they can be players for the first time. People become addicted to the city, to the nightlife, to the girls and the open style mongering.  That creates a truly unique blend that is offered in few other places.  The sheer scale of the bars, girls and Pattaya itself, makes it the best mongering destination for those that are attracted to the average Thai girl body shape.. 


Those that don't want to idolize random celebrities, or football teams that they have never met, can suddenly idolize a city, or a place that is heavily associated with hot available women and thousands of bars and gogos.  The city is naturally branded without the need of any false or intentional branding, just type " pattaya "  into google images and the first image is hot girls and over  50% of the rest have girls in the photo, this is natural branding which makes the city unique to many others.  Even if you type in " Bangkok " only 1% of the pictures on the first page,  have girls and thats an innocent photo from a school trip. Pattaya becomes a cool place to be being associated with hot Thai girls and such a party town.


I feel that the one thing that saves Pattaya against its laws is not just the poverty and the need for back handers, but for the Thais attitude of letting other Thais earn money, so they will look the other way at certain things because they do not dare to fuck with another citizens income.


According to Wikipedia  "Religion is an organized collection of belief systems, cultural systems and world views that relate humanity to spirituality and sometimes to moral values."


Lets break it down


Belief Systems-  we all share the belief that we should have full control in our lives and that we should not have to beg for sex through various methods and loose our dignity.  Even those that can get laid easy still have expectations put on them.  We mostly believe that adult women should be able to exchange money for their consensual services guilt free.  There are many other examples, one of the most comparative to a religion is that we all believe the dream.  For some fantasizing about being that player in the movie, being the rock star, being in demand, being in that rap movie and achieving male dominance. And creating our sexual fantasies and achieving our desires.


Cultural systems -  we have all adapted to a certain social etiquette,  goal-attainment to have sex with our preferences, for some its defined by weight, age, beauty, or quantity. We have levels of hierarchy within our social mongering culture, with the lower end budget mongerers to the higher budget ones.  For example, some of the lower end mongerers are happy with untested dark beach road girls, or the higher class mongerers prefer a STD tested, educated girl with white skin and perfect English.  A lot of mongerers in Pattaya know how to behave and know how the system works. i.e its vary rare that if a monger bar fines a girl and another one argues that he wants her, its generally accepted to wait your turn, however because supply is bigger than demand there are rarely confrontations.


World Views - we all believe that the realism of Pattaya, or our perceptible view of Pattaya is the way we would like the world to be, why should we be starved of sex in the Western World, just because sex has been conditioned in many women as a big deal. We all want access to women that we find attractive without spending an unreasonable amount of time chasing them or buying them gifts with little guarantee of a favour back..  We also want women that remain feminine, so we go to Thailand, which is like jumping into a time machine back to how we believe women should be when we found them attractive.


Spirituality -  This is a difficult subject that has no real definition, but I think most agree when they get to Thailand, they can mold their own lifestyle and we can truly discover ourselves, some may have sexual experiences to explore new heights of ecstasy,  some may achieve happiness from being wanted, or having many sexual partners whenever they choose to. I think Thailand is a spiritual place, not so much Pattaya, but I think for the new traveler,  discovering yourself in a world where you can have anything, is pretty spiritual.


Morality -  We have different morality to mainstream people, in general people disagree with paying for sex because they are conditioned via TV programs that have rich women involved in making them.  We seem to share a unique moral code, but still keeping the normal ones that we were brought up with, i.e its not suddenly acceptable to start beating and hurting people.  But within the mongerer's code, we know what is a fair price, for what acts and where the girl is from and what she looks like, this is definitely unique to Pattaya.  Most of us are as humane as anyone else in the world and some of us love women more than men in the, so called, normal world, that's why we come to a place where we are surrounded by them, so on that note we are actually above most of society, (LOL) however we are seen as an underclass, because we are too honest and pay per act. As opposed to (as happens too so many men) losing our house at the end of a long and painful messy divorce.


Rituals -  Double blowjobs, dp, pussy licking, 3 sums, gang bangs....  bell ringing.


Holy Places -  Soi 6,  Walking Street and LK Metro,  it varies for all of us.


Scriptures (religious text)  -  LBFM, BBBJCIM, AWOC, BB, LB ......... BiB, TiT


Sermons - we have all been there and orchestrated a friend getting some sort of an act done to him on a play mat in a gogo, recently there has been some guys pissed on in Sapphire, now that is some sermon!  There was a large audience and lots of girls participated.  Other sermons includes getting sucked off on the sofas on Soi 6 with all your mates around.


