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LK Royal Suites - buffet breakfast


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I've probably reviewed this hotel on the forum before - always enjoyed staying here.

Made my reservation thru agoda.com - prices have increased considerably. But I got tired of staying at some of the cheaper places.

The only thing I wil report is the buffet breakfast. They never had this in my previous stays here. It really is very good, and 10 times better than their previous setup.


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  • 9 months later...

Thank you for the info, I will be trying the LK Royal suites out next March and I am looking forward to it.

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NB, Good to have another BM opinion.


Just checked that long thread. Many choices, and many look quite decent. Sometimes I am in the mood for buffet type breakfast, and other times a set menu.


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  • 3 months later...

A mate and I just spent 7 nights at the LK Royal Suites...


The hotel is ok - but do not stay there if you place any value in having a good hot shower...


We had 2 separate hotel rooms - and in both cases the showers were a complete failure..  (Read systemic rip off) -


I notified reception, they looked concerned and mentioned something about getting it sorted.    However 24 hours nothing had been done.


Mentioned the problem again - front desk explained some complicated process was required whereby both the cold water and hot water had to be put on full, then the hot backed off in minor increments to 'just right'.


The whole thing was total rubbish...    It was totally impossible to have a "normal" hot shower.    Each day showering took about twice as long - as one had to constantly fully turn on, then fully turn off the hot water - then repeat this cycle manipulating the cold water fully on and off...    You had to stand outside the flow of the shower most of the time - whilst it cycled through it's extreme (scalding) hots / through to a cold water shower...    You only had about a minute under the shower between "cycles"...


It ruined the possibility for any TGF shower fun...


Mate's shower (separate hotel room) "operated" exactly the same way.


Worse - mate said the showers in that hotel were exactly the same no good the last time he stayed at LK Royal Suites a few months earlier...


Only opportunity for a proper shower was at our daily 1 hr 300bt massages down the Soi


Also, forget about using the pool.    In December the whole pool area was in shadow for most of the day...


Other issues - no in-room meal service; breakfast buffet area not air coned; no bacon included in the buffet - 'pay extra 40bt for a pc of bacon'; lobby internet hopeless; front desk staff vague; with very limited English speaking ability; (in both hotel rooms) the sat signal would drop out on the TVs often for some reason - and for up to an hour+; ...to the right of the photos on Agoda depicting their lobby - is in reality some random shabby looking admin office..  (Eg: Metre high piles of bookwork stacked up on numerous desks; (perhaps a space designed for some previously gone bust lobby shop or something?; 2 guys sitting around at the entry door 24/7 - but whom never bother smiling at anyone, let alone greeting them, or opening a door for them; etc


Other than that - the rooms are spacious and clean, the housekeeping staff are friendly 


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That's off the list then!!!

Thanks for the heads up and reporting the facts on a so called up market place to stay??

You cannot escape the spell or the lure of the Thai darkside Kyrano!!! Posted Image



A quote by Oscar Wilde " A cynic recognises the cost of everything, and the value of nothing"


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 I was looking hard at this place , no longer , I read as well if you book a standard room with Agoda or my favorite Bookings.com you get housed in a separate standard rooms wing and meals are taken in the main building next door ,  sounds not so good ,


 So question what hotel in that area is a better hotel for the same money 30 pounds a night on Bookings .com. in June .

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I have stayed at the lk. Royal suites a couple times in the past
I now stay at v&m terrace across the road
Rooms are a third of the price almost as good
Just pay 100 baht if you want to use the swimming pool/gym at lk suites

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I have stayed at the lk. Royal suites a couple times in the past

I now stay at v&m terrace across the road

Rooms are a third of the price almost as good

Just pay 100 baht if you want to use the swimming pool/gym at lk suites

How is Terry Fingers going?  Still giving the Royal Suites a good show?  LOL



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  • 2 weeks later...

not staying here any longer. I had the same issues with the shower -  I put up with it for some strange reason. More dissatisfied with other issues more serious. Front desk tried to rip me off. Reported it to police. Agoda also was notified.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Such a pity as looks good on Agoda.com and a lot of room for 1495 bt per nt for a studio but the overall verdict is poor and lazy uninterested rip-off staff too...def off the list!!

You cannot escape the spell or the lure of the Thai darkside Kyrano!!! Posted Image



A quote by Oscar Wilde " A cynic recognises the cost of everything, and the value of nothing"


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  • 2 weeks later...


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