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PA Website and Chrome, a PSA

Little Evil

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Just wanted to post this issue, just in case anyone else has had it.


I've been having a difficult time using Chrome with this website. I go to login, and it repeatedly says "No login name entered" or something to that effect. I am 100% certain that I have the info in the correct boxes. I could use Firefox and IE, but Chrome is my preferred browser, so this was really annoying. As it turns out, a Chrome extension I installed called "Facebook Disconnect" is causing the issue. I use that extension to prevent Facebook from tracking me during web surfing sessions. It is scary how much info Facebook can collect, and I'm the generally paranoid type. Anyway, when I disabled this extension, the login works again.

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I use chrome, don't ever have a problem.


close down your facebook IMO, a lot of shit


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It isn't Facebook or Chrome that's causing the issue. It is an extension for Chrome that blocks Facebook from tracking you. Again, I'm a little paranoid, so I don't like the fact that Facebook would have my username, IP, and internet traffic list for all sites that have the "Like" button. All it takes is 1 login, per session, and even if you navigate away from the Facebook page, they are still tracking you. Kind of creepy, and it would only take one server breach for that list to end up in public hands. Do I really want my internet tendencies recorded?


Long story short, if you turn this off, the login works again.

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It isn't Facebook or Chrome that's causing the issue. It is an extension for Chrome that blocks Facebook from tracking you. Again, I'm a little paranoid, so I don't like the fact that Facebook would have my username, IP, and internet traffic list for all sites that have the "Like" button. All it takes is 1 login, per session, and even if you navigate away from the Facebook page, they are still tracking you. Kind of creepy, and it would only take one server breach for that list to end up in public hands. Do I really want my internet tendencies recorded?


Long story short, if you turn this off, the login works again.




If you don't have a facebook account (like me) then how can they track you?


I take it you have and photo's of yourself, tagged and all ? Face recognition? Silly!


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Chrome for me... Excellent for clockdown clock as well...

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If you don't have a facebook account (like me) then how can they track you?


I take it you have and photo's of yourself, tagged and all ? Face recognition? Silly!


That can't, if you don't have an account. That wasn't really the point though. Concerns over tracking is just my personal paranoia. My post was just to let people know about this bug, just in case anyone else had the same problem logging in. I have photos tagged, but that's not the tracking concern. The concern would be if Facebook's servers ever get hacked, and someone decides to dump all tracking data on the internet, free for people to look up Facebook handles and see what they've been looking at online. Not a huge issue, but could be embarrassing nonetheless.

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The concern would be if Facebook's servers ever get hacked, and someone decides to dump all tracking data on the internet, free for people to look up Facebook handles and see what they've been looking at online. Not a huge issue, but could be embarrassing nonetheless.



My point exactly,





No one else (so far) has the same problem as yourself so it isn't something i can help you with.

There is a BM called Hellbender who may be able to help you. PM him


He is a bit of a computer wizard/ geek, whatever you like to call it.


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My point exactly,





No one else (so far) has the same problem as yourself so it isn't something i can help you with.

There is a BM called Hellbender who may be able to help you. PM him


He is a bit of a computer wizard/ geek, whatever you like to call it.


I already solved the problem. My initial post was to say that I figured it out, and that it was a public service announcement for anyone else with the problem.

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