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The Floods return as Pattaya experiences sustained rainfalls.


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At this time, Pattaya is experiencing sustained periods of rainfall, mainly at nightwhich is once again causing flash flooding.


The Pattaya City Hall Call center has been bombarded with complaints from residents who are angry that the same areas are

experiencing problems with flooding every year and the City appear not to be doing anything about the problem.


The usual hotspots stand under water, such as large sections of Sukhumvit Road, Central and South Pattaya roads were under water for more than 2 hours after the rains had finished.







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I don't think it would be right to have a September without at least one flood in Pattaya... :Party1:

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I remember last year September 14th, what a flood that was! Loved it!

Yes it was a good one. I posted some photos of that one: Last year's flood

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My moto for 2017: Don't argue with an idiot. Don't argue with.....

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Looks quite wet. Gotta be a pain, but at the same time its always been part of life there.

The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it?


A death. What's that, a bonus ? I think the life cycle is all backwards.


You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work.


You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement.


You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities.


You become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last nine months floating... you finish off as an orgasm.


It's perfect !

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The last time I`ve been in Patts it was really dry and there wasn`t even enough water to support the hotels, restaurants and bars.

It was in July and September 2005. Now I`m really happy to be in LOS in November. :Party1:

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Now I`m really happy to be in LOS in November. :Party1:

So am i :Biatch1:



When the life as you live it goes titts up, can you press Ctrl-alt-delete to remove it or is that only on the internet?


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Im happy that im not there i hate rain

You ain't fooling me... :GrinNod1:

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My moto for 2017: Don't argue with an idiot. Don't argue with.....

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On our trip to cambodia in may we had some rain.

This is on our morning ride with the tuk tuk.





sponge bob

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I was stuck in the Areca Lodge for two days last september, with the Lovely Porn, ex cherry Bar. You gotta love those floods.






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jizzflicker "I just wanna fill a wheel barrow up with jizz and tip it all over her head, while her sister spanks her with a dildo"

Bryan "What Colours your Dog"


LaaMok "I was bored once and had time to waste. i decided to try and unload without touching myself or rubbing, i think about 4 hours later, the yogurt truck crashed."
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cool. at least i wont be sweating. :P



Be sure to have an umbrella then or you`ll get wet onto the bone and you`ll have to get be dried and cleaned by your little Thai tierak. Lol. :P:wub:

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I want to splash around in the puddles and not be here



:P It`s better to get wet in LOS then get wet in the cold weather and being alone. Happy to go soon, I`m counting the days now. :wub:

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