Prayer - we have all preyed going to the chemists, be it a pregnancy test or an STD test. I have seen a lot of guys praying in X zone with their faces between a girls legs.


Music -  A lot of bars and gogos share the same music, some of the guys that wouldn't normally listen to this music, suddenly associat it with the feelings, happiness and beauty they see in Pattaya, so they suddenly become attracted to the same music as each other and repeat the music at home religiously to feed off the euphoria associated with the music.


Marriage -  Due to visa issues and the like, Marriage in Pattaya is like no other, often they are fast tracked with a unique blend of European and Thai style weddings.


Initiation - quite often newbies will come to meetings and bars and hand themselves in, we've had a few guys initiated into the mongering world, a bit like gangsters having their first beatings off every gang member, we usually try and get them in compromising positions on a gogo stage, or we talk them into a 3-4 sum, or get them banged by a lady boy,  any unusual act will see them initiated.


Funeral -  I believe most true mongers would like to expire during an epic female orgy with girls of magnificent beauty, or skills. I remember recently one guy died during the night when he had 3 girls in his bed.  


Dance - most of us love different styles of dance that are popular in the gogos, that show off the female form as being female and not aggressive hard dancing. The dancing changes over time like a fashion and varies across regions, but certainly the dance that is current in Pattaya makes most men's knees weaken to the Pattaya religion. Hypnotizing  non-verbal communication, emotional sexual expression and mating dances. I think certain dances can make a girl become a lot more alluring. (how many guys have seen a girl dance and think, fuck she must be good in bed, I'm taking her?)


Banquet - lots of bars, gogos provide free food for the gatherings, also guys will meet with fellow tourists and take there barfines for a meal.


Festivals - we have parties in honour of our goddesses which is the girls of Pattaya and for being in such a wonderful city where we can all achieve male dominance.


Trance -  Many people have experienced occasions where they have had their first triple blowjob, or group sex fantasiesm, or been pissed on etc,  thats a true heightened state of mind where we would probably hand our house deeds over if they threatened to stop.


Sacrifice -  Rather than giving food or money, we have sacrificed a longer, safer, healthier, well balanced, more opportunities life back in western society.  We have sacrificed many years of pissing our pants watching TV alone in cold weather,  just for the benefit of shagging hundreds of hot girls. lol


Community service -  guys have donated to the forums, paid extra tips for the girls, tips to businesses in Pattaya, rang the bell to give other people a good time and take time and effort to share info with fellow believers to help them have a better pilgrimage to mongering places within Pattaya, such as bars or Sois.


Art - painting on girl;s bodies, different positions during shows, different costumes, its all there to give us lots of visual stimulation and to attract our hands into our wallets as we lick our lips.


A deity - we all have someone that we want to aspire to be,  for many it could be those "living the dream"



Please come to night wish bar, Pussy Club or sapphire agogo and find other members to confess to your sins.

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I love a good cult, does this mean we will be aloud 10 wives like other cults?

"There's plenty more prostitutes in Pattaya" ©2012™

"Only Newbies go home when planned" ©2012

"I don't run a gogo, i run a dance academy" Â©2014

"Sauna and milkshakes a winning combination" Â©2015


Facebook Group ::: Pattaya Bar Crawls and Parties

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I love a good cult, does this mean we will be aloud 10 wives like other cults?


We should have a vote on that, its our cult......   I would say anyone with less that 5 sexual partners should be thrown out of meetings lol

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If enough of us put PA on our home country census...We can make it a real religion!!


Also  Holy Communion - Every time I start a mongering episode I have a vodka lippo, to make me that little bit more alert. Maybe Nightwish should name a drink as this and every time we step foot inside we can "take" communion...Plus I would love to see Viking dressed as a priest lol.  :Think1:


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LOL..Pattayism! the new religion where the follower is exalted for his debauchery. Awesome.

Elephants are really, really big compared to televisions....yet I saw a whole herd of 'em on my TV only yesterday..Go figure?
Oh..I nearly forgot..Ehhhh?


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LOL..Pattayism! the new religion where the follower is exalted for his debauchery. Awesome.


new good term!

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I hereby nominate myself and my fellow moderators apostles...




