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Birds & Bees Resort Jomtien


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Hi all, I have been looking to the site of the birds and bees resort in Jomtien for a while now...


The restaurant looks amazing, they seem to have a very unique style of garden, that you must pass to enter the restaurant, but their rooms also look very exclusive.

I am realy considering staying at this place for at least once, just to have been there.


I don't even think it's that expensive.


Here is their site, just go ahead and explore it, it's one of those places to take that girl out for a dinner, if you think she's just that little bit more special then all the other :P





Now, my question is if someone has allready had the pleasure to visit one of the rooms in the past, and what did you think of it?

Edited by doctorsam17
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Hi all, I have been looking to the site of the birds and bees resort in Jomtien for a while now...


The restaurant looks amazing, they seem to have a very unique style of garden, that you must pass to enter the restaurant, but their rooms also look very exclusive.

I am realy considering staying at this place for at least once, just to have been there.


I don't even think it's that expensive.


Here is their site, just go ahead and explore it, it's one of those places to take that girl out for a dinner, if you think she's just that little bit more special then all the other :P





Now, my question is if someone has allready had the pleasure to visit one of the rooms in the past, and what did you think of it?

Let us know how the beach and the sea are. I can’t imagine it will be cleaner than Jomtien Beach, let alone Pattaya Beach.

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Hi all, I have been looking to the site of the birds and bees resort in Jomtien for a while now...


The restaurant looks amazing, they seem to have a very unique style of garden, that you must pass to enter the restaurant, but their rooms also look very exclusive.

I am realy considering staying at this place for at least once, just to have been there.


I don't even think it's that expensive.


Here is their site, just go ahead and explore it, it's one of those places to take that girl out for a dinner, if you think she's just that little bit more special then all the other :P





Now, my question is if someone has allready had the pleasure to visit one of the rooms in the past, and what did you think of it?

I also had a look at their menu: 80 + 10 % + 7 % = 93,6 = 100 baht rounded for a soda/coke/fanta/sprite. No mention of other drinks. Set menus at 600-900 baht also + 10 % + 7 %.

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For a decent menu, thats still not expensive in my eyes...


There is a difference in just going to grab something to eat and going to a restaurant. Also, the menu's are real menu's, not just a 1 plate dish.

Edited by doctorsam17
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Interesting place....it owned by Thailand's "condom king" Mechai Viravaidya, a wealthy politician and former Thai cabinet minister, Mr Viravaidya has been campaigning and promoting safe sex, AIDS awareness and family planning for over 2 decades.


They have a table there with free condoms so I guess desert is taken for granted.

There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts.



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For a decent menu, thats still not expensive in my eyes...


There is a difference in just going to grab something to eat and going to a restaurant. Also, the menu's are real menu's, not just a 1 plate dish.

I don’t say the food is too expensive although you should not compare to European prices, but the drink prices are really over the top for Pattaya.

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Interesting place....it owned by Thailand's "condom king" Mechai Viravaidya, a wealthy politician and former Thai cabinet minister, Mr Viravaidya has been campaigning and promoting safe sex, AIDS awareness and family planning for over 2 decades.


They have a table there with free condoms so I guess desert is taken for granted.

I still find it a strange, if not disgusting, name for a restaurant: Cabbages and Condoms, like finding a used condom in your salad.

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I was looking at the rooms rate and thinking maybe I would pay this much for such a great resort, private beach, unique gardens and pathways, it was almost perfect until I saw the non smoking sign.

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I don’t say the food is too expensive although you should not compare to European prices, but the drink prices are really over the top for Pattaya.


The place is unique, in my opinion, ok, the drinks are pricey, but not over the top for something unique.


I do understand that everybody has is own thoughts about this, and everyone also has his own taste and stuff, so it would be pointless to keep debating on this :)

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I still find it a strange, if not disgusting, name for a restaurant: Cabbages and Condoms, like finding a used condom in your salad.


I admire what Mechai Viravaidya has achieved, Most of the proceeds from the restaurant goes to the PDA. There is a family planning clinic next door which I think looks after the needs of poor thai girls and is one of the few places where they can get terminations if required. Reading this mans story is inspiring and a little humbling. Apart from reducing the population growth rate from 4.7 children per family in 1974 to 1.6 children per family in 2009, he has given tremendous support to reducing the spread of aids and even claims responsibility for increasing the number of Toilets in Thailand's restaurants.


The name "Cabbages & Condoms" sprang from the founder's belief that for family planning to be successful, birth control should be as accessible as vegetables in the market.

There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts.



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Wow, Andyaus, you shure know the some of the background to this place. Now I should definately visit this place, just to support such a great initiative !

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Looks like it actually has a decent beach that you would want to use.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is directly next to the sapphire lodge, lots of guests there come to our place! No one says a bad word about the place, which is a good sign!

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This is directly next to the sapphire lodge, lots of guests there come to our place! No one says a bad word about the place, which is a good sign!


I'm probably going to spend some of my time during my next trip at your place, so it would be a shame if I wouldn't even visit the place once... Maybe I'll take the cleaning lady there :P

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I admire what Mechai Viravaidya has achieved, Most of the proceeds from the restaurant goes to the PDA. There is a family planning clinic next door which I think looks after the needs of poor thai girls and is one of the few places where they can get terminations if required. Reading this mans story is inspiring and a little humbling. Apart from reducing the population growth rate from 4.7 children per family in 1974 to 1.6 children per family in 2009, he has given tremendous support to reducing the spread of aids and even claims responsibility for increasing the number of Toilets in Thailand's restaurants.


The name "Cabbages & Condoms" sprang from the founder's belief that for family planning to be successful, birth control should be as accessible as vegetables in the market.

That person has also been a minister in a coup installed government (1991). Not so nice if you ask me. And what you call “terminations” are in fact “abortions”. The way rich Thais “care” for poor Thais.

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That person has also been a minister in a coup installed government (1991). Not so nice if you ask me. And what you call “terminations” are in fact “abortions”. The way rich Thais “care” for poor Thais.


I have no doubt that when we look under the surface of many successful people we will find skeletons. I try to avoid discussions regarding politics but I recognise that there are two sides to each story. You obviously have stronger feelings based on your personal connections and I am looking at the story from a different country. From my perspective he appears to be doing good, hence my comments. I would be happy to hear more about things he may have been involved in during the coup if you care to share.


As far as abortions/terminations are concerned I have mixed feelings about this subject. I admit that I waiver between the pro choice and pro life arguments. i fear that I may never form a definite opinion. I do believe that Thailand needed to stop a population explosion and birth control together with terminations has achieved this result. Good or bad is a matter of opinion. I would hate to see the numbers of children living in Bangkok rubbish tips like Phnom Phen or Manila and I think there is a correlation between this and population growth in poorer areas. Perhaps you have a better idea of how to address the problem?

There are some that only employ words for the purpose of disguising their thoughts.



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