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Flight tax international and domestic up


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Tax increased in both of domestic and international flights


Airport of Thailand (AOT) has announced to raise the airport tax of both domestic and international flights. The announcement is effective today.


Mr. Chotisak Asupwiriya (โชติศักดิ์ อาสภวิริยะ), the President of the Airport of Thailand company, informed that the tax for domestic flights will be raised from 50 baht to 100 baht per each flight, while the tax of the international flight will increase from 500 baht to 700 baht per flight.


He said that the increase in fares will create more revenues to the airport by 20 percent or approximately 1,300 million baht per year.


In addition, Mr. Chotisak said that the airport will increase landing tax fee by 15 percent, starting from April 1st.


He said that the measures will give generate an additional 450 million baht of the revenue to the airport, adding that the partial revenue will be spent to renovate some areas of Suvarnabhumi Airport.


Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 01 February 2007

Member since Dec 06.

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Wow didn't see this coming.... :07:


renovate some areas of Suvarnabhumi Airport.


Renovation planned on a brand new building, nice!

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The action begins as you land with the cracks in the Runway..


If you make it you get to pay for the privilege of a safe landing by paying for its repairs on the way out

Member since Dec 06.

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This increase was announced a long time ago, before the new airport opened and the tax is going to be included in ticket costs from now on as well so you will no longer have to worry about keeping enough baht in your pocket to leave the country. My eticket from Air Canada for my trip next week has the departure tax included in the cost of the ticket. On my eticket it is listed as the Thailand Domestic Psgr. Service and cost me $22.96 CAD. It took me a bit to figure out what it was because it says domestic on my ticket but as my flights are international I finally realized it was the departure tax.

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the tax is going to be included in ticket costs from now on


Good good more expense for the company to pick up

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This increase was announced a long time ago, before the new airport opened and the tax is going to be included in ticket costs from now on as well so you will no longer have to worry about keeping enough baht in your pocket to leave the country. My eticket from Air Canada for my trip next week has the departure tax included in the cost of the ticket. On my eticket it is listed as the Thailand Domestic Psgr. Service and cost me $22.96 CAD. It took me a bit to figure out what it was because it says domestic on my ticket but as my flights are international I finally realized it was the departure tax.



Ok but will they try to get it on the way out too? It being so new, you not knowing what it is..hmm.

The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it?


A death. What's that, a bonus ? I think the life cycle is all backwards.


You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work.


You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement.


You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities.


You become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last nine months floating... you finish off as an orgasm.


It's perfect !

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My understanding is that they will no longer be able to collect it on the way out. They will remove the dispensing machines. I am not completely up to date on all of the relevant information but this was my understanding some time ago. I'll be finding out from first hand information soon though.

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I think that the reason that they didn't create good infrastructure to collect the tax at the new airport was because they knew that the tax would be collected when a ticket was bought. The crappy booth that they have been using at the airport will disappear soon (oh shit, I forgot that TiT so maybe not!!.. :D )

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