Ill get my chasuble.

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I hereby nominate myself and my fellow moderators apostles...




Ill get my chasuble.


We need to nominate  a Jesus for the new religion,  maybe Bagel, hes a sick fuck haha

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Excellent thread! Mongering is definitely a subculture and a spiritual experience, a mental state that you can take with you everywhere. I've been describing Pattaya as the Mongers' Vatican for a while.



 Spirituality -  This is a difficult subject that has no real definition, but I think most agree when they get to Thailand, they can mold their own lifestyle and we can truly discover ourselves, some may have sexual experiences to explore new heights of ecstasy,  some may achieve happiness from being wanted, or having many sexual partners whenever they choose to. I think Thailand is a spiritual place, not so much Pattaya, but I think for the new

traveler,  discovering yourself in a world where you can have anything, is pretty spiritual.


+ Realizing that you don't have to care about most of the stuff you've been taught growing up. Realize those are just social conventions that can be written off at your convenience.



Morality -  We have different morality to mainstream people, in general people disagree with paying for sex because they are conditioned via TV programs that have rich women involved in making them.


+ Not only paying for sex is my norm, I've been expanding to new notions like "how can I be paid for sex", "how can I pay several girls for sex", "how can I manage a multiple live-in relationship for free?", "I eventually found out that LGBT people are much more interesting than family dads", etc...



Rituals -  Double blowjobs, dp, pussy licking, 3 sums, gang bangs....  bell ringing.


+ Drunk Pink Taxi arrival in Mongerville

+ Checking in your hotel or condo for the first time in 2 years, after a long stunt in Farangland.

+ ATM withdrawal ritual (this one always amazes me)

+ Beach Road daytime strolling meditation, sea gazing


Holy Places -  Soi 6,  Walking Street and LK Metro,  it varies for all of us.

+ Sacred, venerable places include Marine Disco, Royal Garden Plaza and the like

+ Meditation abodes include Nikom Court, Soi 6, soi Honey Inn

+ Spiritual Retreat/Monastery: The Dark Side...

+ Temples of active spiritual practice: all those special bars and venues where you can have a fuckfest during daytime. Jade House, Kinnaree, Le Telephone, Nana massage, etc.


Scriptures (religious text)  -  LBFM, BBBJCIM, AWOC, BB, LB ......... BiB, TiT


+ Stickman Bangkok Archives


Music -  A lot of bars and gogos share the same music, some of the guys that wouldn't normally listen to this music, suddenly associat it with the feelings, happiness and beauty they see in Pattaya, so they suddenly become attracted to the same music as each other and repeat the music at home religiously to feed off the euphoria associated with the music.


Agree - Even "African-American" music sounds good once you've heard it so many times in Pattaya


Marriage - Due to visa issues and the like, Marriage in Pattaya is like no other, often they are fast tracked with a unique blend of European and Thai style weddings.


+ The most religious people are married with the city itself for life, not with any woman in particular. The Singha wifebeater is the mark of their lifelong dedication and renunciation to the outer world.


Funeral -  I believe most true mongers would like to expire during an epic female orgy with girls of magnificent beauty, or skills. I remember recently one guy died during the night when he had 3 girls in his bed.


+ The Pattaya Flying Club, which is a holy way of checking out in our religion, similar to the Japanese seppuku.




Trance -  Many people have experienced occasions where they have had their first triple blowjob, or group sex fantasiesm, or been pissed on etc,  thats a true heightened state of mind where we would probably hand our house deeds over if they threatened to stop.


+ That state of trance when you just have the right amount of alcohol in your blood, the ambience in the gogo is white-hot, you just love the music that is being played on, you're surrounded by fellow mongers guests that are a great representative sample of the typical Pattaya society and you really couldn't give a shit about anything else.



Sacrifice -  Rather than giving food or money, we have sacrificed a longer, safer, healthier, well balanced, more opportunities life back in western society.  We have sacrificed many years of pissing our pants watching TV alone in cold weather,  just for the benefit of shagging hundreds of hot girls. lol


+ Any sacrifice is only temporary. Every sacrifice of a part of our Farangland reality will eventually translate in more mongering opportunities and a maximization our freedom in Southeast Asia. Sacrifice a job and create your own online business or find one in Asia; sacrifice your farang bitch and save time and money for the real life; sacrifice family relationships or useless friendships and cut down sharp on all the bullshit and waste of time... etc...



A deity - we all have someone that we want to aspire to be,  for many it could be those "living the dream"


My personal heroes are all the famous mongers that make it in the news.


We also recognize the numerous non-human deities that can interfer in our favor, such as 7 Eleven, which saved the life of more than one farang in more than one way...



Many temples are dedicated to the ancient god 7 Eleven

The legend says this god was first worshipped in Japan


Further 2 cents:

• Pattaya is both the landing point and the headquarters of Mongers International. It is where you land the first time, learning the ropes, realizing there is another future for you than becoming another suburb dweller. Then many of us after a while start exploring other parts of Southeast Asia, empowered with the certitude that anything is now possible.


• Therefore, the mongering subculture is Asia-wide, not only limited to Thailand. There are many who have made their nest as TEFL teachers in Korea or Japan and in a way they are also part of the subculture (even if many deny it vehemently lol). Non-attached freebie mongering is still mongering (a Monger's commandment).


We need to nominate  a Jesus for the new religion


There are many type of Buddhas, Boddhisattvas and sub-deities. There is certainly one than could be considered as the "patron saint of mongers". I'll dig deeper about that ;)

"On the shores of the Gulf of Thailand lies a city in permenent meltdown, a white-hot female inferno fueled by sleepless nights, money, sex and alcohol. In this out-of-this-world beach city playground, swarms of honey-colored sylphs remind every day to all flavors of Western menfolk, who were until now dying of boredom under a frozen sky, that they are not yet dead." -- Frank Poupart, Pattaya Beach


"Pattaya has all aspects of a border town, although there is no border nearby. Pattaya is more unique than New York or any of those so-called “must-see†places. It is a mix of a brothel, a fun fair and an open-air prison yard. You could never make up the shit that happens here, on a daily basis. All one has to do is log on to Pattaya City News updates and can clearly see it can quickly transform from from a circus to Thunderdome.“ 



Advocating for Monger Culture & Asiansexual Pride


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May  I nominate Buddha as our God?


Now all we  need is local temple.

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May I nominate Buddha as our God?


Now all we need is local temple!

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All so true and i consider myself beyound saving ( not that i would want saving )


Maybe now is the time to set up communions like in the old days where one can drop in and out at lesure


Sort of like Nightwish or others and 24 hours a day everything you can think of is avaiable


Hang on I am talking about Pattaya and Thailand where the Cult already exists


Yes Women Fucking all all types of carnal fun is my Relegion always has been always will be


86 days until i come back Home and promise i will visit Church everyday when back



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not sure about who our Jesus should be, but I volunteer for the position of monger pope. Or at least bishop.

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not sure about who our Jesus should be, but I volunteer for the position of monger pope. Or at least bishop.

I don't mind taking Cardinal ..!


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I don't mind taking Cardinal ..!


He does live above a gay bar, but i don't think hes available.

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I would have to denounce my Satanism to become a member of this religion/church??


Would it be as much fun as my chosen faith?


I just need to know more before I change! LOL




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I would have to denounce my Satanism to become a member of this religion/church??


Would it be as much fun as my chosen faith?


I just need to know more before I change! LOL





Have we got our first off-shoot?

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Have we got our first off-shoot?


I certainly like what I have heard so far!


I think my current master has a lot to live up to, or I'm off to join this exciting new prospect.


I think the offer of a Night Wish T-shirt could be the the thing that makes it irresistible? I never did get my one from Satan!!




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He does live above a gay bar, but i don't think hes available.

Hahaha damn, I should have thought before I made my post.....But I'm pretty sure I don't want to be any Cardinal's an altar boy!!


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Sorry to go off subject LaaMok but since using a link to add on countdown clock I appear to be blocked from making posts can you look into this?

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Sorry to go off subject LaaMok but since using a link to add on countdown clock I appear to be blocked from making posts can you look into this?


no idea, try and delete your countdown clock

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I guess heaven/nirvana is then pattaya...


What about hell....Hull?


I guess the mods would be the priests/monks/evangalists in a sense....


Those who gave up and got married/settled down would be the apostates...

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I guess heaven/nirvana is then pattaya...


What about hell....Hull?


I guess the mods would be the priests/monks/evangalists in a sense....


Those who gave up and got married/settled down would be the apostates...


sullys been ordinated

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